How do guys/gals unwind from a trip?

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Naked, I like to lay around naked. One time I did this and left the shades open, several hotel guest went blind.
My imagination just went blind! LoL

Long Overnight - Get to the room, change and try to go out with or without the crew.

Short Overnight - Wash the face and turn on the TV for the WX for tomorrow. Read another chapter and fall asleep with the lights, TV and iPod on.

Upon arriving home - Open a blue moon, Corona or Colt 45, turn on the guitar amp, plug in and bring the house down! At least until the neighbors complain...

Yeah, thats been my last month and a half here!
You're all a bunch of drunkards!
I think its funny how I can sit in the plane all day and feel fine, but if I have to wait for 45 extra minutes in the car for traffic, I think I'm going to loose my FREAKING MIND.

Did I ever say I hate traffic?
I hear ya! Or better yet, when I'm on the commute home and we're just sitting at the gate, or sitting on the taxiway, it drives me nuts! However, when I'm up front workin the flight, I don't even notice it.

My trips aren't really productive (reserve) so I come home refreshed. I catch up on sleep during trips..
more to the story...
"Look Stewie, an airport, where there's an airport there's pilots, where there are pilots, there's booze." (something like that) - Brian, Family Guy
Quote: Hey fellas, just curious what you guys do to unwind. For me I get home say hello to my g/f, but don't really engage in conversation becuase I need at least 1-2hrs in complete solitude .................

Man I hear you loud and clear there. Some days I just can't wait to get released and take that fricken headset off. Listening to ATC for 8 hours running their mouths in my head gets tiring.

My family has a Bonanza which I can use anytime I want and I used to like to fly it but now going to an airport on a day off is the last thing on my mind. For me getting home kicking off the shoes grabbing a cold one and just sitting on the couch in total quiet is what I like. As for days off its either the Harley or the boat and right now I just can't wait for the water to warm up so I can put the dock in the water.
im a commuter so I generally unwind on the flight home.....
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