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Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 03:07 PM

How many of you will admit...
To hiding porn in the cockpit?

Back in the day when were allowed to carry leatherman tools, I will admit that I have hidden porn in some very creative places. Hell, the Wright brothers probably had porn on the wright flyer. And it never failed, next day---- gone.

WW2--nose art-- you see where I'm goin with it right. My point is that there has ALWAYS been porn in planes.

If you smiled when you read this-- you're in the club. If you were the porn police--shame on you.


Btw- thank god they don't let us carry those leatherman tools anymore. Sumpn mighta happn:eek:

lolwut 01-22-2013 03:23 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle Jed (Post 1336059)
To hiding porn in the cockpit?

Back in the day when were allowed to carry leatherman tools, I will admit that I have hidden porn in some very creative places. Hell, the Wright brothers probably had porn on the wright flyer. And it never failed, next day---- gone.

WW2--nose art-- you see where I'm goin with it right. My point is that there has ALWAYS been porn in planes.

If you smiled when you read this-- you're in the club. If you were the porn police--shame on you.


Btw- thank god they don't let us carry those leatherman tools anymore. Sumpn mighta happn:eek:

Nose art is on the outside. Derp.

LNL76 01-22-2013 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by lolwut (Post 1336064)
Nose art is on the outside. Derp.

Nose art is classy. Porn...not so much. Knock yourself out looking at porn all day and night if you want--but don't leave it where others who might be offended can find it. K thanx...

Red Forman 01-22-2013 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336069)
Nose art is classy. Porn...not so much. Knock yourself out looking at porn all day and night if you want--but don't leave it where others who might be offended can find it. K thanx...

Heaven forbid someone gets offended! The sky is falling and the world is coming to an end because someone was offended!!!

Rudder1 01-22-2013 03:39 PM

i remember the PORN MEMO from Kathy Woldridge. She was talking about me

block30 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

Anybody see the results of the Air Force sweep that just concluded? Among other things I saw cited, nose art was mentioned...I'll have to post a link.


In reference to the part I bolded---Say it ain't so!!! :rolleyes:

WASHINGTON -- Hoping to fight sexual assault in its own ranks, the Air Force said Friday a sweep of air base offices worldwide found thousands of suspect materials ranging from pornographic films to a beer bong.

It's not clear what the inspection, and the odd assortment of items it turned up, tells Air Force leaders about the link between the workplace environment and the growing problem of sexual violence. But it was meant to impress on Air Force commanders that they need to attack the underlying problem of unprofessionalism.

"We have a significant number of airmen who feel they have to 'go along to get along' by ignoring inappropriate images, workplace comments or other material that makes them uncomfortable. That's simply not the Air Force we want to be," the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Mark Welsh, said in a statement. He ordered the inspections in late November.

The Air Force fell into the public spotlight on this issue partly because of revelations of sexual abuse of female recruits. An investigation last year found that 23 instructors allegedly engaged in inappropriate or coercive sexual relationships with 48 recruits at Air Education and Training Command at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

Gen. Larry O. Spencer, the Air Force vice chief of staff, said Friday the inspections of offices and other work spaces at about 100 facilities in December found more than 32,000 items judged to be pornographic, unprofessional or offensive.

"This was not a witch hunt," Spencer said in a telephone interview. It was designed to reinforce the idea that every member of the Air Force should be treated with respect and that sexist attitudes must change, he said.

The Air Force said the no-notice or short-notice inspections found 631 items judged to be pornographic, including magazines, calendars, photos and videos.

They also turned up 3,987 items deemed unprofessional. Examples: a pubic hair in an office logbook, a beer bong and World War II-era airplane nose art depicting a fully clothed but "promiscuous" woman, according to an Air Force document listing all the items.

Among 27,598 items categorized by commanders as "offensive": a postcard depicting women in bikinis, lewd cartoons, a copy of the Air Times newspaper's "Hot Shots 2013" calendar with women in "provocative" poses, a picture of professional football player Tom Brady shirtless, a Confederate flag and a poster of Osama bin Laden.

Asked what this tells him about a relationship between problematic workplace items and the effort to combat sexual abuse, Spencer said it's a mixed picture and that the goal is to ensure professionalism in the workplace.

"Most of the items that were found some might find offensive (but) weren't in the category of vulgarity or pornography, although there was some of that out there and those were taken care of," he said, adding that he's not sure there is a clear link between offensive materials in the workplace and the problem of sexual assault.

