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EagleVol 01-14-2021 06:58 PM

Got the shot 2 days ago, no side effects so far except a sore arm yesterday.

kaputt 01-14-2021 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Xtreme87 (Post 3181384)
Nope. I have zero faith in big pharma, based on their track record of absolutely awful lies and deceit. Greed is in the driver’s seat. I also don’t believe this virus started by accident. I think this very well may be a case of the people who created the problem, selling the cure. Also something big pharma has been responsible for in the past. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want, you won’t change my mind. There is too much evidence that is stacked against them.

:rolleyes: :facepalm

I will when I can. Fiancé just got her second shot this morning. Definitely gives a little more COVID like symptoms than the first one.

wrxpilot 01-14-2021 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by hoover (Post 3181437)
not trying to start anything but how are you naturally immune?

From his post history, I’d imagine it’s grain alcohol and rain water.

Softpayman 01-15-2021 02:46 AM

My arm is a bit more sore than from the typical flu shot... aside from that I feel fine.

trip 01-15-2021 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by Aero1900 (Post 3181438)
What are you referring to specifically?

I've read a ton about it.

You will still infect others, you will not experience severe symptoms.

nonononononono 01-15-2021 07:57 AM

"Nope. I have zero faith in big pharma, based on their track record of absolutely awful lies and deceit. Greed is in the driver’s seat. I also don’t believe this virus started by accident. I think this very well may be a case of the people who created the problem, selling the cure. Also something big pharma has been responsible for in the past. Call me a conspiracy theorist all you want, you won’t change my mind. There is too much evidence that is stacked against them."

It is happening exactly as they said it would to a T. People are too lazy to do research. Short answer is total anarchy in about 2 years.

Mesabah 01-15-2021 09:56 AM

Four doctors in my family, and one of my high risk uncles have all gotten the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine without any side effects.

Interesting to note, the Pharmaceuticals are setting up long term manufacturing of the Covid vaccine in anticipation of a yearly vaccine, beyond 2023.

rickair7777 01-15-2021 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by Mesabah (Post 3181867)
Interesting to note, the Pharmaceuticals are setting up long term manufacturing of the Covid vaccine in anticipation of a yearly vaccine, beyond 2023.

Prudent at this point. Even if doesn't mutate, good chance that vaccine-induced immunity is going to last for a single-digit number of years, closer to one year than to nine years.

Oma4545 01-15-2021 12:29 PM

I’ll get the vaccine as soon as possible. I’m battling Covid right now and I never want to do this again.

Softpayman 01-15-2021 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by Oma4545 (Post 3181934)
I’ll get the vaccine as soon as possible. I’m battling Covid right now and I never want to do this again.

Well when you are through with this you’ll probably have quite robust immunity. So much so that you’ll be Shielded against mutations. A recent study showed immunity up to 8 months (its getting longer and longer as studies can look back further).

Oma4545 01-15-2021 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Softpayman (Post 3181939)
Well when you are through with this you’ll probably have quite robust immunity. So much so that you’ll be Shielded against mutations. A recent study showed immunity up to 8 months (its getting longer and longer as studies can look back further).

I suppose that could be true, but I’d rather not ale my chances. This has been one of the worst experiences of my life.

chucknorris 01-17-2021 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by Softpayman (Post 3181694)
My arm is a bit more sore than from the typical flu shot... aside from that I feel fine.

Mine is sore less then a typical shot. Overall the best I’ve felt after a shot.

My wife and mother felt a little worse after the second shot, but not much worse. Some people feel fairly sick though after the second one, to the point that local hospital employees are being given the option of PTO’ing the day off after the second shot.

Qotsaautopilot 01-17-2021 06:24 AM

Originally Posted by Oma4545 (Post 3181959)
I suppose that could be true, but I’d rather not ale my chances. This has been one of the worst experiences of my life.

which is why I’ll be getting it. People talk about the 99% survivability. Just being able to survive isn’t exactly how I want to live. You can survive cancer, does that mean you want to get it?

luke3 01-17-2021 07:02 AM

I'll be getting one as soon as I get back home from this trip

VanDriver208 01-25-2021 08:29 AM

I am going to get it as soon as its available to me. Shots in arms = shots in glasses, and I am ready to start frequenting my local watering hole again. :cool:

Nacho Libre 01-25-2021 11:37 AM

70-30% currently on the survey. What are the odds the shot becomes mandatory for employment? If it is how do you guys/gals see those percentages move?

