I have a question. How many of you are totally frustrated with the total lack of common sense displayed by the Transportation Security Administration, Especially the new Large Aircraft Security Program proposal. I feel like we as Americans are losing our freedoms because of programs such as this. Do you believe that the TSA should be overhauled or do you believe that these programs will actually help promote security which we all want.
I think the government has had corp jets in their sights for quite awhile. A G/V full of bad stuff would be a bad thing in the wrong hands. And yes I know that anyone can rent a truck blah blah blah. Security sucks but its here to stay.
Quote: I have a question. How many of you are totally frustrated with the total lack of common sense displayed by the Transportation Security Administration, Especially the new Large Aircraft Security Program proposal. I feel like we as Americans are losing our freedoms because of programs such as this. Do you believe that the TSA should be overhauled or do you believe that these programs will actually help promote security which we all want.
Maybe it will help create the illusion of security.
Quote: I have a question. How many of you are totally frustrated with the total lack of common sense displayed by the Transportation Security Administration, Especially the new Large Aircraft Security Program proposal. I feel like we as Americans are losing our freedoms because of programs such as this. Do you believe that the TSA should be overhauled or do you believe that these programs will actually help promote security which we all want.
Just another guy trying to justify his job, and increase his department's funding.
Quote: I have a question. How many of you are totally frustrated with the total lack of common sense displayed by the Transportation Security Administration, Especially the new Large Aircraft Security Program proposal. I feel like we as Americans are losing our freedoms because of programs such as this. Do you believe that the TSA should be overhauled or do you believe that these programs will actually help promote security which we all want.
Do you think this will pass muster when some congressman can't take his bottled water on board or his wife can't take her nail file on their own G-V? Imagine a hollywood star/starlett being denied something they want on their own plane?

I'm tired of the lack of standardization from airport to airport. At ISP the other day my airline ID alone wasn't sufficient. Need a DL, passport, or mil ID as well. I don't care what they want, just want them all to be the same. Tired of BS from a GED candidate.
I dislike the TSA. I am in charge of a freight forwardering operation. They are always in my business and new regs each and every hour to help insure security. Gah, they are lame and annoying. It's just complete bureaucracy. Signed forms (Known/Unknown Shipper) are not going to stop a bomb.