In-flight reading material

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In your opinion, what's the best magazine that passengers leave behind?
I'm not talking about the occasional, "Hey, somebody left us a Rolling Stone!" I'm talking about the stuff you're guaranteed to see at least once per trip.
As far as I'm concerned, nothing beats a current copy of People. I love the "Who Wore it Best?" feature!
USA today life section. then i get the crossword.

finishing those always makes me feel smart.
As sad as it may seem I always smile when they leave an issue, of OK, People, In Touch, My life is so sad that I get enjoyment out of watching Britney Sears make an ass of herself..................but I really feel lucky when GQ, DETAILS, MAXIM, or FHM is left behind I jump on that like a 250hr pilot jumps on MESA...................
Quote: GQ, DETAILS, MAXIM, or FHM is left behind I jump on that like a 250hr pilot jumps on MESA...................
Yeah, those are the best. Flying mags are good too.
Quote: Yeah, those are the best. Flying mags are good too.
The last thing I want to read is a flying anything!!!!
Quote: The last thing I want to read is a flying anything!!!!
Hm, I think he meant Flying as in the general aviation magazine. To me, reading about the airline industry and reading about general aviation is kind of like the difference between reading a trucking magazine and reading Car & Driver.
Somebody left a copy of Advocate in our plane the other day. I didn't know what it was until the FA left it open on the floor of the cockpit for all of the passengers to see as they got on the plane.

We always get Fortune and Money going through LGA and IAD, but I agree the crossword is always entertaining -except I can't finish it so I feel dumb.
Last thing I've read was the August Issue of 'Stuff' Magazine. Girls, Games and Gadgets all inside!

FHM has the best eye candy, but I don't pass up a GQ, MAXIM or STUFF. Make sure you leave it on the flight deck for the next crew!

That kind of fluff mag is pretty common, we get at least one on a four day. Usually more.

I really prefer a meatier periodical, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, or Harper's. I'll even buy one if I can't snag it every couple of weeks. The Economist is by far the most common of these left on board.

I can't stand the glossy Gossip rags. I list them as one of the top reasons for America's moral decay. The belong in the trash with the used coffee grounds.
Quote: FHM has the best eye candy, but I don't pass up a GQ, MAXIM or STUFF. Make sure you leave it on the flight deck for the next crew!

That kind of fluff mag is pretty common, we get at least one on a four day. Usually more.

I really prefer a meatier periodical, The Economist, Atlantic Monthly, or Harper's. I'll even buy one if I can't snag it every couple of weeks. The Economist is by far the most common of these left on board.

I can't stand the glossy Gossip rags. I list them as one of the top reasons for America's moral decay. The belong in the trash with the used coffee grounds.

Ah thats not grounds used to be good for something at one time...
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