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RhinoPherret 08-07-2020 03:39 AM

Originally Posted by Av8rPHX (Post 3106104)
Vote every single one of them out. It’s clear none of them work “for the people”

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Yes. Because the next group of detached politicians will be so in tune with all the people, just like all the previous. :rolleyes:
Such a cliche statement used over and over.

tallpilot 08-07-2020 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3106103)
Tomorrow is Friday

working all week still no progress....

also, is the PSP even in this thing?

White House, Democrats Fail to Find Breakthrough on Stimulus

There is plenty of progress. They just enjoy creating this fake drama. As soon as they pass something the news cycle will move on and that hurts their little narcissist feelings.

weekendflyer 08-07-2020 05:07 AM

Sounds like they’re not even close to a deal.

senecacaptain 08-07-2020 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by tallpilot (Post 3106206)
There is plenty of progress. They just enjoy creating this fake drama. As soon as they pass something the news cycle will move on and that hurts their little narcissist feelings.

plenty of progress? source?

Wednesday night, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said the White House and Democrats were still "trillions of dollars apart" on a deal. Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have been negotiating on behalf of the White House with the Democratic leaders.Meadows accused Democrats of not budging, while Republicans are searching for a compromise.

Black Warrior 08-07-2020 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3106239)

Yikes. How does "Trillions of dollars apart" even happen? How are the only two primary political parties of the most prosperous country in the world so ideologically different that they are "trillions of dollars apart" on an agreement? That's both baffling and vomit inducing.

Mesabah 08-07-2020 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by Black Warrior (Post 3106289)
Yikes. How does "Trillions of dollars apart" even happen? How are the only two primary political parties of the most prosperous country in the world so ideologically different that they are "trillions of dollars apart" on an agreement? That's both baffling and vomit inducing.

They are trying to maximize the negative impact of Covid for the election.

kingairfun 08-07-2020 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by Mesabah (Post 3106366)
They are trying to maximize the negative impact of Covid for the election.

And as far as the relief package goes, they are trying to in favor with the American voter..

Good thing for us airline folks is Trump supports more relief for the airlines.

ShyGuy 08-07-2020 01:08 PM

The biggest difference is the Democrat's desire for a local and state level bailout, whereas the Repubs don't want that. Not surprising, considering the areas where budgets are most severely hurt are big blue cities. In a place like NY, you got gov Cuomo begging rich people to come back and NYC major De Bolical saying we don't want you, we'll find others.

dustrpilot 08-07-2020 01:40 PM

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SonicFlyer 08-07-2020 02:05 PM

Gridlock in DC is a good thing.

Bad things happens when they all agree to collude.

tallpilot 08-07-2020 06:23 PM

This fake stalemate will end the way they always do. The Republicans will slip in a tax cut for some favored group while agreeing to almost all the spending the Democrats want. Both parties will declare victory and blame the other party for being obstructionist and not caring about the people.

senecacaptain 08-07-2020 06:35 PM

I am "all ears" to anyone who can post a link or source clearly indicating that the airline Payroll program extension is included in the COVID relief bill or will be included in the executive orders issued by the President.

And I don't mean the letter from the House of Representatives, led by you know who. Letters and verbal "endorsements" and "support" are great. but show me the money.


sumwherelse 08-07-2020 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3106623)
I am "all ears" to anyone who can post a link or source clearly indicating that the airline Payroll program extension is included in the COVID relief bill or will be included in the executive orders issued by the President.

And I don't mean the letter from the House of Representatives, led by you know who. Letters and verbal "endorsements" and "support" are great. but show me the money.


I’ve been asking the same things if guys I fly with. I can’t find it actually included anywhere and all I get is “it’s in there”. Someone show me!!!

senecacaptain 08-07-2020 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by sumwherelse (Post 3106679)
I’ve been asking the same things if guys I fly with. I can’t find it actually included anywhere and all I get is “it’s in there”. Someone show me!!!

I have looked and researched and don”t see it

I see alot of “the airlines are important” etc stuff sound bites. :cool:

Freighthotdog 08-07-2020 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3106688)
I have looked and researched and don”t see it

I see alot of “the airlines are important” etc stuff sound bites. :cool:

The only thing the president has said is “id fully back government aid for the airlines” and like the rest of the people in this thread I haven’t seen anything saying that it is included in the new bill besides the 16 GOP senators who back it

ShyGuy 08-07-2020 10:27 PM

I like how we’re talking about trillions with a T like it’s nothing. Our kids’ kids’ kids will still be paying this off. Assuming the dollar is still the reserve by then...

