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Cglyn 04-11-2022 07:20 PM

I’m currently pt 135 Lear jet pilot transitioning to the airlines

jdm7565 04-12-2022 03:28 AM

USMC helo
I'm a Marine Corps AH-1Z helicopter pilot with about 700 TT and about 1-2 years from transitioning. I'm hoping to get my FW PIC time and ME ratings through either a skillbridge program or while on terminal leave and apply for the regionals in hope of eventually flying for a ULCC/major/legacy out of Atlanta.

My SO is currently finishing up ATP Flight School and will start instructing to build her time in order to fly for regionals or ULCC. I'd like to connect with other airline pilots that have significant others that are also pilots in order to see what the work/life balance is with two airline pilots. And on top of that, what does it look like with kids in the equation?

Additionally, I would really be interested to get some knowledge from a helo guy that has recently transitioned and flying with the regionals or legacy. As a helo guy, and IF I were to get orders flying T6s for 3 years and time building, would it be worth it? Some personal calculus to go into that decision is: GI Bill, QOL and fun of flying T6s, no paying out of pocket for FW hours, being home while SO is very junior with regionals vice BOTH of us being very junior at regionals, etc. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, thank you!

HercEbirdJ 04-13-2022 07:31 AM

Marine KC-130J pilot separating in a few months. Previous 121 FO and FE. CFI/I as well. I am here to research and ask members more specific questions relating to QOL/pay that the company profiles don’t elaborate on. Looking forward to chatting with you all!

Little10robot 04-14-2022 12:10 PM

Central IL Property with Hangers and Strip
Confession. I'm not a pilot, but I sure wish I was.

I have a property that I recently placed on the market. It may be of interest to a pilot. The house comes with two manufactured buildings that were once used as hangers. It is next to McCulley Airport (sod landing strip). I don’t own the airstrip, but I’m sure the owner, Mike McCulley, would enjoy seeing it put to good use.

The original owner of this property was apparently known as "The Flying Dentist" locally.

I would love to see this place go to a pilot.

Dutchie 04-16-2022 02:10 AM

Hi, I'm from the Netherlands, currently flying in the middle-east. I have around 9000hours, flown on B737,777,787.
Currently in the process of obtaining a green card via the EB2-NIW, hopefully this turns out positive.
Then ready to move with the family to the US!

74Classic 04-21-2022 08:03 AM

Last Hoorah
Hi Y'all. Greetings from Texas. Former airline guy who hung it up for a bit to raise some young kids and try my hand at options trading and crypto. Was at American Eagle on the E-145 in DFW and ORD. Moved over to Southern Air and flew the B74 and later in the B777. Have been out of flying for 10 years. Burned out on the trading and want to fly again. Hope to get on with a regional out of IAH and finish my career there. Been there done that so no desire for the majors. Want to be at a smaller outfit where I can contribute.

GSP848 04-26-2022 11:34 PM

Hello everyone! My name is Mason. I am currently a police officer in larger city in Iowa.....well, "large city" for Iowa anyway. If you're from a metropolis area you may not consider it large at all haha. Anyway, I am ready for a career change and have been working on my PPL at the local FBO. I want to advance in this new path and am liking the idea of flying corporate as opposed to the airlines but that could change. There is so much that I don't know but I'm looking forward to learning.

53WireWizard 04-27-2022 10:42 AM

Former Marine avi for just short of 10 years. About to start up with flight school soon. Still not too sure on where I want to end up but for now I have my eyes set on getting to Fedex eventually

53WireWizard 04-27-2022 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by 74Classic (Post 3409849)
Hi Y'all. Greetings from Texas. Former airline guy who hung it up for a bit to raise some young kids and try my hand at options trading and crypto. Was at American Eagle on the E-145 in DFW and ORD. Moved over to Southern Air and flew the B74 and later in the B777. Have been out of flying for 10 years. Burned out on the trading and want to fly again. Hope to get on with a regional out of IAH and finish my career there. Been there done that so no desire for the majors. Want to be at a smaller outfit where I can contribute.

When you say contribute do you mean training the newer guys or something else? Curious as to what your experience was like between Regionals and the Majors.

am111 05-02-2022 11:59 AM

Hi all. B737 FO in Europe. Aspirations to make it to a legacy in the States. (Yes, I am eligible for a green card through my spouse.) Currently at around 1800 hours total time, 1640 of which is in the B737.

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