Mesa 4.0 what’s the latest

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Quote: Company is starting to break the contract in several areas. Remember to read the contract and know what they can and can’t do to you. Don’t be afraid to stand strong when they try to break it.
Quote: In what ways are they breaking it.

Quote: Consistent ones I’ve seen personally are assigning trips on “FDP” to lineholders outside 2 hours of notification or 1/2 FDP period, assigning trips inside of 2 hours on short call reserve, not notifying crews of schedule changes, requiring crew members to list as a jumpseat or non rev bc they forgot to book a deadhead... They’re playing dumb on the contract and a lot of new guys have no idea what’s going on.

I agree. As a new hire, scheduling has done a lot of shady stuff to my schedule. Thankfully I do read the contract while sitting airport reserve and picked up on many MANY things they did to my schedule.

I am a firm believer that during recurrent ground school and initial ground school, 1 whole day should be taught by an ALPA volunteer, dedicated to understanding/going through the pilot contract, how to bid, compensation, and other stuff.
Quote: It’s a few days of ground. A practice sim day then the last day is literally the same format as your initial checkride except you do the oral and the flight with a captain who is also doing recurrent. Be prepared and study the limitations study guide since it’s probably been a while since you looked at it. The LMS is good review.
cool thanks. If anyone else has any input it is appreciated.
CRJ FO’s begged to take LOA

< 5 % of trips commutable both ends

CP checks out

Good times at mesa
Quote: CRJ FO’s begged to take LOA

< 5 % of trips commutable both ends

CP checks out

Good times at mesa
And nobody is talking about CC leaving. All I can do is LoL
Yup, no chief pilots at Mesa anymore. Domicile chief moved on, now the company chief is gone. The job posting for company chief pilot just went internal. It's the wild west here... for now...
Quote: CRJ FO’s begged to take LOA

< 5 % of trips commutable both ends

CP checks out

Good times at mesa
Crj loa no big deal. Good for some. Flying will recover in April to may. Phx and dfw are ua outstations - trips won’t be commutable. No surprise there. CC leaving is a huge huge blow.
Wasn't the chief pilot.... The chief pilot for just like 2 months or something... Then he bounced? Yikes

Also looking at pairing for this month... It's very sad.

And Mesa paying hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in payroll for FOs to be on reserve and not fly a single hour the entire month, making them lose proficiency in the plane (especially people straight out of IOE)

FOs not building time fast enough to upgrade

Being highly short on CA's

New Hires leaving during IOE to low cost carriers costing the company hundreads of thousands of dollars in sim time, payroll, and training. Bad ROI.

ULCC picking up FOs with big sign on bonuses, better stability, and higher pay.

Asking CRJ FO's to take a leave of absence.

Not looking too good. But I don't have a crystal ball. So maybe Mesa can recover? JO has done some interesting things to pickup Mesa by the boot straps... But how long can it go for?
Irrational paranoia

Pairings are as predicted.

Performance is good.

New base opening.

Net increase in active captains Month over month.
Quote: Irrational paranoia

Pairings are as predicted.

Performance is good.

New base opening.

Net increase in active captains Month over month.
OK hopefully gets better then. We will see how the next months play out.
Any insight on upcoming ERJ FO classes? Is it forecast that classes are still running, or is it likely that they'll get pushed/canceled?
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