Whats the strangest thing you've seen airborn?

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Going into a po-dunk airport out in on the prairie during harvest had to dodge parts of corn stalks at about 2000 agl
Flock of birthday balloons at FL210. I have no idea how they were that high. There was about 10 of them... red, yellow, blue...
years ago, flying up the east coast at 190, saw a big a$$ bird at about 19,500. Reported it to center. Controller said they have been reported around there as high as 22,000. Wierd!
Lights in the sky
I just came in from watching the "soon to be shot down" satellite go overhead, then five minutes later the International Space Station passed over, on different tracks though.

That being said, do you drivers ever see the ISS while you are up there?

Saw a weather balloon last year flying out west. (We were somewhere north of the Very Large Array in NM)...

From where we were, the thing looked big- and relatively close~ 10 miles or so and about 5,000-10,000' feet above us (we were at FL410). Asked center about it and he said it was an experiemental science balloon that had been launched about 30 minutes earlier... it was about 75 miles off and passing through about 120,000' MSL! The controller said that it was about 1000' tall at that altitude. (It looked big!)

Somewhere I have a photo of it. If I find it, I'll post it on here.
KPVU tower cleared a 13 departure around the bull dog that was sun bathing on the rwy.

I spent about 20 minutes looking for that pic last night, but no avail.
Quote: That being said, do you drivers ever see the ISS while you are up there?
Yes! I see it all the time. On a clear night it's just a matter of knowing when and where to look.

Check this out:

Quote: Saw a weather balloon last year flying out west. (We were somewhere north of the Very Large Array in NM)...

From where we were, the thing looked big- and relatively close~ 10 miles or so and about 5,000-10,000' feet above us (we were at FL410). Asked center about it and he said it was an experiemental science balloon that had been launched about 30 minutes earlier... it was about 75 miles off and passing through about 120,000' MSL! The controller said that it was about 1000' tall at that altitude. (It looked big!)

Somewhere I have a photo of it. If I find it, I'll post it on here.

Yeah I bet you it looked alil something like this...

And it looks like this on the way up....

And like this on the way back down....
And for grins here is what it looks like during inflation....

P.s. Sorry I couldn't find a good pic of what it looks like at float. And "it" is a High Altitude Scientific Balloon that floats at 123,000 ft and the payload on it does different types of experiments like measuring the ozone layer, measuring cosmic rays off of the sun and all kinds of weird scientific stuff that goes over my head.
I saw a helicopter fly one time. That was pretty strange.
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