Pick up from Pilot to Pilot swap question.

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Just curious about this. I know I cannot ws if it puts me over ALV +15, but can you pick up a trip from someone on the pilot to pilot swap board even if it puts you over ALV +15? Looking at PWA and trying to figure it out is hurting my pea brain.
Yes you can.
Yes you can.
Thx Herk! I thought that may be the case but wasn't sure.
Quote: Thx Herk! I thought that may be the case but wasn't sure.
This is one of the things I hoped to see cleaned up in the TA we did not get or even attempt. Both swaps and pickups should be governed by the ALV plus 15 limit. It costs us a significant number of jobs by not restoring this.
The ALV+15 Max Pickup limit applies only when you are picking up a WS. It does not apply to a swap with the pot or picking up something off of the swap board. It also does not apply to a GS.
Quote: The ALV+15 Max Pickup limit applies only when you are picking up a WS. It does not apply to a swap with the pot or picking up something off of the swap board. It also does not apply to a GS.

It was my understanding that your swp still can't take you over alv +15

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Quote: It was my understanding that your swp still can't take you over alv +15

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I agree with this. The one time I've taken a swap board trip, my Max Pick-up limit as shown on my schedule was reduced by the value of the trip.
Quote: This is one of the things I hoped to see cleaned up in the TA we did not get or even attempt. Both swaps and pickups should be governed by the ALV plus 15 limit. It costs us a significant number of jobs by not restoring this.
It shouldn't cost jobs if you pick something up off the swap board. If I pick up a trip, another guy just sits home instead of me. It's not picking up uncovered open time like a WS does. I do agree that swaps cost jobs because I can swap a 1-day for a 2-day and go over the ALV+15, but pilot to pilot swaps and pickups shouldn't cost us any jobs.
Quote: I agree with this. The one time I've taken a swap board trip, my Max Pick-up limit as shown on my schedule was reduced by the value of the trip.
It doesn't count for picking up that trip but it does count for picking up future trips.

So say I pickup a WS first then a swap I can go over ALV+15 but if I pick up a swap then try to WS I must stay under ALV+15.
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