FxCal iOS14

An issue had been reported on iOS14 concerning FxCal.
Recommend NOT upgrading to iOS14 until further notice.
Quote: An issue had been reported on iOS14 concerning FxCal.
Recommend NOT upgrading to iOS14 until further notice.
Any update?
iOS14 introduced a format issue on the smaller phones without a notch.
You can run iOS14 now.
This should work until I get a patch posted:
Settings> Display & Brightness > Display Zoom and select Zoomed.

It is patched in FxCal 8.3.0 beta 3, available on TestFlight.
It is at the App Store waiting approval.
Any plans to bring the app to android? Just curious thanks!

Quote: iOS14 introduced a format issue on the smaller phones without a notch.
You can run iOS14 now.
This should work until I get a patch posted:
Settings> Display & Brightness > Display Zoom and select Zoomed.

It is patched in FxCal 8.3.0 beta 3, available on TestFlight.
It is at the App Store waiting approval.
Quote: Any plans to bring the app to android? Just curious thanks!
That has been asked for 12 year now.
When the company changes from iPad to Android, AND I change my personal devices from Apple to Android, most likely.
I do not recommend holding your breath.
Quote: Any plans to bring the app to android? Just curious thanks!
I was told one exists but I have yet to find this unicorn app. I flew with a captain who swore he saw someone use it.