"Whether offensive material is directly connected to someone creating a sexual assault or being involved in sexual assault, I can't draw that line directly," Spencer said. "But I think it all starts with the culture that we want to have out there, and that is a professional environment and that everybody is treated with respect."

Read more here:

LNL76 01-22-2013 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1336072)
Heaven forbid someone gets offended! The sky is falling and the world is coming to an end because someone was offended!!!

It's called being considerate of others, but heaven forbid studs "get" that concept. Do you leave porn around the house for the wife and kids to find??
I guess you wouldn't be offended if someone left gay porn or nude male pictures around the cockpit, right?

Red Forman 01-22-2013 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336085)
It's called being considerate of others, but heaven forbid studs "get" that concept. Do you leave porn around the house for the wife and kids to find??
I guess you wouldn't be offended if someone left gay porn or nude men pictures around the cockpit, right?

No, the only thing that offends me is people that are easily offended. If I see something I don't like I will look the other direction.

LNL76 01-22-2013 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1336090)
No, the only thing that offends me is people that are easily offended. If I see something I don't like I will look the other direction.

Kiddie porn, too? Snuff porn? All a-ok in your book----nice to know.
You didn't answer about your wife and kids finding your stash in the house.....interesting.

block30 01-22-2013 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336085)
It's called being considerate of others, but heaven forbid studs "get" that concept. Do you leave porn around the house for the wife and kids to find??
I guess you wouldn't be offended if someone left gay porn or nude men pictures around the cockpit, right?

And with those fateful words, LNL76 unwittingly started what would later be dubbed "The Great Cockpit Gay Porn or Nude Men Pictures War of 2013."


LNL76 01-22-2013 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by block30 (Post 1336094)
And with those fateful words, LNL76 unwittingly started what would later be dubbed "The Great Cockpit Gay Porn or Nude Men Pictures War of 2013."


I'd ask some of you boys to pose for said nude male photos, but I and other women don't like being shortchanged......(and disappointed). :p

bernouli 01-22-2013 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336093)
Kiddie porn, too? Snuff porn? All a-ok in your book----nice to know.
You didn't answer about your wife and kids finding your stash in the house.....interesting.


block30 01-22-2013 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336095)
I'd ask some of you boys to pose for said nude male photos, but I and other women don't like being shortchanged......(and disappointed). :p

Touche LNL, touche! Mark me down under the "shortchange/disappoint" column. But if you know anyone who's not too picky, or needs a cheap know where to send 'em. :D

Red Forman 01-22-2013 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336093)
Kiddie porn, too? Snuff porn? All a-ok in your book----nice to know.
You didn't answer about your wife and kids finding your stash in the house.....interesting.

I don't have a stash, therefore I have nothing to hide. I'm sure you won't believe that though since I am a guy I must have a large porn stash in my home. When the sun gets in my eyes I close them or look away, I don't keep staring and complain that the sun is too bright and needs to change because it will make me feel better.

LNL76 01-22-2013 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by bernouli (Post 1336099)

Oops, too late to disregard...I saw your response. I'm not offended by porn, seen plenty of it! You want to paint me as a prude which is hilarious. My point if you read for comprehension is that I don't want or need to see someone elses stash. If I want to I can get my own. I think it's classless AND inconsiderate to leave it around for others who aren't interested and may be offended to find. If you're all so proud of it, why can't you carry it around with you? You know why---cause you're chicken****....:)
(didn't mean "you"---it's a general "you."

Originally Posted by block30 (Post 1336100)
Touche LNL, touche! Mark me down under the "shortchange/disappoint" column. But if you know anyone who's not too picky, or needs a cheap know where to send 'em. :D

Will do, sweetie! ;)

LNL76 01-22-2013 04:38 PM

BTW, I've been sexually harrassed at every job I've had starting at 17 and continuing to just a few months ago. NEVER went crying to management. ALWAYS handled it on my keep quiet when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

bernouli 01-22-2013 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336110)
Oops, too late to disregard...I saw your response. I'm not offended by porn, seen plenty of it! You want to paint me as a prude which is hilarious. My point if you read for comprehension is that I don't want or need to see someone elses stash. If I want to I can get my own. I think it's classless AND inconsiderate to leave it around for others who aren't interested and may be offended to find. If you're all so proud of it, why can't you carry it around with you? You know why---cause you're chicken****....:)
(didn't mean "you"---it's a general "you."

