
Anyone know any AB pilots? How would an outsider go about getting a resume looked at? I was going to take my resume out to SUS and beat on the gate until they answered, but they'll probably call the cops.

Any other ideas?

A guy I used to work with had previously worked for AB. He said it was an awesome job until the European company Inbev came in and bought the company. Layoffs, firings, and uncomfortable work conditions followed. Sad to see a great American company like that no longer have American ownership.
Great American company? Augie Busch was a union-hating SOB. It was inevitable that the family would cash out.
Cash out, it's only been 5 of 6 generations of family ownership. Truth be told, AB was mostly a publicly traded company an InBev bought it, fair and square, with an offer that couldn't be found elsewhere. It's called a free market. I wish they still US, but neither is the WSJ or Chysler or many other big companies.

Working for AB is really a pipe dream for anyone in STL. I have a buddy at emerson that was laid off from AB and would love to go back. Inbev sold some of the falcons and send their execs via commercial to where they need to go. AB used to be one of the best flying jobs in the US… not anymore.
Quote: Anyone know any AB pilots? How would an outsider go about getting a resume looked at? I was going to take my resume out to SUS and beat on the gate until they answered, but they'll probably call the cops.

Any other ideas?

Fill out the app and let the chips fall where they may.
I find it funny that they're hiring off the street considering In-Bev let the whole place go and sold the planes a couple years ago.
Looks like they've changed their minds are are restarting.