Alaska recalls & position bids...

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The reduction of lines in ANC in the immediate future has a lot more to do with SEA crews being ETOPS trained and ANC losing a lot of its Hawaii flying to SEA.

As for QX flying Arctic & SE, that will probably happen in the coming years. The again, I'm speculating here. ALK is supposed to get rid of all its 737-400s by the end of 2015. So, I can see QX flying PAX in the Arctic and ALK converting some of its 737-700s to freighters only.

Again, this is all just speculation on my part.
From the higher ups at QX in PDX(not announced but just what they are hearing): Starting up in alaska in the 1st Q or at the latest the 2nd Q of 2012 with a ANC - FAI shuttle (like SEA-PDX). 2-3 planes. From there it can branch out. QX is not RNP certified as of this momment but getting our letter in the beginning of June. They need to then lower the RNP value to do SE. The Q400 has some mx issues. It's getting better. Slowly but it has its issues.
If we do end up in the artic QX will need more planes as we are at the bare minimum just to cover the route structure that we already have. There is a rumor going around the Bombardier has given dirt cheap prices on all of Lynx remaining planes. That would be a great number to add to the fleet ( 10-12 maybe?). -------OR------ Just pull out of our current routes and have SKyWest cover than stuff and stay at 48 planes and never be able to grow. I think we know which one mgmt would want.
Our arbitration pay dates are set on Sept. 7-9. With the decision thereafter. I wouldn't be surprised to see expansion if mgmt wins or nothing if we win. Me - I am expecting a pay cut. I hate to be taking over AS mainline flying but it seems that they are going to redistibute the planes to SEA and the lower 48. What AS needs to be afraid of is SkyWest coming in at taking over the West Coast flying. They already fly the RJ900 and neither of our pilot group has scope to prevent SkyWest from doing that or 120 seats.
FL410 - Very well said and spot on in my opinion. Good luck to all!

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