Purpleanga 08-07-2020 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by ShyGuy (Post 3106699)
I like how we’re talking about trillions with a T like it’s nothing. Our kids’ kids’ kids will still be paying this off. Assuming the dollar is still the reserve by then...

What’s a better outcome? A depression now? Some day China will have to pay for this but until then we are in survival mode.

Duffman 08-08-2020 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Purpleanga (Post 3106703)
What’s a better outcome? A depression now? Some day China will have to pay for this but until then we are in survival mode.

Regardless nothing he's saying is wrong. We've really taken "American Exceptionalism" for granted, but we aren't special, we have the world reserve currency because of Bretton Woods after WWII. Running the printing presses to the tune of 3/4 of a year's budget really leaves us exposed because whose going to buy our debt at the cheap rates we've been selling it if they know we'll just hand them some monopoly money we printed out of thin air last night? Right now everyone is hurting from COVID19, but Europe and the developed parts of Asia put a lid on it and are moving ahead of us, so what happens next year if they're able to function at 90% and we can't get above 60% and are still having localized virus outbreaks? This is also at a time where we've become increasingly isolationist and ****ed off a lot of our allies. Really our only hope is that we can widely distribute an effective vaccine, because we can't rely on the people or the government to do what's necessary to stop the virus, whereas other countries can almost pull it off without a vaccine. I'm holding out hope for a vaccine that's so effective we don't need masks or distancing, but I'm also positioning myself to switch careers.

Downtime 08-08-2020 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Duffman (Post 3106878)
Regardless nothing he's saying is wrong. We've really taken "American Exceptionalism" for granted, but we aren't special, we have the world reserve currency because of Bretton Woods after WWII. Running the printing presses to the tune of 3/4 of a year's budget really leaves us exposed because whose going to buy our debt at the cheap rates we've been selling it if they know we'll just hand them some monopoly money we printed out of thin air last night? Right now everyone is hurting from COVID19, but Europe and the developed parts of Asia put a lid on it and are moving ahead of us, so what happens next year if they're able to function at 90% and we can't get above 60% and are still having localized virus outbreaks? This is also at a time where we've become increasingly isolationist and ****ed off a lot of our allies. Really our only hope is that we can widely distribute an effective vaccine, because we can't rely on the people or the government to do what's necessary to stop the virus, whereas other countries can almost pull it off without a vaccine. I'm holding out hope for a vaccine that's so effective we don't need masks or distancing, but I'm also positioning myself to switch careers.

So a vaccine is gonna be required for every country to return to normal. It doesn’t have to prevent all illness either. Just enough to keep people out of hospital same as the flu. Long term no one can keep a total lid on this as years of being hyper vigilant most likely won’t happen.

tallpilot 08-08-2020 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by sumwherelse (Post 3106679)
I’ve been asking the same things if guys I fly with. I can’t find it actually included anywhere and all I get is “it’s in there”. Someone show me!!!

Take a deep breath. Nothing that can go to the president's desk has been passed yet. The house passed a wishlist of garbage they know has no chance in the senate and the senate passed a wishlist of garbage they know has no chance in the house. Do you see a conference committee formed to reconcile the two bills? No, because when they are done with the grandstanding bull**** a new bill will pass a house floor vote (so nobody has to go on record voting against it) and be passed by the senate as is. Until that happens it doesn't matter what's in what because that isn't what will become law.

senecacaptain 08-09-2020 05:57 PM

AFA-CWA: Exec Orders kill jobs
Official statement from Flight Attendants Union regarding Executive Orders.

Myfingershurt 08-09-2020 06:07 PM

Nothing says that congress can’t still pass another spending bill. Trumps executive orders are just a stop gap so the American people aren’t held hostage waiting for the two parties to agree on anything. If airlines kill jobs it will still be on congress. Not Trump.

Av8rPHX 08-09-2020 06:15 PM

Unpopular opinion,not a huge Sara fan though. I feel like she’s trying to get as much face time as possible to prep herself for some sort of elected office run. I rarely see Captain Joe on tv.

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tallpilot 08-09-2020 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by Av8rPHX (Post 3107561)
Unpopular opinion,not a huge Sara fan though. I feel like she’s trying to get as much face time as possible to prep herself for some sort of elected office run. I rarely see Captain Joe on tv.

