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flyguyniner11 04-05-2007 12:41 AM

both engines on fire, cargo fire and clouds at 50 ft, try to land in a cat I aircraft, that was fun

FlyerJosh 04-05-2007 02:28 AM

Intercept and aerial refuel behind a TCAS traffic target.

Have a competition with your partner... who can start from a full stop, takeoff, execute a full 360 degree turn, and land again back to a full stop the quickest (Without crashing)? No other rules apply (like thrust limits or config changes). Personal best: 53 seconds in the Citation, 1:07 in the CRJ.

Fly a space shuttle approach profile to landing (requires T/R deployment in the CRJ. Amazingly it doesn't in the Citation!):

Airsupport 04-05-2007 04:38 AM

Try pulling the roll disconnect, transfereing control to captains side, sit in the fo's seat and fly an ils down to mins!!! that is freaking tough!!

BoilerUP 04-05-2007 04:52 AM

Double engine flameout after departing 1 at DCA, then landing on the Tidal Basin and/or National Mall without hitting any of the monuments. Alternately, 8000 AFE, 5 mile final, no engines and only APU for electrical.

Fly an overhead and land...which is harder than it looks with no peripheral vision.

Doing maneuvering stalls 100' over Lake Michigan.

Oh yeah...aileron rolls in a sim with the motion on is a good way to do 100k+ in damage to the hydraulic legs...not that I know anything about that:D

Squawk_5543 04-05-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by FlyerJosh (Post 144130)

Fly a space shuttle approach profile to landing (requires T/R deployment in the CRJ. Amazingly it doesn't in the Citation!):

I love the "Missed Approach N/A" LOL!!!!

CL65driver 04-05-2007 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Airsupport (Post 144146)
Try pulling the roll disconnect, transfereing control to captains side, sit in the fo's seat and fly an ils down to mins!!! that is freaking tough!!

Pull the Roll AND Pitch Disc handles, fail the PFDs, MFDs and EICAS, then shoot a VOR approach using only the ISIS (Integrated Standy Instrument System, for all the non-ERJ peeps out there) and RMUs for engine data...... fun stuff.

Then try the same, but flying the special DP out of DCA with an engine fire at 50 feet.

Have the sim instructor drop the plane into essential power mode 20 feet above mins on a Cat II approach.

Kick off the yaw damper and go do some dutch rolls at 36,000 feet.

"Let's 410- it, dude!"

Try to do a stall while standing up.

Inverted ILS, we got reverse sensing on the GS.

I remember in the CRJ, you could use the reversionary panel to move the screens around... see if you can pull up six EICAS screens and leave it like that for the next sim :D

High altitude inverted flat spins.....

EvilGN 04-05-2007 07:13 AM

I have successfully landed a P-3 on an aircraft carrier, required 60 or knots of headwind, takeoff was even easier.
The other manuever is to set up for a 4 mile straight in, clean A/C and full power, dive to 50 ft and attempt to get to VNE or higher, about .5 miles past the departure end, pull straight up (don't over G) and perform a hammer head, chop power, drop gear and full flaps/spoilers and attempt to land the opposite direction.

aerospacepilot 04-05-2007 07:55 AM

My three favorite:

1. Attempt to land a 747 on an aircraft carrier.
2. Under the golden gate bridge at 350+kts.
3. Come in too fast for the approach (maybe 210kts), then cut the power and do a glider style forward slip to slow yourself down and land safely with runway left.

U-I pilot 04-05-2007 09:52 AM

50+ knot direct crosswind landings (better line up with the upwind lights...and looking out the other guys window)

10,000 feet at the marker.....good luck.

Give someone a pitot blockage on one side in any glass cockpit followed by a climb or descent..... they will THINK they are either gonna stall or overspeed and have very little idea wtf is going on.

Full stall at high altitude in a swept wing..... fun stuff.

TCAS descend near a mountain...... "Descend, Descend....... WHOOP, WHOOP PULL UP!"

Any very strong windshear/microburst on TO or landing. Landing you may do a touch/go if you do it right...... Do the TO one and watch how far they roll before they realize they will never make Vr.

Pdt's Btch 04-05-2007 06:26 PM

Make out with your sim partner...she was hot. Boy I miss training.

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