Will do, sweetie! ;)

My response was assuming you were a man and acting like a broad. When I saw that you actually had ovaries, it no longer made sense.

Stop being irrational

rickair7777 01-22-2013 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336085)
It's called being considerate of others, but heaven forbid studs "get" that concept. Do you leave porn around the house for the wife and kids to find??
I guess you wouldn't be offended if someone left gay porn or nude male pictures around the cockpit, right?

Maybe there should be a gentlemen's agreement (pun intended) as to where each persuasion of porn should be located? So nobody has to inadvertently look at the wrong flavor? :D

ncpilot624 01-22-2013 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Rudder1 (Post 1336077)
i remember the PORN MEMO from Kathy Woldridge. She was talking about me

CHQ 4 Lyfe baby!

DHC2floater 01-22-2013 04:46 PM

I flew with a girl that would do a porn search and replace it with gay porn. I always got a kick out if it thinking of the next crew to do the search! And if it offends you don't look for it. Not like its clipped to the yoke. Just like if you think glen beck is an a** don't watch him

Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336122)
BTW, I've been sexually harrassed at every job I've had starting at 17 and continuing to just a few months ago. NEVER went crying to management. ALWAYS handled it on my keep quiet when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

No one left porn laying around the c ockpit/box office for gods sake. Hence my reference to the leatherman tool. You might google it but its a Multi purpose tool with many useful screwdriver tips--like for taking off a small plate under the chart holder, and stashing porn there, (regular playboy-type stuff, not into kiddie or gay like your reference),sometimes hide car pictures in there too. You might get offended, they were hot rods, not Honda Prius. My point is that you'd have to purposefully go looking for it.

No lookie/no findie

I wouldn't stick my finger in a light socket either and then become offended because I got shocked---just sayin

captjns 01-22-2013 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1336090)
No, the only thing that offends me is people that are easily offended. If I see something I don't like I will look the other direction.

Instead of posting your pictures in the cockpit or at your place of work, just leave your materials at home... on the coffee table... In the living room for your friends, your spouse, or life partner, and children to peruse or ignore as the deem appropriate. I'm sure they share your views on this subject.

That way no one gets offended at work or at home.

xjtguy 01-22-2013 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336085)
I guess you wouldn't be offended if someone left gay porn or nude male pictures around the cockpit, right?

At my last job, that's EXACTLY what some girls would do. It meant that they WEREN'T the prissy/pretentious/princess types that were so easily offended.

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336095)
I'd ask some of you boys to pose for said nude male photos, but I and other women don't like being shortchanged......(and disappointed). :p

And if we were to see pics of you, it'd probably be the SAME thing. You know, shortchanged/disappointed.

LNL76 01-22-2013 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by captjns (Post 1336140)
Instead of posting your pictures in the cockpit or at your place of work, just leave your materials at home... on the coffee table... In the living room for your friends, your spouse, or life partner, and children to peruse or ignore as the deem appropriate. I'm sure they share your views on this subject.

That way no one gets offended at work or at home.

Ding, ding, ding----we finally have a winner! I'm so glad a mature, intelligent and CLASSY gentleman has responded. Thank you, Captain!! :)

bernouli 01-22-2013 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by xjtguy (Post 1336141)
At my last job, that's EXACTLY what some girls would do. It meant that they WEREN'T the prissy/pretentious/princess types that were so easily offended.

And if we were to see pics of you, it'd probably be the SAME thing. You know, shortchanged/disappointed.



Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by captjns (Post 1336140)
Instead of posting your pictures in the cockpit or at your place of work, just leave your materials at home... on the coffee table... In the living room for your friends, your spouse, or life partner, and children to peruse or ignore as the deem appropriate. I'm sure they share your views on this subject.

That way no one gets offended at work or at home.

Ok, let me say it again, for all the people up in the cheap seat section that didn't hear. Porn, hidden, under panels/plates, "stashed", need a screwdriver to get at, how copy over?

xjtguy 01-22-2013 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336148)
Ding, ding, ding----we finally have a winner! I'm so glad a mature, intelligent and CLASSY gentleman has responded. Thank you, Captain!! :)

Probably won't see a response from a mature, intelligent, and CLASSY lady in this thread.