The area where I live there is a county nursing home that is requiring the vaccine for employment. Employees aren’t forced to get the vaccine, but are on layoff status until they get the shot.

GeeWizDriver 01-25-2021 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by Nacho Libre (Post 3186279)
70-30% currently on the survey. What are the odds the shot becomes mandatory for employment? If it is how do you guys/gals see those percentages move?

The area where I live there is a county nursing home that is requiring the vaccine for employment. Employees aren’t forced to get the vaccine, but are on layoff status until they get the shot.

That ratio seems to be in the same neighborhood as the general public according to some polls I have seen.

I think it is unlikely the US Government will make it mandatory because of inevitable civil liberties lawsuits. But, as you point out, many companies are likely to demand vaccination as a condition of employment and other nations might make it compulsory for admission across their border.

But here is an interesting proposition. The big pharma companies that develop the vaccines are immune from liability arising from their vaccine. But would that same civil immunity extend to The Acme Widget Company that demands vaccination of their employees and then one dies because of it?


Bozo the pilot 01-25-2021 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by VanDriver208 (Post 3186174)
I am going to get it as soon as its available to me. Shots in arms = shots in glasses, and I am ready to start frequenting my local watering hole again. :cool:

Finally a valid reason to gamble with an unproven vaccine. Im in. :D

rickair7777 01-25-2021 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by GeeWizDriver (Post 3186303)
But here is an interesting proposition. The big pharma companies that develop the vaccines are immune from liability arising from their vaccine. But would that same civil immunity extend to The Acme Widget Company that demands vaccination of their employees and then one dies because of it?

Yes, that's very well settled law. If the FDA approves the vaccine, an employer can require its use if they have a legit reason (ie safety of other employees/customers) and the liability is handled via the government/vaccine industry arrangement.

I don't think employers have (nor should they have) the ability to require an EUA vaccine, which probably why some medical workers can get away with declining the vaccine at this point.

Also keep in mind what everyone seems to forget: no employer can ever actually "require" any vaccine, test, etc. All they can do is make it a condition of employment if safety is involved.

Arturito 01-25-2021 11:26 PM

Interesting article about Pfizer/Moderna liability :

Surprisingly (or not), EU laws (and contracts with said companies) dont make the pharma company immune (pun intended) to lawsuits, even with an accelerated certification program.

TLDR: You cant sue the pharma company nor the FDA if anything goes wrong. I realize 99% of people won't have any ugly side effects but the fact that the 1% are SOL is really disturbing.

rickair7777 01-26-2021 06:47 AM

Originally Posted by Arturito (Post 3186550)
TLDR: You cant sue the pharma company nor the FDA if anything goes wrong. I realize 99% of people won't have any ugly side effects but the fact that the 1% are SOL is really disturbing.

It's far less than 1%. Very far less, or they would never get out of clinical trials. And you're not SOL, there's a compensation program... it's just not equivalent to winning the lottery (like you might hope for in a lawsuit).

Escargot 01-26-2021 07:13 AM

Pilots may not be given a choice
Since when one does something they all do.

Arturito 01-26-2021 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3186624)
It's far less than 1%. Very far less, or they would never get out of clinical trials. And you're not SOL, there's a compensation program... it's just not equivalent to winning the lottery (like you might hope for in a lawsuit).

I didnt mean the 99-1 ratio in a literal way.

The article mentions the VCIP in the last paragraph:

The VICP allows for recovery of pain and suffering, attorney’s fees, along with medical expenses and lost wages, if any,” said Michael Maxwell, a lawyer who practices in the areas of business litigation and personal injury. “Under the CICP, it’s only lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses. That’s it, unless there’s a death.”

The Covid-19 vaccines, however, aren’t on the list of eligible vaccines.

Reiss said the best fix would be to change VICP’s rulebook to add Covid vaccines to its list of covered inoculations. “That will require legislative change. I hope that legislative change happens.”
Hopefully the law is changed very soon and retro active.
The vaccines are obviously safe but the 0.000.....01 % (whatever that number is) who picked the short straw need to be compensated.

rickair7777 01-26-2021 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Arturito (Post 3186766)
Hopefully the law is changed very soon and retro active.

Not happening and for good reason.

Originally Posted by Arturito (Post 3186766)
The vaccines are obviously safe but the 0.000.....01 % (whatever that number is) who picked the short straw need to be compensated.

