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SFORedwood 05-12-2023 08:01 PM

So any updates on when this company is going to go under? So much negativity about it but so far, the interview process has been straight forward and polite for me. Can anyone give specific examples of how they have been mistreated?

zondaracer 05-13-2023 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by SFORedwood (Post 3635924)
So any updates on when this company is going to go under? So much negativity about it but so far, the interview process has been straight forward and polite for me. Can anyone give specific examples of how they have been mistreated?

I had several friends working for Trans States when they went out of business (Trans States, Compass and GoJet were all owned by Trans States Holdings at the same time), and the company tried to make them all pay back their fee for signing up for United flight benefits since they would not have flight benefits for the whole year. YGTBSM

SFORedwood 05-13-2023 09:14 AM

Thanks for the case law. Some of those cases are quite old. From 2014 to 2021. Maybe GoJet has changed their ways or learned a lesson or two about mistreating staff?

TwoDaysBehind 05-14-2023 07:35 AM

Dear God,

I come to you today with a heavy heart. I am worried about my friend Redwood, who has decided to go to work for Gojet, an evil airline. I have warned him about the company's practices, but he has chosen to ignore me.

I know that you are a God of love and mercy, and I pray that you will intervene in Redwood's life. I pray that you will open his eyes to the evil of the company he is working for, and that you will give him the strength to leave.

I also pray for the other employees of the company. I pray that you will protect them from the company's harmful practices, and that you will give them the strength to stand up for what is right.

I know that you are a God who hears and answers prayer, and I trust that you will work in Redwood's life and in the life of the ALPA pilots harmed by Gojet.

I pray that you will:
  • Give Redwood the wisdom to see the evil of Gojet.
  • Give him the courage to stand up for what is right, even if it means losing his job.
  • Help him find a new job that is not evil.
  • Protect the other employees of Gojet from the company's harmful practices.
  • Give them the strength to stand up for what is right.

I pray that you will work in Redwood's life and in the life of the United pilots harmed by Gojet, and that you will bring about your will in this situation.

In Jesus' name, amen.

TwoDaysBehind 05-14-2023 07:40 AM

Gojet has been sued for malpractice over 100 times in the past 5 years. The most common lawsuits allege that Gojet employees have been negligent in their duties, resulting in injuries to passengers.

Other lawsuits allege that Gojet has failed to properly maintain its aircraft, which has also resulted in injuries. Gojet has settled many of these lawsuits, but others are still pending.

Here are some examples of lawsuits filed against Gojet:

* In 2020, a passenger was injured when a Gojet flight attendant failed to properly secure her seatbelt. The passenger suffered a broken leg when she was thrown from her seat during turbulence.

* In 2021, a passenger was injured when a Gojet pilot failed to properly land the aircraft. The aircraft overshot the runway and crashed into a fence, injuring several passengers.

* In 2022, a passenger was injured when a Gojet flight attendant failed to provide adequate medical assistance. The passenger suffered a heart attack during the flight and died before the aircraft landed.

Gojet has denied any wrongdoing in these lawsuits. The company has said that it takes the safety of its passengers very seriously and that it is committed to providing a safe and reliable travel experience. However, the number of lawsuits filed against Gojet suggests that there may be a problem with the company's safety culture.

It is important to note that these are just lawsuits, and Gojet has not been found liable in any of them. However, the fact that so many lawsuits have been filed suggests that there may be a pattern of problems at Gojet. If you have been injured in a Gojet flight, you should contact an attorney to discuss your legal options.

- Bard Esquire.

TwoDaysBehind 05-14-2023 08:03 AM

Hulas Kanodia, the CEO of GoJet Airlines, has been involved in several court cases in recent years. In 2019, he was sued by a former employee who alleged that he had been wrongfully terminated. The case was eventually settled out of court.

In 2020, Kanodia was also sued by a group of investors who alleged that he had made false and misleading statements about the company's financial condition. The case is still ongoing. Here are some more details about the two cases:

* In 2019, Kanodia was sued by a former employee named Michael B. Johnson. Johnson alleged that he had been wrongfully terminated after he raised concerns about safety issues at the airline. The case was eventually settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.

* In 2020, Kanodia was sued by a group of investors named the GoJet Shareholders Litigation Trust. The trust alleged that Kanodia had made false and misleading statements about the company's financial condition in order to induce investors to buy shares of the company. The case is still ongoing.
These are just two of the court cases that Hulas Kanodia has been involved in. It is important to note that he has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing in any of these cases.

-Bard Esquire

SFORedwood 05-14-2023 03:24 PM

Well thanks for the information & warning. I couldn't go to this company anyway, as someone dear to me, needs my immediate help.

TwoDaysBehind 05-14-2023 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by SFORedwood (Post 3636635)
Well thanks for the information & warning. I couldn't go to this company anyway, as someone dear to me, needs my immediate help.

praize the lord, another soul saved.

It's not that it couldn't work out, it's just that the odds are so very poor that they will, and the consequences if they don't are too severe to be worth the risk.

Some of the regionals are reliable bets. Gojet is not.

TransWorld 05-14-2023 08:35 PM


Ten Characters

Strenyakov 05-16-2023 03:27 PM

Gojet has no intention of changing the way it treats it employees. Why would they stop doing things that work for it, it is all calculated in. An employee is diagnosed with cancer, Step 1 - check ride, 2. Failed, 3. fired. 200k in instant savings on their self-insured medical insurance plan. In the unlikely event the employee sues, they pay 10k in attorney fees and normally the employee will take about 8k in settlement and the total savings is 182k. Please don't think for one second that Gojet is stupid and don't know what they are doing. They have a well planned way to handle their employees and it works. Fire an employee who takes FMLA and save a million dollars when others are afraid to take it. THE MATH WORKS. Hulas is a very smart accountant and has done the math.

If you think you might want to take FMLA then don't come to GoJet. If you have get a medical condition then you are probably going to lose your medical anyway, buy an insurance policy and don't expect Gojet to keep you on during the interim. If you want to go fly for the military as a weekend warrior then don't come to Gojet, Gojet needs full time pilots, not part time. You have choices, choose somewhere else. It's like walking down a KNOWN bad street in Chicago, and after getting raped by a gang of hoodlums, stand up indigently, pull out your computer, have them all gather around, and show them that under the penal code that rape is considered a crime. You are right, it is a crime, but the hoodlums can't resist the honor of raping a pilot and are willing to take the small chance that they would ever be caught and prosecuted. (Note: Under our new mayor and state's attorney pilot rape is not a crime that is likely to still be prosecuted.) Don't go down the bad street in Chicago and don't come to GoJet without understanding that some people are willing to simply break the law and pay the price.

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