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Rock 02-06-2024 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by DLax85 (Post 3765266)
Why did our previous MEC leadership call for a strike authorization?

Why did UPS Teamsters do the same last summer?

Does the NMB control our customers when they decide how to ship?


p.s. I’m unsure what you think I’ve promised. I’m sure I don’t work for the company. I believe our leverage comes once a year - maybe twice this year. I understand profit = revenue - cost. Their goal is to maximize profit and they focus on both variables.

The strike authorization was a statement of unity. Nothing more. It was a good statement. But its usefulness ended the minute we rejected TA 1.0. 99% unity dissolved into a food fight of warring factions that have split the union into multiple pieces.

Because you remain clueless on the RLA (and shame on you for that) you don't know that the teamsters are not covered by the RLA. We are. That changes the battlefield completely. Please educate yourself. Seriously. You've got a lot of energy. It would be so much more effective for all concerned if you'd add some real world knowledge to it.

Customers aren't stupid. Less stupid than some of us apparently. They understand how the RLA negates unions like ours from striking. That's why when unions associated with passenger carriers threaten to strike, it hardly makes a ripple in their revenue. Watch what happens with American flight attendants. Haven't heard about that? Ask yourself why. And do a little research into how their efforts to strike are going. They're flight attendants. Do you really think we'd have more luck being released to strike at a cargo airline that (at least until September) carries US Mail and has military contracts? Please. Educate yourself.

If you really cared about your job, you'd research the steps required in the NMB process before we could strike. Once you did that, you'd realize why it's simply an empty threat. And everyone but apparently some of our pilots understand that. In the meantime, the company thanks us every single day for voting to extend our 2015 CBA. Right when they needed help countering lost revenue, we stepped up to the plate and agreed to a multi-year freeze on pay and benefits. We could not have done them a bigger favor. And the longer they can delay a new TA, the happier they are. Fortunately for them, we're doing the hard work of dismantling our union for them. All they have to do is sit back and watch the chaos. Brilliant.

Anthrax 02-06-2024 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tuck (Post 3765276)
Are you really comparing an association under the NLRB to one under the RLA? Seriously...this it the kind of thinking that will kill us

some would argue that your line of thinking has killed what used to be a coveted job in aviation, gotta give the company something for a cost of living pay hike, and we have no leverage, and whah whah, you weak lil squirt maybe go take a moment in your safe space, and when you are ready to come out don’t forget to ask the company for permission.

plzdontfireme 02-06-2024 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Rock (Post 3765283)
The strike authorization was a statement of unity. Nothing more. It was a good statement. But its usefulness ended the minute we rejected TA 1.0. 99% unity dissolved into a food fight of warring factions that have split the union into multiple pieces..

It's usefulness ended the minute the TA was made public. The NC and MEC ****ed away our unity and stepped out of the way while management drove a wedge straight through the pilot group.

Rock 02-06-2024 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by plzdontfireme (Post 3765290)
It's usefulness ended the minute the TA was made public. The NC and MEC ****ed away our unity and stepped out of the way while management drove a wedge straight through the pilot group.

It was symbolic. And you're right. It's now basically useless. But management isn't driving wedges into our union. That's all on us. They don't have to lift a finger. And they are much obliged for our efforts.

plzdontfireme 02-06-2024 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Rock (Post 3765293)
It was symbolic. And you're right. It's now basically useless. But management isn't driving wedges into our union. That's all on us. They don't have to lift a finger. And they are much obliged for our efforts.

Management is absolutely driving wedges.

Reference: the management run and management supported "Silent Majority" group, vocal pilots that oppose them being put on NOQ to get them to shut-up, etc

Rock 02-06-2024 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by plzdontfireme (Post 3765300)
Management is absolutely driving wedges.

Reference: the management run and management supported "Silent Majority" group, vocal pilots that oppose them being put on NOQ to get them to shut-up, etc

You have evidence managment is running the "Silent Majority" group? I'd love to see it. Let's make that public.

Maddog64 02-07-2024 03:30 AM

Block 5 rep was put on NOQ because he broke company social media policy when he posted is rant after being told not to. He didn't follow ALPA policy and it got him in trouble.

Westerner 02-07-2024 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by Rock (Post 3765283)
The strike authorization was a statement of unity. Nothing more. It was a good statement. But its usefulness ended the minute we rejected TA 1.0. 99% unity dissolved into a food fight of warring factions that have split the union into multiple pieces.

Because you remain clueless on the RLA (and shame on you for that) you don't know that the teamsters are not covered by the RLA. We are. That changes the battlefield completely. Please educate yourself. Seriously. You've got a lot of energy. It would be so much more effective for all concerned if you'd add some real world knowledge to it.

Customers aren't stupid. Less stupid than some of us apparently. They understand how the RLA negates unions like ours from striking. That's why when unions associated with passenger carriers threaten to strike, it hardly makes a ripple in their revenue. Watch what happens with American flight attendants. Haven't heard about that? Ask yourself why. And do a little research into how their efforts to strike are going. They're flight attendants. Do you really think we'd have more luck being released to strike at a cargo airline that (at least until September) carries US Mail and has military contracts? Please. Educate yourself.

If you really cared about your job, you'd research the steps required in the NMB process before we could strike. Once you did that, you'd realize why it's simply an empty threat. And everyone but apparently some of our pilots understand that. In the meantime, the company thanks us every single day for voting to extend our 2015 CBA. Right when they needed help countering lost revenue, we stepped up to the plate and agreed to a multi-year freeze on pay and benefits. We could not have done them a bigger favor. And the longer they can delay a new TA, the happier they are. Fortunately for them, we're doing the hard work of dismantling our union for them. All they have to do is sit back and watch the chaos. Brilliant.

How have the union changes slowed down negotiations? We are meeting with the NMB weekly, with the same NC minus a retiree.

kwri10s 02-07-2024 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by Rock (Post 3765303)
You have evidence managment is running the "Silent Majority" group? I'd love to see it. Let's make that public.

It already was.

Maddog64 02-07-2024 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Westerner (Post 3765336)
How have the union changes slowed down negotiations? We are meeting with the NMB weekly, with the same NC minus a retiree.

Blocks 2 and 5 wanted to remove the NC and cancel the January sessions, that's how it would have slowed things down. My guess is it would have canned more than just January. Not sure how long it would take to get a new negotiation team and train them but probably at least a couple of months.

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