LNL76 01-22-2013 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by bernouli (Post 1336153)


Oh RJ boys don't like me and have insulted how they think I look. Let me go cry myself to sleep now......

Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by bernouli (Post 1336153)


Xjtguy is in the lead so far!

Winner winner chicken dinner!!

xjtguy 01-22-2013 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336158)
insulted how they think I look. Let me go cry myself to sleep now......

Pot meet kettle?

LNL76 01-22-2013 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle Jed (Post 1336156)
Ok, let me say it again, for all the people up in the cheap seat section that didn't hear. Porn, hidden, under panels/plates, "stashed", need a screwdriver to get at, how copy over?

And I'll ask ONE MORE TIME....why can't you carry it around in your own damn bag?

chicken****....that's why.

Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336163)
And I'll ask ONE MORE TIME....why can't you carry it around in your own damn bag?

chicken****....that's why.

I would have, but it's all cut up


xjtguy 01-22-2013 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336163)
And I'll ask ONE MORE TIME....why can't you carry it around in your own damn bag?

chicken****....that's why.

You could try keeping all you man bashing/man baggage in, well, your OWN bag. Instead of on airlinepilotforums where you frequently vent you all your man frustrations.

crewdawg 01-22-2013 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1336072)
Heaven forbid someone gets offended! The sky is falling and the world is coming to an end because someone was offended!!!

We live in a society fully of pansies, guess we're gonna have to get used to it. People get offended over stupid crap every day...unfortunately that mindset is slowly taking over.

In 50 years we'll all be chicks...

LNL76 01-22-2013 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by xjtguy (Post 1336167)
You could try keeping all you man bashing/man baggage in, well, your OWN bag. Instead of on airlinepilotforums where you frequently vent you all your man frustrations.

Fancy yourself the psychologist. do you? Now THAT's funny. I sure hope you're a better pilot than a relationship expert.

Oh and I most definitely don't have a man frustration...I love M-E-N. I have always had and will always continue to have an immature little boy frustration. Sadly, many of you will NEVER ever exit that stage of your life. Poor things....

captjns 01-22-2013 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle Jed (Post 1336156)
Ok, let me say it again, for all the people up in the cheap seat section that didn't hear. Porn, hidden, under panels/plates, "stashed", need a screwdriver to get at, how copy over?

I was not responding to you Jed. However, how does one get a screw driver through security, unless they are a flight engineer?

What's the company policy as it relates to Non rated A & Ps wielding a tool, pardon the pun for a laco of better words, to the jet without a tech-log entry and or work order. That would be a great sight to see if Fred T. Rukus of the FAA waltzes into the cockpit while playing hide the scre driver.

At the end of the day... Does the risk outway the penalty?

xjtguy 01-22-2013 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336175)
Fancy yourself the psychologist. do you?

No, do you?

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336175)
I sure hope you're a better pilot than a relationship expert.

I sure hope you're a better flight attendant than, well, however you come across here.

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336175)
Oh and I most definitely don't have a man frustration...I love M-E-N.

Many of you posts dictate otherwise. Seems as if you don't pass up too many chances to say bad things about males.

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336175)
I have always had and will always continue to have an immature little boy frustration.

That probably has to do with the choices YOU make.

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1336175)
Sadly, many of you will NEVER ever exit that stage of your life. Poor things....

Again, pot meet kettle?

Originally Posted by captjns (Post 1336177)
how does one get a screw driver through security, unless they are a flight engineer?

I've been carrying a screwdriver for a while now.

Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by captjns (Post 1336177)
how do you get screw drivers through security, unless you are a flight engineer. What's the company policy as it relates to wielding a tool, pardon the pun for a laco of better words, to the jet without a tech-log entry and or work order. That would be a great sight to see if Fred T. Rukus of the FAA waltzes into the cockpit while playing hide the scre driver.


Question here for ya chief. Did you actually read the first post? The part where I said "back in the day". I didn't mean yesterday.

For a classy gent, you sure skip over the details. But hey, if you're trying to score with the 76er, good on ya bro!

Uncle Jed 01-22-2013 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by crewdawg (Post 1336169)
We live in a society fully of pansies, guess we're gonna have to get used to it. People get offended over stupid crap every day...unfortunately that mindset is slowly taking over.

In 50 years we'll all be chicks...

I swear dawg! You are so dam right! I believe we're about 2 generations away from extinction.

bernouli 01-22-2013 05:28 PM


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