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galaxy flyer 08-23-2021 06:11 AM

Originally Posted by skywatch (Post 3283593)
Paywall - what is the gist?

Its good see airline pilots are still too penny-pinching to buy a newspaper. I used to appealed to see captains walking they the cabin trying to scarf up papers, magazines. Then, bring a Mickie DL’s bag back to the hotel for dinner.

BoilerUP 08-23-2021 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3283610)
Its good see airline pilots are still too penny-pinching to buy a newspaper. I used to appealed to see captains walking they the cabin trying to scarf up papers, magazines. Then, bring a Mickie DL’s bag back to the hotel for dinner.

Don't act like you don't get yours from Signature ;)

galaxy flyer 08-23-2021 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP (Post 3283614)
Don't act like you don't get yours from Signature ;)

Not true, I’ve subscribed to the WSJ for decades, now electronically to WSJ and NYT. I flew for NYT, when Dad the Smarter ran the place, can’t give it up even if it’s mostly unreadable.

Our groomer brought the papers, so yeah.

rickair7777 08-23-2021 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by BoilerUP (Post 3283604)
Funny how the interwebs work - it wasn't behind a paywall when I saw it a few days ago.

Linking a WSJ article doesn't seem to work... even if you have a subs, the link takes you to the subs page.

rickair7777 08-23-2021 06:33 AM

IR finds that booster shots reduce infection by a factor of four compared to two doses (5-6 times better against severe covid). They've only done boosters for 60+ so far...

This data is specific to their demographic, which means people who got the first two doses very early in 2021. It also doesn't measure any drop-off from the third dose yet (obviously).

Red Forman 08-23-2021 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3283610)
Its good see airline pilots are still too penny-pinching to buy a newspaper. I used to appealed to see captains walking they the cabin trying to scarf up papers, magazines. Then, bring a Mickie DL’s bag back to the hotel for dinner.

It’s not penny pinching, it’s not throwing my money away buying garbage.

galaxy flyer 08-23-2021 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 3283627)
It’s not penny pinching, it’s not throwing my money away buying garbage.

Yeah, , wouldn’t want any opposing information to open a closed mind

John Carr 08-23-2021 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3283391)
Statistically, much less likely and less severe. The number of vaccinated in ICU or, even hospitalized is pretty low.

Key word, likely.

4 of my friends in cane down with it in the last month. 1 vax’d, the other 3 not.

All had the same length/severity of symptoms. Which was very little.

Red Forman 08-23-2021 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3283659)
Yeah, , wouldn’t want any opposing information to open a closed mind

It’s cute you have an opinion.

rickair7777 08-24-2021 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by John Carr (Post 3283767)
Key word, likely.

4 of my friends in cane down with it in the last month. 1 vax’d, the other 3 not.

All had the same length/severity of symptoms. Which was very little.

We all have covid anecdotes, and they're all over the map. It's irrational to base your opinion on what you observed with a handful of people you know.

rickair7777 08-24-2021 06:30 AM

IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

Excargodog 08-24-2021 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

According to current stats, boosters give at best a five fold decrease in new cases in those who have received them, which is good I’d admit, but they’ve been giving them less than a month now (since 30 July) The fact that 20-25% of people are STILL getting infected/reinfected within LESS THAN a month after getting a third booster pretty much guarantees that we have at present NO MECHANISM TO EVER eliminate COVID.

Ultimately, it seems like everybody is going to get it - albeit a tamer version if you’ve already been faxed or previously infected - and many of those at highest risk are going to die of it. Society may just have to accept that as the price of doing business. Even the draconian lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand seem unlikely to stop the delta variant.

Mesabah 08-24-2021 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

More than 50 Au/ml appears to be the scientific consensus on the antibody levels required for neutralization. With antibody half lives of 10 weeks for Covid, the booster extends out to 50 weeks(5 lives), vs the original dosage of 30 weeks(3 lives).

skywatch 08-24-2021 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

Cause or correlation? I don't see anything in the article with number of actual boosters given. In fact, it says "About a million of Israel's 9.3 million population have so far chosen not to vaccinate at all and children under 12 are still not eligible for the shots."

Excargodog 08-24-2021 08:41 AM

rickair7777 08-24-2021 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by skywatch (Post 3284233)
Cause or correlation? I don't see anything in the article with number of actual boosters given. In fact, it says "About a million of Israel's 9.3 million population have so far chosen not to vaccinate at all and children under 12 are still not eligible for the shots."

IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

Nantonaku 08-24-2021 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284248)
IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

He hasn't gotten much right during this pandemic. Does he really think people are going to vaccine their kids at a high enough rate to make any difference at all? Public health policy has a huge credibility issue right now in the US. Until he acknowledges the role previous infection has in giving people immunity he is really just a joke. "The Great Influenza" goes into detail on lessons public health experts learned through the flu pandemic. Fauci continuously breaks all the points Barry points out on how to not handle a pandemic. I know Barry was critical of Trump at the beginning of this pandemic but I'd love to hear his take on Fauci.

Red Forman 08-24-2021 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284248)
IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

Fauci’s opinion on anything at this point is completely irrelevant.

GeeWizDriver 08-24-2021 02:48 PM

Interesting summary on vaccine effectiveness and the headlong rush to boosters.

Excargodog 08-24-2021 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 3284382)
Fauci’s opinion on anything at this point is completely irrelevant.

Not to everyone. Some have an actual aversion to admitted liars.

rickair7777 08-25-2021 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by GeeWizDriver (Post 3284435)
Interesting summary on vaccine effectiveness and the headlong rush to boosters.

I was pretty suspicious about the booster rush initially, but IR seems to be reaping statistical benefit from it. Probably need a few more weeks of data from them, they just got started.

rickair7777 09-03-2021 10:41 AM

CDC and FDA advise WH to reconsider booster initiative, citing lack of data...

Fauci, OTH, supports third shot, citing data from IR...

Drum 09-07-2021 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3289966)
CDC and FDA advise WH to reconsider booster initiative, citing lack of data...

Fauci, OTH, supports third shot, citing data from IR...

Fauci lies

From FOIA release documents to The Intercept:
"The National Institutes of Health issued millions of dollars to the EcoHealth Alliance designated for “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The grant, which acknowledged that researchers in the field were at the “highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs” was intended to give funding “to screen thousands of bat samples for novel coronaviruses” from 2014 to 2019 with the promise for renewal, but the Trump administration halted the grants in April 2020.The documents contain several critical details about the research in Wuhan, including the fact that key experimental work with humanized mice was conducted at a biosafety level 3 lab at Wuhan University Center for Animal Experiment — and not at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as was previously assumed. The documents raise additional questions about the theory that the pandemic may have begun in a lab accident, an idea that Daszak has aggressively dismissed

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak previously denied that there was ever “any evidence of a virus like COVID in the lab.” Emails also show that Daszak thanked Anthony Fauci for minimizing the lab leak theory in exchange for pushing a “natural origin” story.

“I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Daszak wrote to Fauci in April 2020.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul previously questioned Fauci about the nature of the funding that EcoHealth Alliance received from his agency and whether they violated the gain-of-function research ban, but Fauci vehemently denied before lawmakers that the research met the technical definition for “gain-of-function.”

“Gain-of-function research, as you know, is juicing up naturally occurring animal viruses to infect humans. To arrive at the truth, the U.S. government should admit that the Wuhan Virology Institute was experimenting to enhance the coronavirus’s ability to infect humans,” Paul said in May in a congressional hearing.

“With all due respect, you are entirely, entirely and completely incorrect,” Fauci said. “The [National Institutes of Health] has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who is quoted in the story, took to Twitter to explain why these hidden grants are alarming.

The viruses they constructed were tested for their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell,” Ebright wrote to The Intercept after reviewing the documents. Ebright also said that the documents make it clear that two different types of novel coronaviruses were able to infect humanized mice. “While they were working on SARS-related coronavirus, they were carrying out a parallel project at the same time on MERS-related coronavirus,” Ebright said, referring to the virus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.

The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful"

Intercept info found here:

Its archived as these articles tend to get disappeared from the interwebs.

Fauci (NIH, NIAID) funded EcoHealth Alliance. They in turn funded the gain of function research in Wuhan. The "chimeric based SARS-based coronaviruses" which they then confirmed could infect human cells.

RE: Boosters. As I've said before, those who opted for the jabs have now subscribed their immune systems. Now we have Harvard Med docs telling us you are not fully jabbed until you get the "booster" starting 1 Oct. How many more boosters will follow? You don't know, and neither do I or anyone else.

