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rookpilot 07-22-2014 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by John Carr (Post 1689273)
Assuming true and not something that was just "heard", how the hell does that come up in an interview in the FIRST PLACE?

There was girl at one of my former employers that had just about EVERY part of her pierced. You know, the top, the hoo hoo, multiple holes in here ear, etc. She was hired at UAL.

I would agree with that. But it's also one of those things that just because somebody gets them, DON'T expect the world to change JUST BECAUE THEY DID IT. Especially in this job that's still relatively conservative.

In that case Hoss, just show her this. And make sure to point out to her the purple (and MAYBE green) coding connotation for location.

Tattoo Location Chart Photo by taco130130 | Photobucket

That's the problem with the "World". Everyone thinks they need to please the "World". Having tattoos has nothing to do with the "World" because the "World" is not getting the tattoos nor are they affected by my tattoos. So if the "World" just stayed out of it then there wouldn't be a problem at all. Now according to your chart, I do have to say that I did fall under the red a couple different times. That would have been when I was getting tax-free pay in the blistering hot middle eastern part of the "World" serving my country.

makersmarc 07-22-2014 11:11 AM

I know that this isn't what the OP asked for, but I feel compelled to offer my opinion.

I personally try to not be judgmental of things that don't affect me. Tatts just aren't my cup of tea, but if someone else likes them that is fine by me. I should offer the disclaimer that I am of the generation that has traditionally associated tattoos with prison time. Times have changed.

As far as being judgmental, I find that people sporting tatts are no less judgmental than their non-tatt adorned brethren. There's something about having art on your body that has an implied requirement for affirmation from others. Just as one can say "Nice art, bro" there is also the unspoken smirk at a misspelled word or poorly inked piece of art. For you tatt people: Do you ever silently appraise the art on others?

Goflynow 07-22-2014 11:14 AM

My uncle told me if I ever wanted to get a tattoo it was fine as long as I made a deal for a 2 for 1.

1. Get a tattoo of anything I want anywhere.


2. Get "I'm A Bum" across my forehead so I don't waste anyone's time that I meet.

Never got the tattoo...

johnso29 07-22-2014 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by GlobeTreker (Post 1689334)
If you want to show the world you're someone who makes bad decisions, get a tattoo and start smoking. It takes all of the guess work out when trying to figure out whether or not someone is an idiot.

Never in my life have I ever saw a tattoo that made someone look better. 30 years down the line, your awesome tattoo will only look that much more dumb.

What a ridiculous post. GMAB. So if someone gets a tattoo, the conclusion is that one makes bad decisions? How about drinking? Or taking over the counter medication? Or giving blood? Or participating in kickboxing, or martial arts?

Please explain your logic.

pete2800 07-22-2014 11:17 AM

My dad doesn't have any tattoos. I asked him if he'd ever wanted one. He said no. I asked him why.

"No identifying marks."

johnso29 07-22-2014 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Goflynow (Post 1689363)
My uncle told me if I ever wanted to get a tattoo it was fine as long as I made a deal for a 2 for 1.

1. Get a tattoo of anything I want anywhere.


2. Get "I'm A Bum" across my forehead so I don't waste anyone's time that I meet.

Never got the tattoo...

Your uncle is rather ignorant to assume that anyone with a tattoo is a bum.

Really 07-22-2014 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 1689135)
Absolutely correct^^^^. I wasn't inferring by my last post that it would be a good idea to flash tatts at an interview. The whole belly piercing thing seems a bit stuffy and illogical though. Who the heck cares if a lady has a belly piercing? I'm pretty sure that she is going to keep her shirt on while in uniform?

Just goes to show that you need to keep it on the low down during any interview.

You never know Hoss!! I've heard of some pretty fun Flt Decks!! :D

DashDriverYV 07-22-2014 11:39 AM

Well if a tattoo is supposed to be some rebellious thing that one won't conform to the norms of society etc. How does that personality trait fit into the SOP driven regulated airline world?

John Carr 07-22-2014 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by rookpilot (Post 1689338)
That's the problem with the "World". Everyone thinks they need to please the "World". Having tattoos has nothing to do with the "World" because the "World" is not getting the tattoos nor are they affected by my tattoos. So if the "World" just stayed out of it then there wouldn't be a problem at all.

I agree with that. But the sad reality is, the world ISN'T going to change overnight just because YOU, me, or anybody else sees things a certain way on a myriad of issues. Just the way it is. But can you say you feel that away about EVERY issue? That the world is not affected by EVERY person's individual choices or lifestyles, what have you? If so, good man.

