Fdx Clt-myr

Anyone know if there's a flight from CLT to MYR on the caravan this Fri? If so, who's the operator and can we jumpseat on them?

I'll assume MYR is Myrtle Beach?

I believe the official policy is NO j/s's on the Caravans but ... rumor mill says some folk have had luck talking to the Captains at other stations
Quote: some folk have had luck talking to the Captains at other stations
Not anymore, big mouth.
"I believe the official policy is NO j/s's on the Caravans but ... rumor mill says some folk have had luck talking to the Captains at other stations "

Don't you have a two week trip with Adlerdriver next month?
Quote: Not anymore, big mouth.
I never used a 208 with a Baron guy to get to AFW.