They are compensated, they just don't win the lottery to the tune of hundreds of $M. If they did, most pharma would be out of business.

Ultimately everyone has the choice as to whether to get any vaccine or not.

Phins2right 01-26-2021 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by TOGALOCK (Post 3181381)
Absolutely. As others have pointed out, there is a moral responsibility to ending the pandemic. I know people argue that there isn't currently any documentation that the vaccine will keep you from spreading covid to others. I argue that, on the other side of the coin, there isn't any documentation that it doesn't either. So far, the belief amongst medical experts seems to be that, even if you can still spread it, it is to a lesser extent with the vaccine.. putting others around you at far less risk. This belief stems from the fact that the virus is hanging out in your nasal mucus. While the vaccine will keep it from replicating inside your body, it may not be able to hit the small amount still sitting in your nose. But, if it isn't replicating inside your body, you are spreading a far smaller viral load than someone without the vaccine. This puts someone else at a far smaller risk of developing a serious case, if they even became symptomatic at all. I guess it's like spraying someone with a squirt gun vs a fire hose. They're still going to get a little wet, but not soaked to the bone.

Also, as a healthy person in their mid-30s, I'm not particularly worried about being wiped off the earth by covid. However, I've talked to enough people who have had covid that still get winded going up a flight of stairs a couple months after recovery. The lingering, and possibly long term effects are concerning. What may be a mild inconvenience for most people could be career ending for a pilot. I feel that any possible long term effects of covid far outweigh any from a vaccine.

As a healthy person <70 - any doctor telling you to take the experimental vaccine is liable. Especially women of child bearing age.

The experimental vaccine DOES NOT, WILL NOT stop the spread. It only lessens (theoretically and yet to be proven) the affects of the virus.

Lingering affects you refer to are not documented or officially recognized ATM. They've seen the same effects, BTW, with general flu bugs. MERS and H5N1 on the other hand did have severe and often lifetime acting affects on those who had it and survived.

In the end it should remain a personal decision to take the experimental vaccine or not. No one can tell you what to do with your body. Let's hope is remains this way.

Best of luck to you and to your health.

BoilerUP 01-26-2021 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right
The experimental vaccine DOES NOT, WILL NOT stop the spread. It only lessens (theoretically and yet to be proven) the affects of the virus.

Where does this oft-repeated claim come from?

There's not yet definitive data that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will prevent transmission so scientists can't and won't make that claim...but generally speaking, that's precisely what other vaccines do.

Absence of evidence does not necessarily mean evidence of absence.

Gordie H 01-26-2021 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186838)
In the end it should remain a personal decision to take the experimental vaccine or not. No one can tell you what to do with your body. Let's hope is remains this way.

Nice...right out of the Qanon lexicon: "My body my choice"

Phins2right 01-26-2021 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP (Post 3186845)
Where does this oft-repeated claim come from?

There's not yet definitive data that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will prevent transmission so scientists can't and won't make that claim...but generally speaking, that's precisely what other vaccines do.

Absence of evidence does not necessarily mean evidence of absence.

Fauxchi said it himself not 2 days ago.

Keep up.

That is why you still need to mask, social distance etc.

Phins2right 01-26-2021 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Gordie H (Post 3186847)
Nice...right out of the Qanon lexicon: "My body my choice"

What is a q whatever???

you obviously don't read what I write on here. I have no love of politics or politicians. it's the worlds second oldest profession.

not sure what you're driving at - other than to use it to "win" an argument almost like calling someone racist. Typical these days. Just cry racist or q whatever and then never have to argue the merits. Lazy.

You and about 7 others on here are always guilty of that. Facts. My assertions are proven by facts. Go back, read my posts, then look at what is going on. No q whatever. Just facts.

Gordie H 01-26-2021 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186850)
What is a q whatever???

you obviously don't read what I write on here. I have no love of politics or politicians. it's the worlds second oldest profession.

not sure what you're driving at - other than to use it to "win" an argument almost like calling someone racist. Typical these days. Just cry racist or q whatever and then never have to argue the merits. Lazy.

You and about 7 others on here are always guilty of that. Facts. My assertions are proven by facts. Go back, read my posts, then look at what is going on. No q whatever. Just facts.

I've read your posts sir - they tick ALL the boxes of Qanon:

BoilerUP 01-26-2021 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186848)
Fauxchi said it himself not 2 days ago.

Keep up.