Originally Posted by rookpilot (Post 1689338)
Now according to your chart, I do have to say that I did fall under the red a couple different times.

It's not "my" chart. It's ACTUALLY a satirical picture that makes the interwebz rounds occasionally. There are times in this career, just like life in general, when besides laughing at other people you gotta be able to laugh yourself.

Anyways, to try to answer your question, what will get you hired at an airline after getting all the qualifications/networking done is by being a professional, PERIOD, END OF STORY. As mentioned, most guys just wear a long sleeve shirt. But for RIGHT HERE, AND RIGHT NOW, don't go into an interview where they say you can take your jacket off, and you do, and if you're sleeved out (or whatever) to be viewed the SAME as other people. AGAIN, it's still a VERY conservative industry. I ALREADY agreed with Hoss that it's changing, albeit slowly, and that's good. But AGAIN, the reality is don't expect it to change overnight just because YOU, me or ANYBODY else wants it to. You asked a question, on an internet message board. And you getting answers from people that have been in this field a long time and have been around. Through multiple hiring era's, etc. If you don't like the answers, sorry, I don't know what to tell you.

DustyRoads 07-22-2014 11:55 AM

Way back when, when I was approaching 30, I decided I wanted a tattoo. After looking around, the thing I noticed was they looked good on young people, not so good on older folks. So that's why I never got one.

LNL76 07-22-2014 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by DustyRoads (Post 1689392)
Way back when, when I was approaching 30, I decided I wanted a tattoo. After looking around, the thing I noticed was they looked good on young people, not so good on older folks. So that's why I never got one.

Some saggy, jiggly wrinkled grandpa or grandma is going to look ridiculous to their grandkids! :p

exdashtrash 07-22-2014 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by GlobeTreker (Post 1689334)
If you want to show the world you're someone who makes bad decisions, get a tattoo and start smoking. It takes all of the guess work out when trying to figure out whether or not someone is an idiot.

Never in my life have I ever saw a tattoo that made someone look better. 30 years down the line, your awesome tattoo will only look that much more dumb.

There are no words for people as ignorant as yourself.

After re-reading your post a couple of times and noting errors, maybe you should not be the person on a soapbox calling others idiots...

Blackwing 07-22-2014 12:52 PM

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my ass that says "FaceBiter". ;-)

johnso29 07-22-2014 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by DashDriverYV (Post 1689381)
Well if a tattoo is supposed to be some rebellious thing that one won't conform to the norms of society etc. How does that personality trait fit into the SOP driven regulated airline world?

Who says a tattoo is only a rebellious act? Could it be symbolic? Commemorative?

SpeedyVagabond 07-22-2014 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by GlobeTreker (Post 1689432)
Let me guess. Everyone that disagrees with you is "ignorant". Whatever dude. Next........

Oh wait. Here is a seemingly enlightened and intelligent guy.
A long sleeve shirt is all he needs and he is good to go. Look how deep and meaningful those sweet tatts are.


It's all pretty simple. Societies have conventions and expectations. If you have a burning desire to show your individuality and go outside those conventions then you have to accept the reality of how society is going to treat you right or wrong. Simple.

johnso29 07-22-2014 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by GlobeTreker (Post 1689432)
Let me guess. Everyone that disagrees with you is "ignorant". Whatever dude. Next........

Oh wait. Here is a seemingly enlightened and intelligent guy.
A long sleeve shirt is all he needs and he is good to go. Look how deep and meaningful those sweet tatts are.

It's not because you disagree with him. It's because your logic is one of ignorance. You're automatically associating tattoos with bad decision making. You're implying that simply because one gets a tattoo(s), one makes poor decisions. This is clearly a terribly ignorant and unsupported assumption on your part.

The picture you've posted is beyond ridiculous as well. Since alcoholism exists(the absolute extreme of alcohol assumption) should we assume that those who consume alcohol are all alcoholics?

SpeedyVagabond 07-22-2014 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by johnso29 (Post 1689445)
Who says a tattoo is only a rebellious act? Could it be symbolic? Commemorative?

Sure. I know a guy I used to ride with who has Olympic Rings on his ankle. I know another guy at Alaska with some tatts. But they wisely chose to put them where they can be covered. Love unicorns? Great, good for you. But if you get a unicorn's horn symbolically tattooed on your forehead then you're not going to work for a 121 airline. Just the way it is. . .

nanceystyles 07-22-2014 01:54 PM

Tattoos and people without degrees aren't accepted at major airlines. Hmmmmm they don't typically go together do they?