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Captain Joe has a career so he isn't looking for one. Perhaps Sara has realized flight attendant isn't a career.

senecacaptain 08-12-2020 02:31 PM

DT: "Bill's not gonna happen"
1 Attachment(s)
According to this reporter on Twitter:

Freighthotdog 08-12-2020 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3109197)

What does that have to do with PSP?

senecacaptain 08-12-2020 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Freighthotdog (Post 3109216)
What does that have to do with PSP?

is the PSP not an extension of something ?

Excargodog 08-12-2020 04:37 PM

It’s a giant game of chicken with both sides knowing they’ve got until 1 October to watch the other guy sweat. Anybody in the military has seen this Kabuki dance play out with the end of the fiscal year continuing resolutions. If you start watching it closely this early you are just going to get an ulcer.

:o :mad:

senecacaptain 08-12-2020 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Excargodog (Post 3109242)
It’s a giant game of chicken with both sides knowing they’ve got until 1 October to watch the other guy sweat. Anybody in the military has seen this Kabuki dance play out with the end of the fiscal year continuing resolutions. If you start watching it closely this early you are just going to get an ulcer.

:o :mad:

Not sure if this can be funded if in a Continuing Resolution status. "It depends" seems to be the answer for just about everything lately. We shall see.

cactipilot 08-12-2020 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by C5Drvr (Post 3105785)

That’s enough to overcome a filibuster in the senate and it is widely supported in the House and by the President.

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It might be that it'd be better to just take the temporary lumps, get lean for a bit then return to business when the business is there... more handouts might just come with some dirty attachments that hurt us more in the long run than the temporary losses for our junior brothers and sisters... and oh lordie what could happen should there be a changing of the political guard come November/January....

senecacaptain 08-13-2020 05:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
August 13: no move towards agreement by both parties in Congress regarding a COVID relief bill, much less anything airline payroll support related.

It appears Congress has not been tasked to "solve this, then bring me [DT] your solution for signature"....Congress is not only fighting with each other, there are two White House negotiators in the mix also, Mnuchin and Meadows.

Also DT is upset about Postal Service funding.

Kleinschmidt 08-13-2020 07:43 AM

They will continue to posture, but eventually there will be a bill. Too much political collateral at stake for both sides not to get this done.

senecacaptain 08-13-2020 11:12 AM

Senate is officially adjourned
Reportedly until Sept 8....

Battlinbear 08-13-2020 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Kleinschmidt (Post 3109432)
They will continue to posture, but eventually there will be a bill. Too much political collateral at stake for both sides not to get this done.

agreed. They just posted their lay-off numbers and the fact that cities service will instantly be without airline service for a very long time. I didn't expect the biggest issue would be because of the snail mail. Guess the reason the postal service is bankrupt is because they have to fund employees pensions for 75 years in advance. I’m not totally sure that’s the reason?

pad39a 08-13-2020 02:35 PM

Instead of creating a new thread on a pilot forum every time a small tidbit of political news drops, could I suggest an alternative hobby like gardening or fly tying?

senecacaptain 08-13-2020 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by pad39a (Post 3109631)
Instead of creating a new thread on a pilot forum every time a small tidbit of political news drops, could I suggest an alternative hobby like gardening or fly tying?

ok sorry. my apologies.

pad39a 08-13-2020 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3109634)
ok sorry. my apologies.

Fly tying can quickly become addictive, not unlike politics I suppose

senecacaptain 08-13-2020 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by pad39a (Post 3109636)
Fly tying can quickly become addictive, not unlike politics I suppose

In retrospect I will stop those posts. This "topic" is a major big deal so I posted something, as it impacts all of us. I will refrain from new threads for one political related news item.

Thank you for the feedback.

WutFace 08-13-2020 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by senecacaptain (Post 3109637)
In retrospect I will stop those posts. This "topic" is a major big deal so I posted something, as it impacts all of us. I will refrain from new threads for one political related news item.

Thank you for the feedback.

I say keep it coming. The sh*tstorm is imminent. We can't afford to keep our heads in the sand.

rickair7777 08-13-2020 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by pad39a (Post 3109631)
Instead of creating a new thread on a pilot forum every time a small tidbit of political news drops, could I suggest an alternative hobby like gardening or fly tying?

Yes please, let's put all of this stuff here.

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