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Falconjet 12-28-2006 05:00 PM

I'd sure like to hear a reasonable explanation why they are hiring folks a month after applying without referrals when they have several people who have been sitting in a pool for 2 years or more.

Note that I said reasonable.

Anybody want to give that a shot?

I think that is deplorable.


mtnbiker 12-28-2006 05:35 PM

Been swimming since 3/05
Hey all,
I've been swimming since 03/05. Called them about 3 months ago and was told my chances were good because of all the hiring going on. Lots of hiring took place but I never got the call. Last week I retook the FE written and sent an update letter in (My previous FE written was kept current by flying part 121). My sponsor has made a couple of inquires. I also know two other peeps on the flightinfo boards who have also been swimming a long time (03/05 and 04/05).
UPS is the number #1 place that I want to work. I can't wait to get the call and bust my butt! I'm just hoping with all the hiring that is going to happen soon that it will totally drain the pool so everyone gets flushed out.

a2b boxhaul 12-28-2006 06:09 PM

I think I see a life preserver
Well I'm glad to have been able to post. at the very least I see there are others here in the same perplexing predicament. I have sent emails updating my quals and letting HR how interested I remain. I have met at the job fairs and spoken with Phil and Paige. I know how great a job UPS is , even though I am waiting patiently, it is nice to have all of you keeping me company. I still can't figure out the code but I know that a call will come. Thanks so much for the feed back. BTW the post of those who have been in the pool are you still flying heavy jets or other equip while you wait?

a2b boxhaul 12-28-2006 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by kwri10s (Post 96667)
When was the last time you directly contacted HR? The guys in the room had some questions about that. What did the company say last time you contacted them?

Those that checked for me and by my own checking the standard answer was it a competitve score that is issued and that if some one scores higher then they are offered a slot.

TipTip35 12-29-2006 07:12 AM

Can someone help me understand the pool. I thought once you were hired by an airline you went into their pool and waited for a class date. I thought the class dates came in order of hire so that basically no one hired behind me would actually start training before me (seniority amongst new hires). If that is correct then for you guys who have been in the pool for over a year is accurate to say that no one hired by your respective company in the last year has actually started training.

Am I missing something here? It seems odd (and a little inconsiderate) to have a guy sitting on ice for over a year and not be able to tell him/her when they are going start training. It doesnt seem impossible to me for airlines to be able to plan out a year or so and know how many pilots they put through a training program. I would think you be able to get a training date at the same time they tell you you've been hired...

1800 RVR 12-29-2006 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by TipTip35 (Post 96925)
Can someone help me understand the pool. I thought once you were hired by an airline you went into their pool and waited for a class date. I thought the class dates came in order of hire so that basically no one hired behind me would actually start training before me (seniority amongst new hires). If that is correct then for you guys who have been in the pool for over a year is accurate to say that no one hired by your respective company in the last year has actually started training.

Am I missing something here? It seems odd (and a little inconsiderate) to have a guy sitting on ice for over a year and not be able to tell him/her when they are going start training. It doesnt seem impossible to me for airlines to be able to plan out a year or so and know how many pilots they put through a training program. I would think you be able to get a training date at the same time they tell you you've been hired...

Fact #1: UPS is not an airline - we are a trucking company with airplanes.

Thus, we don't follow the normal standard of airline hiring.

Our pool is a competitive pool - the better your overall score from the interview, the higher you sit in the pool and the quicker you get out. As new people interview, they are placed in the pool in the respective place of their score. So, a poolie can move up on the list or move down. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is what it is. These are their rules, and we must live with them. Hopefully, the pool will be emptied with all of the hiring going on, but no one can tell for sure. Those that get called right away for a class date after their interview are VERY lucky. Good luck to all of the poolies: I hope your 2007 will be a good one by receiving that phone call with an area code of 502! Hang in there, all! :D

MaydayMark 12-29-2006 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by TipTip35 (Post 96925)
Can someone help me understand the pool. I thought once you were hired by an airline you went into their pool and waited for a class date. I thought the class dates came in order of hire so that basically no one hired behind me would actually start training before me (seniority amongst new hires). If that is correct then for you guys who have been in the pool for over a year is accurate to say that no one hired by your respective company in the last year has actually started training.

Am I missing something here? It seems odd (and a little inconsiderate) to have a guy sitting on ice for over a year and not be able to tell him/her when they are going start training. It doesnt seem impossible to me for airlines to be able to plan out a year or so and know how many pilots they put through a training program. I would think you be able to get a training date at the same time they tell you you've been hired...

I've heard that FedEx has had people in the pool for years sometimes. Actually what happened was they stopped hiring. When they started hiring several years later, everyone in the "old" pool was offered a job before they offered anyone else a position. I suspect many of them had found other employment in the mean time and were no longer interested but I still thought it was a classy gesture on FedEx's part.

Falconjet 12-29-2006 08:40 AM

Before 911 when Delta was hiring I am pretty sure that they had a "competitive" pool also. Talk about being in purgatory. Well, we kind of like you and we'd like to offer you a job, but we're going to go ahead and interview indefinitely until we are sure, and might bring those who we like better on in the meantime. Might not be such a bad thing in normal companies, but when your entire life revolves around your seniority it is a crime.

I think that is a poor way to treat potential employees, but hey I don't run the "airline".

Another reason why you are not "hired" until you are sitting in class with a seniority number and ID card. Until then you are just continuing in the process.


EDPM 12-29-2006 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by TipTip35 (Post 96925)
Can someone help me understand the pool. I thought once you were hired by an airline you went into their pool and waited for a class date. I thought the class dates came in order of hire so that basically no one hired behind me would actually start training before me (seniority amongst new hires)...

Am I missing something here? It seems odd (and a little inconsiderate) to have a guy sitting on ice for over a year and not be able to tell him/her when they are going start training...

I think what you're missing is an accurate understanding of what it means to be in the pool (specifically as it applies to UPS). If you are in the pool, you are not "hired." To be in the pool simply means you have interviewed and have not been rejected. Nothing more, nothing less. You are not hired until you are given a class date and show up for that class.

If you have been in the pool for a year and someone else interviews today and goes to class tomorrow, you are not senior to him. You are nothing relative to him because he is hired and you are in the pool.

Hope this helps.

My stats:

Interviewed mid 2001. Placed in the pool in late summer 2001. Hiring stopped after 9-11. Hiring resumed in late 2004. Hired in late 2004.


CactusCrew 12-29-2006 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by EDPM (Post 96994)
I think what you're missing is an accurate understanding of what it means to be in the pool (specifically as it applies to UPS). .......

Or simply confusing a COMPETITIVE pool with a FiFo pool or First In First Out pool.

They function basically the same, but the rescue procedures are different.

Then there are places that don't even use a pool ... Some places tell you that you are hired and give you a tentative class date right at the end of the interview. Of course pending drug test and criminal background check. Some do it later with a letter or phone call.

Still others will start contacting employers as if they are going to hire you ... to the point the HR department is congratulating you on the job offer. Then 2 months later reject ... ???

I understand CASINOS better than I understand airline hiring practices ... and I don't gamble !!!


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