This will never end until we collectively decide that it does.

rickair7777 09-10-2021 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by Drum (Post 3291639)
RE: Boosters. As I've said before, those who opted for the jabs have now subscribed their immune systems. Now we have Harvard Med docs telling us you are not fully jabbed until you get the "booster" starting 1 Oct. How many more boosters will follow? You don't know, and neither do I or anyone else.

Like the flu? Annual? Worst case a single annual cocktail targeting 3-4 variants... just like the flu shot.

Or just include it in gthe flu shot...

Originally Posted by Drum (Post 3291639)
This will never end until we collectively decide that it does.

Eventually it will, most likely just like the flu. Get the shot if you want, or not. A few jobs will require it... just like the flu. That's where it will shake out eventually. For the next couple years we be mandate heavy as a society. I thought we might have dodged that bullet a few months ago, but delta.

rickair7777 09-10-2021 07:05 AM

WSJ (paywall) is reporting that new covid variants are unlikely to gain much traction or surpass the delta variant... hard for them to out-compete uber-contagious delta in their search for susceptible people.

That's good news... delta covid is not more severe (although it affects a wider age demo) and current vaccines still prevent severe delta covid very well.

Bozo the pilot 09-10-2021 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3293171)
WSJ (paywall) is reporting that new covid variants are unlikely to gain much traction or surpass the delta variant... hard for them to out-compete uber-contagious delta in their search for susceptible people.

That's good news... delta covid is not more severe (although it affects a wider age demo) and current vaccines still prevent severe delta covid very well.

It wont stop the over reaction from the media or this mandate-happy admin. And why is the post office exempt again?
This crisis is not going to waste.

rickair7777 09-10-2021 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by Bozo the pilot (Post 3293173)
It wont stop the over reaction from the media or this mandate-happy admin. And why is the post office exempt again?
This crisis is not going to waste.

USPS is not exempt, they fall just under the OSHA provision like the private sector. I believe that's because they're supposed to be financially separate from the civil service.

HPIC 09-13-2021 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3293180)
USPS is not exempt, they fall just under the OSHA provision like the private sector. I believe that's because they're supposed to be financially separate from the civil service.

….but they get the same benefits as a federal government employee….makes sense. :D

Drum 09-13-2021 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3293180)
USPS is not exempt, they fall just under the OSHA provision like the private sector. I believe that's because they're supposed to be financially separate from the civil service.

Members of congress (including their staffs), the judicial (including their staffs), and a majority of white house staff and offices are exempted. They are most definitely not at 100% jab rate either.

Drum 09-13-2021 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3293171)
WSJ (paywall) is reporting that new covid variants are unlikely to gain much traction or surpass the delta variant... hard for them to out-compete uber-contagious delta in their search for susceptible people.

That's good news... delta covid is not more severe (although it affects a wider age demo) and current vaccines still prevent severe delta covid very well.

No, they don't. 78% of the hospitalized are obese. jabbed or not, this flu does not treat obese well. TO date, no one has spoken to this issue. It's ignored which is very frustrating. If this truly was about health, then they would be screaming this from the roof tops. I guess they are worried about fat shaming or something.

There is a study just published that it might have something to do with the SETDB2 enzyme found in Type 2 diabetics (basically its the enzyme that prevents their wounds from healing properly). Study here:

Excargodog 09-13-2021 03:33 PM

We now have a pretty good idea what led two leading FDA vaccine regulators to announce their retirement.

Marion Gruber and Phil Krause, two longtime FDA officials who have been leading the agency's review of COVID-19 vaccine applications, were among the co-authors of a paper in medical journal The Lancet published Monday that threw cold water on the Biden administration's plan for booster shots.

The paper argued that none of the current evidence on the COVID-19 vaccines shows a need for booster doses in the general population.
Read the full Lancet article.

galaxy flyer 09-13-2021 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by Drum (Post 3294442)
Members of congress (including their staffs), the judicial (including their staffs), and a majority of white house staff and offices are exempted. They are most definitely not at 100% jab rate either.

Members of the Congress and the Judiciary are exempt, not for some evil reason, it’s because the Executive Branch have no authority over them. Fake News. Show us a link where the Executive Branch isn’t covered by the directive.

The directive calls for vaccination of all Federal employees. Guess who has executive power over Federal employees—the President. This is pretty basic Civics 101 which continues to baffle armchair lawyers. USPS is a quasi-private corporation who falls under the rule applying to businesses, should it not be vacated.

