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fdx727pilot 09-18-2007 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by gasnhaul (Post 232656)
OK, pulled the records and the time is correct...but here we go:

188.7 hours total in the T-1
112.5 of which are hours rec'd
76.2 listed as other time

94.8 hours total in the Tweet
85.4 of which are hours dual
9.4 listed as solo

So, this begs some questions. Is there such a thing as student other time? Can/should you include this time or no? I'm kinda of the mind that student other time is still student time and can be included as total time and/or total turbine.

Anyway, the total of 188.7 and 94.8 does indeed total 283.5...


I would call it 197.9 student and 9.4 turbine PIC. Only give the UPT other time to a carrier who wants "other" time.

My numbers from the pre-SUPT timeframe were 154 student and 20 PIC (T37 and T38 solo time)

gasnhaul 09-18-2007 04:53 PM

Actually I really don't think I need the additional hours since they don't really amount to much anyway. I'm sure my PIC hours are what they are going to be looking at most anyway. I guess it's just a little frustrating when it seems some of the newer systems (*cough* UPS *cough*) let a computer do all of the scoring for the first 3 steps or whatever before a human even attempts to look at a resume.

I'm a crossflow guy and was being prepped for command. Most of the times when I went downrange I was being used as an ADO/DO or Stan-evil, which means I spent a lot more time behind the desk than my contemporaries...and now I'm only able to fly once a week if I'm lucky due to my current job. Does it kill, but honestly 90 hours at this point will probably equate to six months of flying.

Oh well, hopefully I can get someone to hire me and I still have a year to worry about it, so I'm not too concerned....yet.


And thanks for all the help guys!:D

liftr92 09-18-2007 05:04 PM

Was told at interview by mil guy that while technically it was pic time - be realistic - you were a student who didn't even have wings. Of course now that almost all going to UPT have a ppl if might make it a bit different. I just tossed it into my total time and didn't have a logbook for mil tie at either interview. Total time spent by prospective company (x2) looking at my flying history report, about 5 seconds. They were more interested in the TMAAT and the most rewarding/coolest missions I felt I had accomplished

my 2 cents

Slice 09-18-2007 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by blastoff (Post 232499)
T-6 Solo time and the T-1 Team sortie were the only PIC hours I claimed for UPT. T-1 student time I claimed as SIC since in the military and civilian world it requires a 2-person crew...and Part 61 says that a person not type-rated may act as SIC in an aircraft if the time is being used to meet the requirement for a type rating and no passengers or cargo are being carried for hire. Plus, there can't "not" be a SIC. I don't see how you can get 280 hours in UPT though...DO NOT COUNT the "Other" time. I came back with 95 hours in the T-6 and 122 in the T-1. My ARMS record says I have 277 hours of UPT time because it included OTHER time...Airlines don't want to know about your jumpseat time in the T-1.

Were you ME rated going into UPT? The typical UPT stud has only a SE PPL. So, you wouldn't hold the proper rating if that was the case since everyone I know added them on after pinning on their wings. Something to think about.

Triumph 09-18-2007 11:47 PM

I personally counted all of the T-6 time as PIC because I had commercial single engine rating and had a high performance sign off before UPT. When it comes down to it, the T-6 would be no different than a C208 and I have hundreds of hours in that. As for the T-1, I counted all of it as SIC (that is, the hours i was actually in the seat)...

HercDriver130 09-19-2007 03:17 AM

When you guys take out your jumpset T-1 time its more in line with the hours we got back in the day.

gasnhaul 09-19-2007 06:41 AM

I guess it kinda also depends on what they ask for as proof of hours. lifter brings it up like I was planning on going. On my form 5 which lists all the hours by catagory, it just lumps all of the student time together...there is no separation or other time listed. So, it would simply be included in the total time, but not as PIC or SIC. Again, hopefully all of this is water under the bridge but guess we'll see. Kinda weird tho...I ended up with a type in the BE-400, MU-300 because of my T-1 flying.:rolleyes:


ugleeual 09-19-2007 10:10 AM

IT ALL DEPENDS!!! Depends on the airline you are applying with... they all have different guidance. Bottom line... be conservative... I know of a few guys who were not hired at AMR and UAL due to "issues" with PIC time... stretching the truth with UPT and IP time.


blastoff 09-19-2007 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by Slice (Post 232967)
Were you ME rated going into UPT? The typical UPT stud has only a SE PPL. So, you wouldn't hold the proper rating if that was the case since everyone I know added them on after pinning on their wings. Something to think about.

It doesn't matter, its military that reasoning if a guy was lazy and never added his type rating after AC Upgrade, he could never log PIC even after he was an AC, since he wasn't technically type-rated. Then there's another twist...the San Antonio FSDO told me they actually consider us "PIC's" after our NAV/Instrument Checkride...which is 1.5 months before we graduate and get our wings, and the guy told me I could log everything after that as PIC (which I didn't to be conservative). Twist #2, the FAR/aim while I was in UPT allowed me to log SIC, but all of the SIC rules were rearranged in this year's FAR/AIM...if I was in UPT now, well I would have to talk to the FSDO for guidance...According to 61.55, I wasn't legal to even occupy that seat. An IP once told me, when in doubt, Primary = PIC, Secondary = SIC, Other = nothing. Twist #3...UPT time is logged as 95% Primary (And then becomes "Student TIme" in ARMS)

gasnhaul 09-19-2007 12:23 PM

Geez now I don't see how I could have ever been confused...:p


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