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ShyGuy 07-03-2015 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by MikeF16 (Post 1921574)
I find that the Americans who are the loudest mouth defenders of Islam and the fastest to scream that somebody is some sort of Islamaphobe are those ignorant fools who haven't spent any time living under the heavy Islamic mantle. Just because you have the right to free speech doesn't mean you should exercise it, especially when your source documentation is Ben Afflek; who I'm also quite sure hasn't spent a day without his precious right to free speech.

I was born in a place that makes Dubai look like heaven. I have no clue what the Ben Afflect comment is referring to, not sure how he's relevant to this.

Originally Posted by MikeF16 (Post 1921380)
Who cares what it is, it sucks to live there. And what UAE have you been to during Ramadan? When I was there all restaurants were closed until sundown and you could be issued a ticket for eating/drinking in public unless you were a child or expectant mother.

I guess when you're only used to the US then yeah Dubai is a shock. I was born in and lived in worst places. In Dubai I was in a mall with friends from the US and they found a place to eat that was cordoned off and it was legal for them to eat/drink there during the day time. In public outside view then you can be issued a fine, but then again it boils down to knowing the customs/norms of the place you're in.

And exactly how is not enjoying participating in a religion's stupid month long practice turn into an Islamaphobic rant?
If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you shouldn't bid DXB trips during Ramadan. Yes businesses/restaurants are closed but this is known information and if you've done your research you know where you can get food/drinks during the daytime even during Ramadan as a westerner.

Do you want your pilot flying you from point a to point b after not having had anything to eat or drink for 12 hours in the 125 degree heat of Dubai?
I participate in that "stupid" month long practice, but I don't do it on days that I fly for obvious safety reasons.

A330Pilot 07-03-2015 09:58 PM

Also, entry level pilots at the Middle East Three live wealthier lifestyles than Delta 777 Captains and U.A.E and Qatar are Luxurious clean crime free places...Ever go to Atlanta- yuck!

Thedude 07-03-2015 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by A330Pilot (Post 1921895)
Qatar is like a Rolls Royce Accurate Comparison...

Umm yeah, No.
I have ridden on Qatar a few times.
While the bill themselves as a 5 star airline....I think not.

Thedude 07-03-2015 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by A330Pilot (Post 1921897)
U.A.E and Qatar are Luxurious clean crime free places.

Just because it is not printed in the newspaper doesn't make it any less true.
Plenty of crime in DXB that is covered up.

Whip Whitaker 07-03-2015 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by Thedude (Post 1921899)
Just because it is not printed in the newspaper doesn't make it any less true.
Plenty of crime in DXB that is covered up.

Regardless of whether or not crime is "covered up" in Dubai, there is generally much less crime here than in the U.S.. I know my family feels much safer here.

Additionally, I post this while having breakfast and coffee at Souk al Bahar(Dubai Mall). During Ramadan, during the day.

80ktsClamp 07-03-2015 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by A330Pilot (Post 1921897)
Also, entry level pilots at the Middle East Three live wealthier lifestyles than Delta 777 Captains and U.A.E and Qatar are Luxurious clean crime free places...Ever go to Atlanta- yuck!

ha! That must be why every EK pilot I know is applying to come back to the states.

MikeF16 07-04-2015 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by Typhoonpilot (Post 1921768)
The local pilots tend not to bid day trips during Ramadan, they'll fly night turns instead if they can. That is if they have not bid the whole month off with vacation. Many that fly during the day will eat. They understand the safety implications of not eating. And since you're such an expert for having "lived" there you would know that the Koran allows "travelers" to skip a fasting day and make it up later in the year.


I do know this, and most of the pilots I flew with either cheated when they were at home or flew on empty stomachs, I never once saw one of them take the skip day and I lived and flew through 2 ramadans. And why do you put "lived" in parenthesis? What exactly are you inferring Mr. Apologist? Little Stockholm Syndrome from being there too long buddy?

captjns 07-04-2015 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by A330Pilot (Post 1921895)
Qatar, Emirates and Etihad are truly world class airlines... Haters will hate...For those who have not yet travelled...Qatar is like a Rolls Royce and Delta is Greyhound...Accurate Comparison...

Comparing DAL, UAL, AA, to Greyhound is an insult to Greyhound.:D

Sputnik 07-04-2015 04:41 AM

Originally Posted by MikeF16 (Post 1921957)
I do know this, and most of the pilots I flew with either cheated when they were at home or flew on empty stomachs, I never once saw one of them take the skip day and I lived and flew through 2 ramadans. And why do you put "lived" in parenthesis? What exactly are you inferring Mr. Apologist? Little Stockholm Syndrome from being there too long buddy?

Mike, you can hate it and he can like it and neither of you are wrong.

Been reading TP for years, definitely one of the good guys here.

Can we go back to hating the ME3?

Sputnik 07-04-2015 04:47 AM

Originally Posted by A330Pilot (Post 1921897)
Also, entry level pilots at the Middle East Three live wealthier lifestyles than Delta 777 Captains and U.A.E and Qatar are Luxurious clean crime free places...Ever go to Atlanta- yuck!

Yeah, I know I lock and load every time Im on the north side of ATL. And dont get me started on PTC...armored personnel carriers are a must (I prefer EZ Go).

Sarcasm aside, your math confuses me, entry level pilots live better than Delta 777 captains? I know QOL is very relative, but 777A is pretty close to is an entry level pilot living better?

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