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block30 05-28-2020 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by AirbusPTC (Post 3065420)
Well for one thing 183 countries out of 187 countries ARE in lockdown. The four countries that haven't have closed schools, cancelled sports leagues and made other changes. To most the equals "The Whole World" has been in lockdown mode. You deny this...and act as those that favor lockdown are Leftwing commies that want to make Trump look bad?

As for this, I already told you, and you deflected, even in the US, 8 states did *not.* lockdown. Even in the states that did, and I live in one of them, the people were out and about. They were. That is just reality. These people may have been forbidden from working, or already lost their jobs, had their financial lives destroyed, but they were still out and about.

Policy versus reality. Big difference.

This broad stroke of all caps "WHOLE" and "lockdown" are completely misleading. I just talked to my Japanese buddy. He said they didn't go as full a lockdown policy as many US States did.



  1. a scale or a series of successive changes, stages, or degrees.
    "within the woodpecker family, there is a gradation of drilling ability"
    range scale gamut spectrum sweep compass span progression sequence succession series variety hierarchy
    ladder ranking pecking order
    • a stage or change in a series of successive degrees.
      "minute gradations of distance"
    • a minute change from one shade, tone, or color to another.
      "amorphous shapes in subtle gradations of green and blue"

Enough hyperbole!!!

Yeah, almost all countries in the whole took some action, but that is *not* the same thing as the "WHOLE" world going into lockdown. That is false advertising on its face.

Also, as an airline pilot I've been to every COVID hotspot but LA. At one point my town was listed as highest impact or potential impact in my state. How am I and my immediate family? Fine. Just fine. Same with my extended family and my supposedly doomed home town. This hasn't passed the smell check in long time.

Meanwhile, governors who ordered nursing homes to take COVID positive are getting along just fine, and deflecting the reality that they doomed thousands.

My mom died in Feburary at age 61 of cancer. I've posted that too. If this thing was delayed several months she could have been forced into living with COVID postive and gone even sooner----and that---THAT would have been a crock. But she was dying anyway. To protect nursing homes? Great! I'm on board! To destroy society to get her a few more months---even she wouldn't want that.

Someday I will (hopefully) get old. I expect I will have the grace to die my own way without demanding society destroy itself to spare me a couple extra months or even years. Do not speak as if I am unaware of my own or my family's mortality.

block30 05-28-2020 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by AirbusPTC (Post 3065420)
Well for one thing 183 countries out of 187 countries ARE in lockdown. The four countries that haven't have closed schools, cancelled sports leagues and made other changes. To most the equals "The Whole World" has been in lockdown mode. You deny this...and act as those that favor lockdown are Leftwing commies that want to make Trump look bad?

Those who favor lockdown (generally)
1. Lack nuance (I haven't seen any serious talk about getting the healthy and willing people back to work/school)

2. Have been ok with blatantly moved goalposts

3. Haven't acknowledged the economic damage or the 2nd, 3rd, 4th order consequences

4. (generally) aren't greatly worried about their economic well being (for any of a million reasons)

5. Don't own a business

6. The liberal media and politicians did take a decided tack on this issue. That is just reality. Conservative media and politicians varied more in their responses, though yes, there was a *general* tone. That is not me saying MAGA or Trump 2020. My first statement in number 6 can be true at the same time it is true I am not a trump or republican fan boy. I know, unpossible.

7. Haven't take to task the governors who forced COVID positive into nursing homes or the PA Health Secretary (or whatever their title is---its late) taking their grandma out of a nursing home despite knowing what they did----and didn't sound the alarm for everyone else. This is despicable!! ...and is not a political statement like dems are great or republicans are great!! This is scandal of epic proportions.

8. Have reposted and replayed certain really big gaffes and then misquoted said gaffes to sound even worse, yet other gaffes simply get swept under the rug.

