Delta Hiring

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The blood sugar that is tested after at least 7 hrs of fasting. A lot of people are getting hit on high cholesterol, and a few other things like bad heart (EKG), can't see, color blind and did not know it, BMI is too much (weight to height ration), heck anything that they want. It is good to know where you stand before you go to this. Not many have been shot down, but a few have. Most people getting killed in the second day are guys that have the MMPI come back "too favorable", or the psyche knows that you are and a$$. If you get dinged on anything the second day it goes to a review board that looks at the whole packet. That is where most are getting screwed.
Good info! Thanks.
If I didn't have high blood pressure going in, I believe I would after that evolution.
I did too and had to wait for about five minutes to relax after the screwed the EKG up twice so that I could get my blood pressue to be below 130/80.
Quote: The blood sugar that is tested after at least 7 hrs of fasting. A lot of people are getting hit on high cholesterol, and a few other things like bad heart (EKG), can't see, color blind and did not know it, BMI is too much (weight to height ration), heck anything that they want. It is good to know where you stand before you go to this. Not many have been shot down, but a few have. Most people getting killed in the second day are guys that have the MMPI come back "too favorable", or the psyche knows that you are and a$$. If you get dinged on anything the second day it goes to a review board that looks at the whole packet. That is where most are getting screwed.

Any idea if the BMI is a strict height-to-weight thing, or do they measure for body fat? Is a big guy with low bodyfat OK? Or do have to actually be skinny?
BMI accounts for height and weight. Not a perfect indicator of bodyfat, but if you have an average BMI chances are your fat % is at most average as well.
Quote: Can't be fat. Must be able to fit into the cookie cutter outfit............
Must be jealous that you don't fit in your double breasted cookie cutter outfit anymore?
I do not know, All I know is that the referenced a chart and wrote mine down. I am not sure that it is that big of a deal. I was about 18% and that was fine. Some have been over 30 so I do not think that it matters.
Just make sure that you Cholesterol number is not over 230. That I know is a reason for another trip to the Dr. There is not much that you can do about the medical. Just do not eat fatty food for the few weeks before the interview and do not drink. One thing that is on there is your liver enzymes. If these are over 50 I am guessing that they will know you are a heavy drinker. The only other causes of that are hepatitis or other types of liver damage. FWIW
some people just have genetically high cholesterol, which is not a big deal if they have other factors under control, like Blood pressure, blood sugar, and smoking etc.. it's odd that they'd have some absolute number.
Well mine was below 220 and a buddy of mine who is about my height and weight was 232. He had to do some other testing. I think that it was all cleared up, but there was a lot of work involved.. IE had to go see personal Dr. and get clarafication so that the contracted company could tell DAL he was good to do. That is all DAL gets is a yes or a no.
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