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1st overnite 12-28-2011 05:56 PM

Thanks for the suggestions. I read "Lone Survivor". Excellant book. I also read "Unbroken". That is in my top 5 books I have ever read. The author did an excellant job so I figured "Seabiscuit" would be good. Maybe I'll pick up that book.

A few books I would recommend would be "The Garden of Beast", "1776", "With the Old Breed", "Odessa Files", "Night Falls", any book by Matt Haig and "Fast Food Nation".

If you have come into flying by the civillian route, read "Moondogs flight academy and other air disasters." Really funny.

Emb170man 12-28-2011 07:46 PM

Second for Flyboys.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand... Or the Fountainhead by Rand... Both excellent.

Rich dad, poor dad

Learflyer 12-29-2011 04:55 AM

"Too Fat To Fish" by Artie Lange. If you guys are in to humor at all. This dude has nine lives.

atpwannabe 12-29-2011 05:31 AM

"The Shack" by William P. Young.

It took me two weeks to read the first 88 pages; then 2-3 days for the rest of the book! That's about 170 pages I think.


11Fan 12-29-2011 07:29 AM

Currently reading Killing Lincoln; Bill O'Reilly.

It's like being there.

727gm 12-29-2011 09:57 AM

excellent book by Vassily Grossman: "Life and Fate"

love2av8 12-29-2011 10:06 AM

The Jack Reacher series by Lee Child is excellent!

Tzuk95 12-29-2011 06:14 PM

+1 Gates of Fire

rwthompson67 12-29-2011 07:06 PM

+1 The Shack. Wonderful book. A bit of an emotional roller coaster though. Especially if you have kids.

Airhoss 12-29-2011 07:29 PM

Just read "Iron Coffins" by Werner a U-Boat captain in WWII. Excellent history read, now reading "Shooting the War" by Geise another good historical U-boat/Naval action read.

If you like blood and guts, shoot em up fiction I can highly recomend the "Monster Hunter" series by Larry Corriea.

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