United's hats off?

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Quote: Fritz agree 100% but hey don't forget the unity another alpa group showed to other alpa pilots when they voted the 15% paycut to try and liquidate the other airline. How many of these unified pilots were waiting and yes hoping another airline would go out of business so they could advance. But hey make sure you have your hat on.
Oh silly me, I forgot all about that lil' gem in the rough. Between the bat beatings and sheer fatigue, my mind tends to slip now and then.
Quote: I was not referring to an individual pilot being mismatched. And I was not saying that a hat makes you a professional. I was referring to a uniform; an outward appearance of unity amongst a group of people. We forget that we are in a people business. We as pilots must project confidence, knowledge, commandability to the people who see us in the airplane, in the terminal, and going about our jobs. I feel the uniform does this. Why else would I put gold bars on my shoulder and always wear a white shirt? That doesn't make me professional. I could be professional with out any special clothes.

Secondly the uniform engenders a self image around a common goal. Putting on that uniforms makes me see myself as .....A United Pilot!.....A Delta Pilot!....a XYZ pilot! One of the first things you are taught in the miltary is how to wear your uniform. It brings out the pride of the soldier. They are part of something greater than themselves. They are part of a team. My question was.....could bringing back the hat and keeping up the uniform (not everyone wearing all different parts of uniform; leather jacket on one guy, blazer on another, trench coat, hat on one, no hat, sweater etc etc) help to build much needed unity amongst Uniteds pilot group?
Well, separate your military mind set from reality. If there is anyone part of the "team" of pilots at United...it is me. And my hat is off, and I am still professional.
Quote: So if the "hats on hats off" doesn't work anymore why not put them all on again to show group unity and professionalism? Instead of looking mismatched and sometimes desheveled, look clean and crisp in uniform. Show them you are the professionals that deserve the professional contract you are seeking.
I'm sorry but you forgot to mention what you fly and who you are with?
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