Passed CFI ride!

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It is with great pleasure to say that I passed my initial CFI checkride today. I wish I could say "this morning" but the ride lasted from around 10am to 4pm! It was undoubtedly one of the most stressful checkrides I've taken thus far. First question, There are 6 times of learning, name 2 of of them. For the life of me I could not recall any!! After a few minutes, it came to me and I made a nice recovery. The rest of the oral went well. We took a break for lunch around 11:30 and resumed at 12:30. We didn't start flying till around 1:30. The examiner said he knew I knew how to fly, he wanted to make sure I knew how to teach. So he flew 90% of the time, I just had to talk him through it. He made mistakes like not using right rudder, to see if I caught it, and fortunately I did. We did some steep turns, ground reference maneuvers, and he had me demonstrate a spin. Upon a satisfactory demonstration, he performed a couple of spins and emphasized the importance of spin training. We then landed and jumped in the Complex aircraft. The ride in the Complex lasted only about .5 hours. My last landing was a simulated soft field landing, I really wanted to grease it since he said we will call it a day afterwards. I tried hard very hard and landed that 250 horsepower Comanche on the 1,600 piece of real estate and greased it. It was a big relief. I am very thankful for my friends and family for all the support. Of course I am thankful for everyone on this board who has helped me all along. I will be working full-time at the FBO I trained at after a couple of days of cooling off. It is great to finally get paid to do something I love!
Nice job! Congratulations.
Nice work man!
You da man!!!

Now keep putting that hard work and talent to good use and never stop learning :-)

Congrats on earning your CFI! Now let the real learning begin!
Congratulations! Well done!

We have been following your career progression for several years now. I'm glad that we were able to help you in whatever way we can, and we will continue to do so until you get to that left seat at a major. Somehow, though, I think YOU will be teaching US a few things long before that.

We are very proud of your achievements. Keep us posted.
WAY TO GO!!!! Now the fun really starts! I think I learned more the first couple of hundred hours than my students did! Have a great time and make your profession proud!!
much congrats!!
as you progress through your career, you will look back on your CFI-A check ride and realize it was the hardest one ever.
as you begin to teach and develop as an instructor, you will soon recognise that you never learn more about aviation than when you teach it.
again, congrats and welcome to the club.
Congrats PP. I look forward to hearing more stories in the future as you start instructing, and be sure to share APC with your students. If you found it useful, they may also find a few nuggets of knowledge buried here!

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