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atpcliff 12-25-2007 08:35 AM


For guys who have applied to NJA months ago: Getting an interview was dependent on the bases you would accept and the bases that were open. Some of the guys interviewed in Dec had been waiting 12 mos-those who asked for only DAL. Now, it is all up in the air, as the bases are gone. So, basically the interview time clock was re-set on Dec 7, and everyone was at Day 1. Now, how they are prioritizing the interviews, I have no idea. I have heard that if you have an LOR you can get your interview sooner.

Schedules: If you are on the 7/7, you will know your days off ahead of time to schedule airshows, whatever. It sounds like that would be the best schedule if you need to know your schedule well ahead of time (outside scheduled vacations).

I have also heard, and it appears likely, from who flies for NJA, that they intentionally want a MIX of pilots. Mil/Airline/Corporate, etc. They are not like DAL, for example, that prefers mil guys. So, I don't think a mil guy would get preferential treatment, but they wouldn't get negative treatment either.

The way you are selected for interviews, and hired, is very randomized. You need to apply and interview, and see what happens. If you like the co., and they don't hire you, try again when you can. If you get upset and bitter about negative outcomes, it will show up in the application process or interview. Try, and if it doesn't work, try again. You may interview somewhere, and it depends on who interviews you-if that person likes you, you're in, and if they don't, you're out. If you try again, you'll get another person, who'll judge you differently.

In these last rounds of interviews, Derinda doesn't sit on a board-she helps the interviewees throughout the process. NJA IS changing the process again. I've heard it will be 3 days-1 intro, 1 day of two interview boards per candidate, and 1 day of sim, + a BUNCH of written tests. For sure it IS changing, and I don't think anyone knows for sure how it will end up.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

God Bless,

Junglejett 12-25-2007 11:49 AM

If Cliff is right about a 3 day process....then I feel a whole lot better having just got picked up! It has been a good year so far and I think next year is going to rock!


Refund 12-25-2007 04:20 PM

A 3 day process seems a bit excessive and expensive for the company. From the guys I know that work in management the company seems to be trying to really attract the best pilots in the industry (more $$, bases, skeds, and benifits).
Does anyone know if you upgrade to NJI from NJ are the different sked options the same between the 2 companies??

UCLAbruins 12-25-2007 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Refund (Post 286707)
A 3 day process seems a bit excessive and expensive for the company. From the guys I know that work in management the company seems to be trying to really attract the best pilots in the industry (more $$, bases, skeds, and benifits).
Does anyone know if you upgrade to NJI from NJ are the different sked options the same between the 2 companies??

As things are right now (after the TA), it'll probably take you anywhere from 4-5 years to upgrade to captain in the most junior aircraft, the Beech Jet or Ultra. Still a hell of a lot better than the 11-12 years it takes to upgrade at the majors. As far as getting a F/O position in the G-IV (NJI), Falcon Easy and BBJ, it'll probably take you about 3 years. The Falcon 2000 Easy is a state of the art airplane, a great computarized machine. We were suppose to get a bunch of those things fairly quickly, but I heard it didn't meet the range specifications NJ wanted. So the slowed down the deliveries.

mbaroni 12-26-2007 05:23 AM

Good morning, and thanks for all the infomation on NetJets.

I've read that you don't spend much time in the hotels, so are you flying, or are you sitting in an FBO or something? Also, how many hours a month do you fly say in the most popular aircraft? I was also wondering if day 1 is usually an AM report and day 7 is usually a PM return?


UCLAbruins 12-26-2007 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by mbaroni (Post 286879)
Good morning, and thanks for all the infomation on NetJets.

I've read that you don't spend much time in the hotels, so are you flying, or are you sitting in an FBO or something? Also, how many hours a month do you fly say in the most popular aircraft? I was also wondering if day 1 is usually an AM report and day 7 is usually a PM return?


-Most popular aircraft, you'll do anywhere from 45-60 hours a month (Falcon 2000, Xcel or X).
-Middle of the ranks, like my little Hawker800, 35-50.
-Ultra/Beech Jet, not many. I've heard every aircraft we have is sold out, except the Beech Jet and Ultra. There's even a waiting list in for some aircraft. I imagine the Beech Jet does a lot of "search and rescue" (recovery flights).

As far as 1st day, you'll leave in the morning most of the time. Typical day, you airline, pick a ship, and do a repo flight for the next day. Sometimes you'll just airline, and sometimes you'll do 2 or 3 legs after the airline. Last day, 4 out of 5 times, I'm home before 3:00 p.m. Every now and then, you'll be home before 11:00 a.m. But it can also work the other way, get home at 11;30 p.m. hope this helps you

Refund 12-26-2007 10:32 AM

Does the NJI guys have the same sked as the NJ guys or is it different?? 3 years to get BBJ thats not bad at all, I would have thought it would take longer.

F16Driver 12-26-2007 10:48 AM

BBJ FO will not be 3 years. I've been at NJ 2.5 years and will hopefully upgrade in 6-9 months. For me to upgrade to BBJ FO it would be much longer, and the pay is less. 5-6 years for captain upgrade with new hires is pretty spot on.

So Wonwee 12-26-2007 05:03 PM

I was looking at the virtual seniority list today. 10 years is the junior SIC in the BBJ.

UCLAbruins 12-26-2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by So Wonwee (Post 287162)
I was looking at the virtual seniority list today. 10 years is the junior SIC in the BBJ.

yeah you guys are probably right, it'll take many years to get the BBJ.

This is why I said 3 years. I've been at NJ 2 years 11 months, I put in a bid for the BBJ out of curiosity (just to see how far I was). I think it said only 3 or 4 guys infront of me. So I figure 3 years. But here's the thing, when the company puts out a bid for 1 BBJ F/O, a bunch of senior guys are going to decide that they want it, and bid it. All of a sudden, overnight, you go down 15-20 numbers. I guess I wasn't thinking about that.

ps- last year a Hawker 800 captain turned it down, he's been at NJ just over 4 years, but I think we had 3 BBJs then, I'm not sure. cheers

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