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byebyeairlines 11-30-2008 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by bored (Post 508533)
Wow, why the hate towards Mesaba? You'd rather eat dog food than interview at one of, if not the only airline hiring right now? Ok melodrama. I'm not thumping my chest, just telling it like it is. There are Comair guys on this board who are amazed they didn't get hired and amazed they haven't been called for interview. My comments are based on those posts. Help has been extended on this BB on getting the job at Mesaba in numerous ways. I have nothing against Comair pilots whatsoever.... just trying to help.

Oh and by the way... Mesaba pilots know very well what being in the dumper is all about. We've had our "day." Our "day" lasted 6 years. I've been in your shoes... they're not so comfortable and I don't wish ill will on any pilot having been there done that.

I don't post much, but we don't need some idiot rubbing peoples' misfortunes in their face. You guys should being extending every courtesy to Comair guys, since you seemed to benefit from at least one of our 900s. I am not in danger of losing my job here,(unless we go under, which is possible) but there are a lot of good pilots who are. Keep that in mind before you go shooting your mouth off at "our forum page"

starflyer402 11-30-2008 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by bored (Post 508533)
Wow, why the hate towards Mesaba? You'd rather eat dog food than interview at one of, if not the only airline hiring right now? Ok melodrama. I'm not thumping my chest, just telling it like it is. There are Comair guys on this board who are amazed they didn't get hired and amazed they haven't been called for interview. My comments are based on those posts. Help has been extended on this BB on getting the job at Mesaba in numerous ways. I have nothing against Comair pilots whatsoever.... just trying to help.

Oh and by the way... Mesaba pilots know very well what being in the dumper is all about. We've had our "day." Our "day" lasted 6 years. I've been in your shoes... they're not so comfortable and I don't wish ill will on any pilot having been there done that.

Pilots: they amaze me.

bored 11-30-2008 07:27 AM

Interesting... now you're calling me an idiot? I don't remember posting anything that rubs anything into anyones faces. I have never, come on this website and posted anything that demeaned, insulted or relished in the misfortunes of those at Comair. Once again... I've been there. I know what it's like, so why would I find joy in other peoples problems. Maybe I came off a little harsh, but it's true. Some Comair guys have questioned why they didn't get hired or the interview, as if they're owed something.

Yes, we at XJ should be doing everything to get the Comair pilots jobs. And we are. But Comair isn't the only airline with guys on the street. Comair isn't the only one with furloughs trying to get jobs. I'm just trying to give a sense of reality here, not everyone will get the job, especially if they come with attitude.

Speedbird172 11-30-2008 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by bored (Post 508520)
Do you Comair guys think you're OWED the job at Mesaba or something? If you didn't get the job after interviewing, it was something they didn't like in the interview. If you didn't get the interview, then there are more qualified applicants. It's a supply and demand issue... not everyone, regardless of time in type and 121 experience is going to get the interview, let alone the job. I'm sorry your MEC mislead you in to believing there is a preferential hiring agreement for Comair pilots. Even if there was, that still doesn't guarantee you guys jobs. There are lots of Comair folks interviewing each week, but Comair isn't the only pipeline for Mesaba right now. Mesaba isn't going to hire you JUST because you come from Comair. I know it's awful to be in your shoes right now, but stop showing up to the interview like XJ owes you something and maybe more Comair pilots would be getting the nod.

I think people are referring to the apparent miscommunication that happened with the Mesaba MEC and HR dept regarding Comair pilots, as stated in some union emails we received. Of course to those who already interviewed, it will probably not make a difference, but when we get told something and it doesn't happen then yea some people will shout out. It isn't some sense of entitlement it's just added frustrations. And no I have not, (nor do I have the desire to), applied to Mesaba.

evilboy 11-30-2008 07:44 AM

Guys there's no need to get nasty towards anyone. Bored had his points, and as much as we may dislike them, they are valid. I don't think he/she was trying to be mean. On the other hand, yes we are a bit bitter and aprehensive, so understand where we come from. In the inmortal words of one Rodney King, "can we all just get along?"......just watch out for the nightstick!.

imasaluki 11-30-2008 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by bored (Post 508546)
Interesting... now you're calling me an idiot? I don't remember posting anything that rubs anything into anyones faces. I have never, come on this website and posted anything that demeaned, insulted or relished in the misfortunes of those at Comair. Once again... I've been there. I know what it's like, so why would I find joy in other peoples problems. Maybe I came off a little harsh, but it's true. Some Comair guys have questioned why they didn't get hired or the interview, as if they're owed something.

Yes, we at XJ should be doing everything to get the Comair pilots jobs. And we are. But Comair isn't the only airline with guys on the street. Comair isn't the only one with furloughs trying to get jobs. I'm just trying to give a sense of reality here, not everyone will get the job, especially if they come with attitude.

If Mesaba hires anybody other than furloughed airline pilots right now, they're perpetuating the stupidness that IS this industry. Why announce a preferential hiring agreement between Mesaba and Comair if there isn't one?

And just for fairness: A) I don't want and wouldn't accept a job at Mesaba, B) I don't want and wouldn't accept a job at ANY other regional airline, C) We didn't send the emails about the preferential agreement and its progress. Our MEC sent them to us. Excuse us if that prompts conversation about the whole deal.

Nobody expects your job. If you don't like our conversation, the door is behind you.

TristarJS30 11-30-2008 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by imasaluki (Post 508557)
Why announce a preferential hiring agreement between Mesaba and Comair if there isn't one?

Just because ALPA says there is one, doesn't mean jack. ALPA doesn't do the hiring, Human Resources does. It's nice of them to say, but when they really have no more pull than a suggestion, it doesn't add up to much.

And I'm about to be F'd from OH as well.

evilboy 11-30-2008 07:54 AM

Hey y'all have a good one today. The fins' game is on tv today and it's 7 minutes before my first beer of the day. Later.................

BlueMoon 11-30-2008 07:55 AM

Just ignore him, he is the self appointed voice of reason.

imasaluki 11-30-2008 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by TristarJS30 (Post 508559)
Just because ALPA says there is one, doesn't mean jack. ALPA doesn't do the hiring, Human Resources does. It's nice of them to say, but when they really have no more pull than a suggestion, it doesn't add up to much.

And I'm about to be F'd from OH as well.

I understand... I was just explaining to "El Bored-O" why the "chatter" about this stuff. The pilots at Comair didn't just dream up a hiring agreement and a bunch of emails from our furlough chairperson.

Originally Posted by BlueMoon (Post 508563)
Just ignore him, he is the self appointed voice of reason.

I think you're right. Nobody likes a know it all until they need one. And we definitely don't need one right now.

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