America's Most Stressful Jobs - 2010

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And jackets on too
I love how the mods are so quick to move threads to hanger talk. Maybe they were put in the section for a reason. Maybe because a lot of people (me included) don't go to the hanger talk section.
Image has been reversed... but the hats and jackets look pretty spiffy. I'll bet their shoes are shined too!
I'm surprised ATC didn't make the list
Not nearly a stressful job. Just looks that way because most pilots are spoiled crybabies.
Quote: Not nearly a stressful job. Just looks that way because most pilots are overpaid spoiled crybabies.
Fixed it for ya
Looks about right.

According to medical educator Timothy P. Brigham, PhD, stress is "the basic confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately deserves it."
In our case, it usually either crew scheduling or airline management.

Ironic that #3 is taxi driver.
I hate it when media mirrors images...I catch it all the time! Stupid. Why they do that? Plus how many aircraft have gear handle on the left and standby instruments on the right?

The job of flying an aircraft isnt stressful. The stressful part is lifestlye (especially on RSV).
Quote: The job of flying an aircraft isnt stressful. The stressful part is lifestlye (especially on RSV).
When the ALPA magazine was ACTUALLY something worth reading a long time ago, a survey was done of the top 15-20 things that cause stress to an airline pilot.

Funny enough, an in flight emergency was around 11-12. All the other crap was in the top 10. Career instability, regression, paycuts, furloughs, schedule, lifestyle, etc.
Quote: When the ALPA magazine was ACTUALLY something worth reading a long time ago, a survey was done of the top 15-20 things that cause stress to an airline pilot.

Funny enough, an in flight emergency was around 11-12. All the other crap was in the top 10. Career instability, regression, paycuts, furloughs, schedule, lifestyle, etc.

The more things change the more they stay the same...
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