NormalAbnormal 07-22-2014 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by 80ktsClamp (Post 1689329)
Dal and 9E allow no visible tattoos. Long sleeve shirt for you!

I believe that DAL doesn't allow long sleeves without wearing the blazer as well. That wool double breasted is all the rage in ATL in July/August.

johnso29 07-22-2014 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by thevagabond (Post 1689449)
Sure. I know a guy I used to ride with who has Olympic Rings on his ankle. I know another guy at Alaska with some tatts. But they wisely chose to put them where they can be covered. Love unicorns? Great, good for you. But if you get a unicorn's horn symbolically tattooed on your forehead then you're not going to work for a 121 airline. Just the way it is. . .

Not once in this thread have I argued that the location of a tattoo should not be easily covered. What I take issue with, is the claim that getting a tattoo implies that one makes bad choices. Or that it is purely a rebellious act.

NormalAbnormal 07-22-2014 02:08 PM


Airhoss 07-22-2014 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by nanceystyles (Post 1689451)
Tattoos and people without degrees aren't accepted at major airlines. Hmmmmm they don't typically go together do they?

Actually you are wrong on all three accounts.

I know people without a degree that fly for major airlines.
I know people with tattoos who fly for major airlines.
I know people with advanced degrees who have tattoos.

No biscuit for you...;)

N9373M 07-22-2014 02:39 PM

Tatoo? Not to worry
there are medically acceptable ways to have it removed:

Turlingtons Back Tattoo Removal - Video

That tingling means it's working!

jumppilot71 07-22-2014 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by tom11011 (Post 1689146)
The image that an airline tries to show is one of conservativeness usually, unless you are Southwest where different is appreciated, a culture in fact. I would be curious to know how Southwest feels about them.

But to your point about the ER doc, I do think they are becoming more socially acceptable and airlines will have to deal with millennials as employees in mass soon who have completely different ideas about evil corporations etc..

Finally, the military is tightening up tattoo policies as well. Here is a recent link.
Army tightens personal appearance, tattoo policy | Article | The United States Army

I just got my 20 in the army and that new reg is nothing more than the military trying to trim the ranks per se. People that are in are grandfathered.

I have 8 tats and I've spent my life as a professional. First in the army and now at an airline. What I've found is that people who are hardcore anti tat, hardcore anything really, have issues and/or some bad social experience in the past. The only tats that show on me are on the inside of my forearms and rarely noticed. No one had ever said anything about them

FlyingKat 07-22-2014 03:26 PM

Every airline where I've worked was ok with tattoos as long as they're covered. When I was an FA I worked often with a girl that had a lot of tattoos. The three approved ways are clothing, makeup or bandages. That's why when you see a bandage on an FA it is to cover a tattoo most of the time. This girl was smoking hot and tried clothing and makeup and it didn't work. She had them on her neck, wrists, torso, and legs. She finally resorted to bandages. She looked like she'd just been in a serious knife fight with all those bandages. One day an older lady went up to her and said "I hope the son of a ***** that did this to you is in jail". The look on the FA's face was priceless; she didn't know what to say.......

aduque 07-22-2014 04:30 PM

I myself have 8 tattoos. Only 2 of them are visible when I extend my arms to reach for something if I am wearing short-sleeve shirts with my uniform (both are in the inside of my arms).

At my airline they don't like visible tattoos but the times that Captains or FAs have seen them, all they do is ask what they mean.

I am very proud of my tattoos but at the same time I understand that I have an image to upkeep as an Airline Pilot and have them in places that can bee easily cover.

just my 2 cents

chrisreedrules 07-22-2014 04:42 PM

Tattoos are only a "big deal" to people that they are a big deal to... Just hope that person isn't the one interviewing you.

Personally, I couldn't care less if you had your face tattooed all to hell and back. As long as you show up, do your job, and aren't a total jerk to deal with in the cockpit... All that being said I have certainly noticed that it is much more commonplace to see professionals in the workplace with visible tattoos. I almost think seeing someone with a sleeve says less "prison" and more "art".

galaxy flyer 07-22-2014 04:51 PM

Like many of the Boomer generation, I'm in a position to interview you and decide on offering you a job. And, like many Boomers with children, think tattoos and smoking are signs of being unserious and unprofessional. Lesson: don't show up with a tattoo or admit to smoking.


tom11011 07-22-2014 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by Blackwing (Post 1689419)
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my ass that says "FaceBiter". ;-)

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my ass that says "Your Name". That way I can tell chicks I have a tattoo on my ass that says your name. Naturally they'll want proof.

