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menglish1 07-16-2007 10:40 AM

Sim Time Toward TT
Ok people I keep getting conflicting opinions on this. The 50 Hours that you can use for your commercial ticket in the simulator (Frasca 141 etc). Do most airlines allow you to use this time towards your total time. The reason being I have about 420 TT and 60ME and am building about 8 hrs multi a week. If I can use that 50 hours that the FAA allows towards the commercial I would be at 470TT and 60ME. I live in Fort Wayne IN so I'm holding out to apply to ASA and Comair because I'm getting close to their times and I can commute from FWA. I'm also going to consider any reputible place that I can commute to. So any ideas would be great. Thanks everyone for info ahead of time.

tsween 07-16-2007 10:45 AM

apply now, you will most likely get an interview

Window_Seat 07-16-2007 10:46 AM

Get some more experience (5-6 months) and Skywest out of ORD. Skywest does those flights from FWA-ORD so it would be an easy commute if you chose to fly. Upgrade here is at 13 months if you are concerned about that. You'll need the extra hours anyways no matter which airline you choose because of total time mins for captain. Good luck

Joepa84 07-16-2007 11:06 AM

I am pretty sure the answer to that is "no." I don't believe Frasca time counts toward TT. If it did, People wound not rent twins when they could just build twin time in a frasca 142. The only kind of sim time that counts would be full motion sims...Even with that I am not sure how it is logged but, I am 90% sure that Frasca 141, stuff does not count...Some of them don't even have a computer screen! Are you an U of Illinois guy? Hope that helps. Also, how are you building 8 hours of ME a week? MEI?

jetplayer 07-16-2007 11:10 AM

Hi. I have about 10hrs Level D Full Motion time.
Level D FM is considered to be like real airplane
You can log it.......If you don't have a type it is (Turbine, MEL, Dual Rec.,landings IAP currency).
Also can use it twords TT

menglish1 07-16-2007 11:13 AM

I'm talking specificaly about the 50hours of sim allowed for the commercial. I know after the 50hours it don't mean poop, I'm surprised it doesn't count since the FAA counts it to get your commercial, and no not a univ. of ILL. guy. Went to Indiana State and I'm building multi time because I'm an airport manager and we have a lot of part 91 corporate flights in and out so i'm building some time with them in a seneca V and a C421 and then I have a friend who flies for delta that has a big ugly apache... but it has to big spiny things on it so it counts. So I'm lucky I've found a couple of good mentors to help me through the first 100hrs multi. I'm building my TT through instructing the little that is around here in this small indiana town.

Joepa84 07-16-2007 11:21 AM

Alright, Illinois is in Champaign-Urbana, and that is where Frasca is based so they decided to sink a bunch of money into Frasca sims. (No opinion either way.) As jetplayer said, level D "Yeah," anything else "Ney." That is also what I was told too, so it is probably true. As far as the 50 hours go, thats messed up and I agree with you. If its good enough to get you a rating why not TT? Imagine that, somthing governed by the FAA, is hard to understand, has a lot of grey area, and makes no sense!

Thinking man 07-16-2007 11:38 AM

No airlines do not count FTD or SIM time. On the application, it will ask for total time in aircraft...

btwissel 07-16-2007 11:44 AM

sim time does not equal flight time, regardless of level of the sim. it is simulator or FTD time.

only time in real airplanes counts toward the total time airlines look for

menglish1 07-16-2007 11:58 AM

Yeah thats what I figured I was just hoping for that 50 hour boost to get the the mins. I'll just have to be patient. I wish I would have thought about these things when I was working on my commercial. Oh-well thats what I get for having a passion for aviation. Should have been an engineer! :D

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