Nantonaku 09-13-2021 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3294696)
Members of the Congress and the Judiciary are exempt, not for some evil reason, it’s because the Executive Branch have no authority over them. Fake News. Show us a link where the Executive Branch isn’t covered by the directive.

The directive calls for vaccination of all Federal employees. Guess who has executive power over Federal employees—the President. This is pretty basic Civics 101 which continues to baffle armchair lawyers. USPS is a quasi-private corporation who falls under the rule applying to businesses, should it not be vacated.

It seems like the Executive branch also doesn't have the authority it is trying to use over the 350 million people not employed by the federal government. I admit to being below even an armchair lawyer.

galaxy flyer 09-14-2021 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by Nantonaku (Post 3294726)
It seems like the Executive branch also doesn't have the authority it is trying to use over the 350 million people not employed by the federal government. I admit to being below even an armchair lawyer.

Looking at the SCOTUS ruling slapping down the CDC’s eviction rule, they’d likely read the OHSA emergency implementation procedure applied to vaccinations the same way. The last time it was used the court ruled against it. But, this will be very political. Chief Justice Roberts is shaping up as Justice Taney in Dred Scott case.

Drum 09-14-2021 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3294696)
Members of the Congress and the Judiciary are exempt, not for some evil reason, it’s because the Executive Branch have no authority over them. Fake News. Show us a link where the Executive Branch isn’t covered by the directive.

The directive calls for vaccination of all Federal employees. Guess who has executive power over Federal employees—the President. This is pretty basic Civics 101 which continues to baffle armchair lawyers. USPS is a quasi-private corporation who falls under the rule applying to businesses, should it not be vacated.

they have no authority over me/us by the same link you posted.

Also see the 9th and 10th Amendments.

There's a reason it went that route. Congress couuldn't make it a law either.


Drum 09-14-2021 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 3294870)
Looking at the SCOTUS ruling slapping down the CDC’s eviction rule, they’d likely read the OHSA emergency implementation procedure applied to vaccinations the same way. The last time it was used the court ruled against it. But, this will be very political. Chief Justice Roberts is shaping up as Justice Taney in Dred Scott case.

I've already posted the relevant SCOTUS cases that will be used to smack this down.

Lopez and Sebelius. Probably Newsom as well.

Drum 09-17-2021 11:56 AM

FDA just shot down boosters.

Vote was 16-2

rickair7777 09-17-2021 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Drum (Post 3296606)
FDA just shot down boosters.

Vote was 16-2

Mostly Fake News^^^

The "FDA" did no such thing.

Their panel of advisors recommended boosters for specific groups, but not everyone carte blanche. FDA still has to make a policy decision, which under the circumstances would become painful if they deviate much from their advisory board's input.

They recommended boosters for 65+, those with risky health factors, and those at risk of occupational exposure.

But the devil is in the details, if "health factors" includes "fat", that's at least 50% of the US population right there.

Occupational exposure could also be quite broad, would obviously include FA's and maybe us too.

Bottom line, regulators seemingly taking a more measured approach to boosters than big pharma and big Joe were looking for.

Drum 09-17-2021 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3296650)
Mostly Fake News^^^

The "FDA" did no such thing.

Their panel of advisors recommended boosters for specific groups, but not everyone carte blanche. FDA still has to make a policy decision, which under the circumstances would become painful if they deviate much from their advisory board's input.

They recommended boosters for 65+, those with risky health factors, and those at risk of occupational exposure.

But the devil is in the details, if "health factors" includes "fat", that's at least 50% of the US population right there.

Occupational exposure could also be quite broad, would obviously include FA's and maybe us too.

Bottom line, regulators seemingly taking a more measured approach to boosters than big pharma and big Joe were looking for.

they just updated the boosters for age 65 and older and those high risk. That add on happened at around 1630. I know cause I'm in the Congress office building right now.

For the majority of us, airline pilots included no. No boosters.

It was one advisor that mentioned "high risk" wanting to define by exposure. Airline not being one of the categories that individual mentioned. So as of today, no boosters for us in this industry. The one advisor was specifically addressing health care workers and those with compromised immune systems.

Did you bother to read the timeline of events in the article I posted?

I guess not.

So. Not fake news Rick. See the timeline.

Drum 09-17-2021 02:57 PM

To add to above post
To be clear. 2 votes happened today. 1 was for age 16+. That was a big no. 16-2. The 2nd was for 65+ and at risk. That was 18-0 for. My post happened before the late afternoon vote for 65+.

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