9. Haven't taken to task the Proponents of the lockdown and their families who have broken lockdown. Then when called on it they either lied, attacked, or shrugged it off. No. They should not be left to slip away. You know its super deadly and serious when the powers that be wont follow their own orders or soap box screeds.

block30 05-28-2020 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by AirbusPTC (Post 3065420)
Well for one thing 183 countries out of 187 countries ARE in lockdown. The four countries that haven't have closed schools, cancelled sports leagues and made other changes. To most the equals "The Whole World" has been in lockdown mode. You deny this...and act as those that favor lockdown are Leftwing commies that want to make Trump look bad?

Oh yeah, who can forget the sheriffs and state legislatures smacking down laws as unconstitutional? The government doing unconstitutional stuff? Yeah thats a big deal and its bad.

I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That means something to me. The least I can do is say something.

Anson Harris 05-28-2020 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by block30 (Post 3066129)
Those who favor lockdown (generally)...

8. Have reposted and replayed certain really big gaffes and then misquoted said gaffes to sound even worse, yet other gaffes simply get swept under the rug.

This one is the most maddening. A brief hit list:
  1. Wildly, and I mean wildly, overstated fatality estimates that led to unnecessarily extreme measures resulting in the loss of trillions of dollars and an as-yet unknown number of lives. Oops.
  2. Very bad medical guidance continuing well into the event: Don't use anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulation treatments. Intubate early and often. Tens of thousands dead and overwhelmed hospitals as a result? Dang, blew that call!
  3. Wasting time and resources on manufacturing ventilators. As if we'd all get through this as long as there was a magic breathing machine for everyone. Thanks for retooling your production line to make something we never had any chance of needing.
  4. I can't even find the words to describe the decisions to put anything even remotely covid related near old, sick people. But, hey, that's only about half of all the deaths. No biggie.
We can never know, but it's entirely possible that we would have been better off if the "public health" and government sectors did absolutely nothing and we simply dealt with this as a novel medical issue.

AirbusPTC 05-29-2020 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by block30 (Post 3066167)
Oh yeah, who can forget the sheriffs and state legislatures smacking down laws as unconstitutional? The government doing unconstitutional stuff? Yeah thats a big deal and its bad.

I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That means something to me. The least I can do is say something.

Lockdowns aren't unconstitutional.

block30 05-29-2020 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by AirbusPTC (Post 3066322)

What governors are doing is being ruled unconstitutional given timelines and I believe rationales behind lockdowns. Are you seriously saying sheriffs and legislatures havent overturned governors on constitutinal grounds? I can post the links if you need.

This is your problem. You lack nuance. You takr a big blanket statement and apply it to tbings that need context and detail.

Here, here's just one

The Wisconsin Supreme Court, for example, struck down Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' "safer at home" order on the grounds that his administration did not have the power to unilaterally impose the restrictions without the input of the state legislature

WhistlePig 05-29-2020 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Anson Harris (Post 3066174)
This one is the most maddening. A brief hit list:
  1. Wildly, and I mean wildly, overstated fatality estimates ...

Oh really? The state of Florida recently posted over 5000 deaths from, checks notes, “pneumonia”. In a previous 5 year period, 2013-2018, and over the same relevant period, Florida averaged just over 900 deaths. COVID-19 deaths are being misreported, but the number is not being overstated. In fact, the opposite is demonstrably true, at least in Florida.

Anson Harris 05-29-2020 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by WhistlePig (Post 3066472)
Oh really? The state of Florida recently posted over 5000 deaths from, checks notes, “pneumonia”. In a previous 5 year period, 2013-2018, and over the same relevant period, Florida averaged just over 900 deaths. COVID-19 deaths are being misreported, but the number is not being overstated. In fact, the opposite is demonstrably true, at least in Florida.

Please, do demonstrate, because I'm not following you.

Not sure if I need to explain the difference between projected and actual fatalities, but I'll just give one example of what I was actually referring to (not the reporting of actual deaths). As recently as mid-April, IHME was projecting over 17k dead in Sweden (everyone's favorite punching bag). Less than a month later, that was revised down to about 5.7k (one-third as many). This overstating and subsequent downward revision has played out over and over again.

Excargodog 05-29-2020 11:43 AM

An interesting comparison...

Mesabah 05-29-2020 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Excargodog (Post 3066567)

That makes perfect sense, the NY governor seeded the virus into facilities that had vulnerable populations.

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