I have in fact been "keeping up" with this entire situation, for over a year now, but I haven't seen any news reports about Fauci saying that. I just struck out on Google too.

Got a link?

rickair7777 01-26-2021 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186838)
The experimental vaccine DOES NOT, WILL NOT stop the spread.

Most likely BS. It has not been proven to prevent spread by vaccinated people but that wasn't what the trials were designed to determine.

It will almost certainly dramatically reduce spread in a vaccinated population, symptomatic or not. That's what we really need, is to end the pandemic.

That's how other virus vaccines work, no reason to think this one is somehow magically different.

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186838)
It only lessens (theoretically and yet to be proven) the affects of the virus.

It is demonstrated to PREVENT covid in 95% ish. It is also demonstrated to prevent severe covid in 99.99%+

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186838)
In the end it should remain a personal decision to take the experimental vaccine or not. No one can tell you what to do with your body. Let's hope is remains this way.

I agree. That's not changing (in the US). You might possibly have to get a new job, homeschool, etc but nobody will force you to get a vaccine, EUA or otherwise.

ClncClarence 01-26-2021 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Phins2right (Post 3186838)
The experimental vaccine DOES NOT, WILL NOT stop the spread. It only lessens (theoretically and yet to be proven) the affects of the virus.

Stop parroting this crap. It’s nonsense. All of the available evidence points to these vaccines being highly effective in the prevention of illness. As far as transmission, there is no definitive evidence either way at this point, however it is usually the case that viral vaccines reduce transmission. Straight from the FDA.

Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will reduce such transmission.

Nantonaku 01-26-2021 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by ClncClarence (Post 3186868)
Stop parroting this crap. It’s nonsense. All of the available evidence points to these vaccines being highly effective in the prevention of illness. As far as transmission, there is no definitive evidence either way at this point, however it is usually the case that viral vaccines reduce transmission. Straight from the FDA.

I thought I read somewhere that with the high rate of vaccinations in Israel they can already see the numbers are pointing to reduced transmission. I've posted this opinion piece before, there are vaccines that do not stop the spread of certain diseases:

highfarfast 01-26-2021 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP (Post 3186845)
Where does this oft-repeated claim come from?

Social media misinformation echo chamber.

Folks, please stop getting your news from social media.

rickair7777 01-27-2021 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by Nantonaku (Post 3186895)
I thought I read somewhere that with the high rate of vaccinations in Israel they can already see the numbers are pointing to reduced transmission. I've posted this opinion piece before, there are vaccines that do not stop the spread of certain diseases:


Flyfalcons 01-27-2021 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP (Post 3186854)
I have in fact been "keeping up" with this entire situation, for over a year now, but I haven't seen any news reports about Fauci saying that. I just struck out on Google too.

Got a link?

"Fauci, for his part, has long said we'd still need to abide by public health measures even after getting vaccinated, just in case. "Obviously, with a 90-plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident" that you won't get COVID-19, Fauci told CNN. "But I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you have been vaccinated….even though, for the general population, it might be 90 to 95% effective," said Fauci, "you don't necessarily know, for you, how effective it is.""

Get ready for masks and restrictions continuing for a long time thanks to this dolt.

Flyfalcons 01-27-2021 06:27 AM

Also under the CDC FAQ's ,help%20stop%20this%20pandemic.

rickair7777 01-27-2021 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by Flyfalcons (Post 3187001)

"Fauci, for his part, has long said we'd still need to abide by public health measures even after getting vaccinated, just in case. "Obviously, with a 90-plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident" that you won't get COVID-19, Fauci told CNN. "But I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you have been vaccinated….even though, for the general population, it might be 90 to 95% effective," said Fauci, "you don't necessarily know, for you, how effective it is.""

I think he's saying that so people don't abandon social distancing measures in premature enthusiasm. Not because he really thinks the vaccine won't stop spread, he knows better. Fibbing to influence public behavior is nothing new for the good doc.

Originally Posted by Flyfalcons (Post 3187001)
Get ready for masks and restrictions continuing for a long time thanks to this dolt.

I really don't think people will put up with it. Especially people who have bothered to get the vaccine. I won't, other than maybe at work as a condition of my employment.

rickair7777 01-27-2021 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by Flyfalcons (Post 3187004)

Bureaucratic CYA. They haven't proven it definitively, the consequences could be serious for some people hence the most conservative approach.

We'll have the data enough, and I'm personally assuming the vaccine will stop the spread.

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