Silly radio tuning question from a UAL guy.

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I just ask the F/Os to let me know when they are switching radios (going from ramp to ground, for example). Other than that, I don't care how things are set up, so long as we are talking to the correct folks at the correct time.
Exactly right....

Putting departure in the standby of com 1 before push makes me dumber. I have no ability to comprehend the stupidity of that logic.

Along the same lines of not using the hot mic in the 73.
Quote: I really don't want to chime in here, but I see the real "problem" being that there are several different possible radio configurations. I've flown the 727, M88, 757/767 and now the 320. There are differences to all of them, and in the case of the 757/767, even differences depending on what airplane you are flying that particular day.

Each configuration sort of led to a different style of "management." That said, I won't be micromanaging any of my F/Os. I've never had a time where I can think of there ever being any sort of disagreement over the "right" way of setting up the radios. I just ask the F/Os to let me know when they are switching radios (going from ramp to ground, for example). Other than that, I don't care how things are set up, so long as we are talking to the correct folks at the correct time.
Absolutely true! "What radio are you on" is all you need to do as CA.
Quote: I really don't want to chime in here, but I see the real "problem" being that there are several different possible radio configurations. I've flown the 727, M88, 757/767 and now the 320. There are differences to all of them, and in the case of the 757/767, even differences depending on what airplane you are flying that particular day.

Each configuration sort of led to a different style of "management." That said, I won't be micromanaging any of my F/Os. I've never had a time where I can think of there ever being any sort of disagreement over the "right" way of setting up the radios. I just ask the F/Os to let me know when they are switching radios (going from ramp to ground, for example). Other than that, I don't care how things are set up, so long as we are talking to the correct folks at the correct time.
Singing to the choir brother. I’ve literally had a CA tell me “this is how we did it back when I was an engineer on the 727, you’ll do the same cause I said so”. Ummm this is a 757.
Still beats working 9-5 in a cubicle!!!
Reply can always upgrade.

Problem solved. Lol!
Quote: can always upgrade.

Problem solved. Lol!
Or just spend cruise leafing through the 500 manuals asking "so where is that written again?"
Is it in the standby or in the preselect window? Our 7ER category has the radio/intercom commonality of a manatee and a Holstein in that they are both cows. Just make it work. This is so petty. Let the FOs do their job however they can do it best. And unless you set the parking brake don't help out with the FMS because you aren't helping. If you want to taxi single engine own the consequences. (personal rant so fire away, you know I'm right)

...but we are making money, so...
I actually like the way the 737 does it. Put dept. in the standby window of the #3 radio (ACARS).

If we're talking about things that drive us nuts...basically when a CA messes with the radios at all while taxiing. I know guys are just trying to help when they tune in a new freq without telling me but usually they tune the wrong one which then confuses me, how did this freq get here? did I tune this freq? what freq should we actually be going to? Meanwhile I miss a radio call.

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