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Stryder 12-13-2018 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by jcountry (Post 2724237)
I’m glad you enjoy it.

The area is very nice, but schools are as bad as I say. A ‘great’ GPA in those schools is definitely not equivalent to 20 or 30 years ago.

Go and find one of those kids the public school says is so smart.... Get that kid to identify a pronoun and an adverb from some sentence in the paper. Results may surprise you.

And if you really want a shock, ask about fractions.

I have come across products of these schools who cannot count change. As in the shiny coins we learned about in 2nd grade. They literally can not identify what those things are.

Social promotion

What you are describing is an indictment on the parents and not the schools. That is what happens when parents treat the school as a babysitter and are not involved. My kids are young and well educated and go to the schools here. Then again we take an interest in their education.

Floobs 12-13-2018 09:08 PM

Which thread is better, the "Atlanta living" or "dfw suburbs"?

Han Solo 12-20-2018 03:06 AM

Originally Posted by jcountry (Post 2724633)
Results vary.

I am just cheesed off about my nephew.

Most of us learned sentence components early on. Some schools just plain don't teach that stuff anymore. My nephew was an honor grad, beta club, all that stuff.... I am am still floored that he is having to do 4th or 5th grade catch up stuff like this in college. No excuse for any HS grad never having learned that stuff.

And trig as the highest level math-for a beta club kid who is good at math? That's at least two years behind what equivalent kids took when I went to actual big-boy HS.

Ever consider that your anecdotal evidence of 1 more likely indicates your nephew is a moron and is not an indictment of an entire school system? What dumb school did you go to, to generalize an entire region's schools based upon 1 mouth breather? If it was private then I'd say no way would I ever send my kid to a private school. Sure, they can spell and diagram sentences (because we do that all the time in the real world) but developing a cohesive argument based off of overwhelming evidence? Nope, they all fall short. :rolleyes:

Sputnik 12-20-2018 02:24 PM

Spent more time thinking about this than I should have. But I spent zero time diagramming sentences in college. Or high school for that matter, was a jr high thing where I grew up. I took two years of calculus in high school, but no trig.

Schools have been good for my kids. None of my neighbors' kids who have gone on to college have reported issues.

Much like the airline I picked, won't know if I moved my family to the right place for a long time. Similarly, so far so good.

jcountry 12-24-2018 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by Han Solo (Post 2728360)
Ever consider that your anecdotal evidence of 1 more likely indicates your nephew is a moron and is not an indictment of an entire school system? What dumb school did you go to, to generalize an entire region's schools based upon 1 mouth breather? If it was private then I'd say no way would I ever send my kid to a private school. Sure, they can spell and diagram sentences (because we do that all the time in the real world) but developing a cohesive argument based off of overwhelming evidence? Nope, they all fall short. :rolleyes:

Dumb school?

How about the kind which taught me how to construct paragraphs comprised of complete sentences?

WTF is that gibberish you cooked up? Really? What are you even attempting to communicate?

“Brawndo-it’s what plants need....” That’s a loose translation of whatever the hell I just read.

Son. You have no room to criticize anyone’s academic achievements.

Go crack a 5th grade English book before you try to bring it.

Glad you are satisfied with your results. Set your sights low enough, and you’ll never be disappointed! Southside public schools seem like a great fit for you and yours!

tunes 12-24-2018 04:23 AM

Well that escalated quickly

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05Duramax 12-25-2018 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by jcountry (Post 2730624)
Dumb school?

How about the kind which taught me how to construct paragraphs comprised of complete sentences?

WTF is that gibberish you cooked up? Really? What are you even attempting to communicate?

“Brawndo-it’s what plants need....” That’s a loose translation of whatever the hell I just read.

Son. You have no room to criticize anyone’s academic achievements.

Go crack a 5th grade English book before you try to bring it.

Glad you are satisfied with your results. Set your sights low enough, and you’ll never be disappointed! Southside public schools seem like a great fit for you and yours!

I was just here for the entertainment but I couldn't help but laugh that the next sentence after "complete sentences" started with "WTF".

Han Solo 12-25-2018 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by jcountry (Post 2730624)
Dumb school?

How about the kind which taught me how to construct paragraphs comprised of complete sentences?

WTF is that gibberish you cooked up? Really? What are you even attempting to communicate?

“Brawndo-it’s what plants need....” That’s a loose translation of whatever the hell I just read.

Son. You have no room to criticize anyone’s academic achievements.

Go crack a 5th grade English book before you try to bring it.

Glad you are satisfied with your results. Set your sights low enough, and you’ll never be disappointed! Southside public schools seem like a great fit for you and yours!

Touch a nerve did i? I feel like you've done a better job than me at proving my point. Thanks for the help.

jcountry 12-27-2018 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by Han Solo (Post 2731330)
Touch a nerve did i? I feel like you've done a better job than me at proving my point. Thanks for the help.


You win!

(Because gibberish is all the rage these days.)

RightSide 02-25-2020 02:54 PM

I know this thread is kind of old... Anyone have experience living in Midtown? Looking at relocating from the east coast down to Atlanta. Married no kids. Thanks.

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