ClarenceOver 07-22-2014 05:00 PM

I had a friend in high school that said he had "your name" on his butt. Then he bent over and pulled his pants down.

DashDriverYV 07-22-2014 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by johnso29 (Post 1689455)
Not once in this thread have I argued that the location of a tattoo should not be easily covered. What I take issue with, is the claim that getting a tattoo implies that one makes bad choices. Or that it is purely a rebellious act.

It perception. And as long as the guys hiring have that perception then that is all one should worry about.
If the CEO or first class passengers perceive a tattoo ed pilot as rebellious then it doesn't matter if they are or not. Of course of the current norms at most major airlines aren't good enough, feel free to be that cool CEO and start your own.

TXHillCountry 07-22-2014 05:14 PM

First, I could be flip and say to forget 121 and apply to Harley-Davidson's aviation department.

I have no idea if it extends to pilots, but over a year ago I was told that tats were a major cause for rejection of FA applicants @ AAL. So long as the majors have excess applicants, how could tats, piercings or other displays of individuality be positive in the hiring process?

Just look at the profile tests that are step one. They are looking for team players, not rebels or strong individualists.

Cover the tats, males remove piercings, keep your privates private. I suggest the same apply until probation is over.

OOPS. I just realized this thread is in the Regional area. That said, I'd suggest the above still applies unless one has no "major" aspirations.

AdiosMikeFox 07-22-2014 05:42 PM

Tattoos, in modern society, are associated with the underclass, criminals, and those on the fringe. Argue all you want against it but that's simply how it is viewed, especially amongst the more conservative business class. Complain about how stupid it is to have a prejudice against tats, say it's art, it's my body, it's my expression, whatever. It was the individual's choice to get them, and if they got them expecting the world to change and suddenly accept them they should have known better. That's not how the world has ever worked. Tats are becoming very popular, so it should be some consolation to those that are pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable in modern appearance that they are at the forefront of that change, if successful. But it also means they will suffer the most disappointments for their body art as well.

Personally I don't care if people get tats with the exception of the super-visible things like stuff crawling up past their neck or on their faces, sleeve-type tats too. It's just distracting and make me think they're after attention or shock value. Not admirable traits, IMO. I'd love to get a tattoo, but one thing I've learned is that who I was 20 years ago is not who I an today, and I will not be the same in another 20. The tattoo doesn't change, but I will.

spaaks 07-22-2014 06:23 PM

long sleves

cubguy 07-22-2014 06:30 PM

Originally Posted by DashDriverYV (Post 1689570)
It perception. And as long as the guys hiring have that perception then that is all one should worry about.
If the CEO or first class passengers perceive a tattoo ed pilot as rebellious then it doesn't matter if they are or not. Of course of the current norms at most major airlines aren't good enough, feel free to be that cool CEO and start your own.

I agree. Generally pilots are perceived as leaders and those with tattoos are seen as followers. Guess who will probably get hired.

chrisreedrules 07-22-2014 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by cubguy (Post 1689654)
I agree. Generally pilots are perceived as leaders and those with tattoos are seen as followers. Guess who will probably get hired.

HA! I don't think getting visible tattoos is smart by any means... But this statement is ludicrous.

John Carr 07-22-2014 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by cubguy (Post 1689654)
I agree. Generally pilots are perceived as leaders and those with tattoos are seen as followers

Some truth to that, especially amongst the younger crowd. Whether it's the girl with the traditional dolphin/rainbow/Asian character tramp stamp, or the "bro" with the "tribal" tattoo around his arm.

I always like asking those guys;

"What kind of tattoo is that?"

"It's tribal, bro"

"Really, which tribe? You belong to it?"

Deer in the headlight look............

Originally Posted by AdiosMikeFox (Post 1689604)
Personally I don't care if people get tats with the exception of the super-visible things like stuff crawling up past their neck or on their faces, sleeve-type tats too. It's just distracting and make me think they're after attention or shock value. Not admirable traits, IMO. I'd love to get a tattoo, but one thing I've learned is that who I was 20 years ago is not who I an today, and I will not be the same in another 20. The tattoo doesn't change, but I will.

And usually if you ask the people referenced above about their tattoos, they usually fire off "I have no regrets about getting them". Interesting, especially if they're in their 20's, for the EXACT reason you listed.

tom11011 07-22-2014 07:13 PM

I view it as a cry for attention. Hey everyone look at me.

Boomer 07-22-2014 07:50 PM


A 20-year old college student with a tattoo up their neck and around their face, who hasn't chosen their major because, "I can't decide what I want to do for a living."

Well, you've already decided what you won't be doing for a living...

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