Great article we can all learn from

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The last one, #5, especially applies to people on here. YOU MAKE THE REALITY YOU LIVE IN!

Top five regrets of the dying | Life and style |
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

Amen (signed a middle aged man)

Thanks for showing that article. I am, at least, not alone.
Best article I've seen here in quite some time.
Quote: 1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

Amen (signed a middle aged man)

Thanks for showing that article. I am, at least, not alone.

Someone expected you to be a pilot? What would you rather have done?
Quote: Someone expected you to be a pilot? What would you rather have done?
What makes you think that being a pilot defined his life?

Maybe he meant hobbies, passions, other personal pursuits or relationships that had NOTHING to do with being a pilot.
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Apologies to Dean Wormer, but perhaps it is.
You gotta savor the sweet moments in life. Use the honey badger mentality. No regrets and no apologies (unless you do something really stupid, then it's probably best to apologize )
Clear of the top 5 at least.

Quote: Clear of the top 5 at least.

My bucket is full, too.
I spent it all on booze, broads and boats, the rest I just wasted.

To the dweller in cubicle farms it may not make much sense, but life is indeed what you make it. Risk and reward, happiness is where you find it.
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