Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: My OTS class wasn't cool enough to get a fighter flyby. We got buzzed by 2 B-1s wings swept in burner. Those $&@$ers are LOUD!!!
My.... U103 class... WAS cool enough to get a fly by from Shiznit in a Cessna 172RG...

Quote: What's wrong with Iron Eagle?
Uh... this is uncomfortable. Let's go back to how you steal jets and fly to Iran or something... inspired by me, on cassette tape...

all you need to know about the F-16 in a few hand gestures.
How do we post a picture again?
They shake you to the heart. It's really cool to watch them takeoff at night with 20 ft flames coming out of 4 afterburning turbofans engines. If they come in low, they'll surprise you every time.
During flag, I'd call up my buddy at Nellis tower and figure out when the B-1s would be launching for the night sorties.. My boss would ride up front in the king air and we'd park in a block alt underneath the FYTTR one departure restrictions and watch those bad boys get out of there on burners..

Man, I miss fun flying
Quote: How do we post a picture again?
so no way to post from the hard drive, only from a weblink?
Quote: Lightweight in an F-14 (about 225,000lbs), about 250 kts at touchdown. Had a couple friends who did it -- the aircraft will stop, then the brakes turn orange, fuse plugs pop, brakes melt & catch fire, but with a good fire department you can save the airplane and replace the landing gear for about $800,000.
Holy smokes!!!!
Quote: so no way to post from the hard drive, only from a weblink?

Correct. Go to a photo share site like photo bucket, create an account, and use their links provided for each picture.

How come I can't upload images moderators?
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