CHQ 145 Checkride today

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I'll be taking my checkride today. It was supposed to start an hour and a half ago, but the sim broke, so it is postponed to 4pm St. Louis time. Not too nervous. Any words of wisdom?
whos your checkairman?
When coming in for a landing off of an approach, don't forget to look at the wind vector that the FMS provides for you. The check airman may increase/decrease the winds without notifying you. It threw me off big time.
Do a thourough receiving...check pins, go through all the systems pages, etc.
Quote: I'll be taking my checkride today. It was supposed to start an hour and a half ago, but the sim broke, so it is postponed to 4pm St. Louis time. Not too nervous. Any words of wisdom?

Good luck!!!
Put the gear down.
Quote: Put the gear down.
I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK, WE'RE ALL COUNTING ON YOU.
Sit back and relax and breathe

and everyone will make mistakes, if you do, just move on and not let it bother you. once you made the mistake there is nothing you can do about it, just focus on everything else, an a good attitude might help you make it all the way through the rest of the ride and that mistake may not end up being too bad

That is how I do it

Good luck bro. I just passed indoc today after getting a 94% so I'll be where you are soon enough. let me know what happens.
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