Biz Travel Won’t Be Taking Off Soon

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Quote: Our card sales reflect that change in the decision tree (one of the reasons our flight demand is roughly 75% of PC demand). Whether that is a long term choice remains to be seen.
Depends on perceived value for the money. There was a reason that subset didn't spend the money before (frugal, not poor), but some might change their minds if they like the product.
Quote: We’re already back to roughly 75% of PC (pre-Covid) flight demand.
LOL. You mean 7.5%?
Quote: LOL. You mean 7.5%?
No, I mean 75%. I could show you the data but then my employer would have a problem with sharing actual company information.

Long story short. We didn't take CARES money. We won't be furloughing. And business has rebounded so fast that they are scrambling to bring people back into the Ops center from home.

I have plenty of friends in the 121 world and I'm just hoping they experience a similar rebound.
Quote: Depends on perceived value for the money. There was a reason that subset didn't spend the money before (frugal, not poor), but some might change their minds if they like the product.
I think plenty who could have afforded it before will pay for it now because they are scared of riding the airlines. Fractional demand is actually recovering faster than it did from 9/11. I've been here for both.
if I hear "just like after 9-11" I am going to vomit
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