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Quote: There started to be an increasing amount of drama in the house, mainly amongst some of the flight attendants (and some would try to bring the pilots in on the drama), people stealing each others food (someone stole my freezer pack, never did find out who), constant noise and lack of respect for fellow pad mates, the list goes on.
It should go without saying, use pilot-only crashpads. I learned that one when the PD kicked in the front door without notice due to something a FA had posted on SM
Quote: It should go without saying, use pilot-only crashpads. I learned that one when the PD kicked in the front door without notice due to something a FA had posted on SM
Oh, believe me, lesson learned, albeit the hard way lol. At the time the rate the owner was advertising was like the cheapest in the area with no sacrifice on quality of the place, and it was a pretty safe neighborhood. It was a pretty good pad, minus the FA bull****. There’s a reason I’m not there anymore.
Quote: It should go without saying, use pilot-only crashpads. I learned that one when the PD kicked in the front door without notice due to something a FA had posted on SM
You're just gonna post that juicy teaser and not share?
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