For those of you going into military pilot training

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DO NOT be this guy!

Phil's SUPT Pilot Journal
No Kidding....Hopefully he decides to erase that whole website....
He was.....a mascot?
What's scary is that he's an officer!
The most important date he forgot to list was the day his IP's find that website. Big, and I mean big, target on his back . Poor, poor , foolish boy. Dollars to donuts he washes out pre-solo in tweets, or t-6's or whatever it is they're flying nowadays. On second thought, based on my 22 years of military experience, dorks like that always seem to end up in leadership positions in the AF.
Whoa, good luck with a-a-a-a-a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l that...
I think it is nice the kid is excited... I do mean kid.... But hell, Somedays I wish that I could be half as motivated as that... Is it a great idea to show your innermost thougts out on the interwebs for all to see? Nope!

But I really couldnt find anything terribly wrong with what he is putting up... As long as he can draw the line between, what need to be there and what does not... Besides, we shall see him grow up before our eyes!
Dang - it's unavailable now. Anyone snag a transcript?
I've been following this one on baseops.

One word: EPIC!

It had hero shots of him on his motorcycle with the caption (something like) "Yeah, that's how I roll." There was a LOT more funny stuff too. I wish I had taken some screen shots. You should have seen the 6-9 messages left by baseops dudes saying "shut this down before your IPs see it!" "Have fun getting your ass beat at SERE!" Classic.

Good on him for taking the advice of the BTDT dudes. ****, I've spoken with Hacker(15E) on one of these forums and that conversation was all it took to knock the idea of keeping one of those things out of my head.
Well, that site lasted about 4 hours after it hit!
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