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Blkflyer 02-07-2008 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by ImperialxRat (Post 315336)
It seems to me that as long as we have BET (Black Entertainment Television), scholarships targeted specifically for minorities, and load of other affirmative action crap, that racism will never really be able to fade from us.

Could you imagine if a station starting airing all white TV shows, called WET (White Entertainment Television). Or if there were scholarships that you could only apply to if you were Caucasian.

Most qualified candidate should always be the choice. I wouldn't want a female doctor operating on me who ranked 5th in her class, simply because they had to fill a quota and hire a woman. Or any other race / gender / nationality.

I'm really tired so this may not be as coherent as it could be.

LOL I am not going to touch this one with a TEN FOOT POLE...

subicpilot 02-07-2008 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by N6724G (Post 315364)
Thats a typical argument about the WET vs BET thing. ihear it all the time but there are some things you dont understand about that argument. I agree the name I dont like, but BET plays videos that MTV or VH1 NEVER Play. So, if I want to hear these particular artists, where would I go if there wasnt a BET?

Affirmative Action is needed because the plying field is not even. You have tolook at families histories. there are a lot of intelligent people inthe ghetto. But due to their situation which is no fault of their own (Its ancestrial) they are stuck in a situation wher ethey cannot succeed. So, scholorship are designed to help them if they make the grade. You hae to have waled inthe shoes to understand. But I understand why a lot of white males dont agree with affirmative action. But a lot of them really dont understand the issue. they just see the surface and outside. they really havet gottendeep into it.

Took me a while and a few re-reads to understand your crappy typing...but then you've heard all this before. Guess we're just stuck with it...

Hope you can fix it before you're offered that Chief Pilot job...


I could be off base here, but I think the whole point of any equal opportunity/affirmative action program is "equal opportunity", NOT preferential treatment. We need to make sure minorities are given the opportunity to be educated to the same standards that non-minorities have available. After that, the playing field is equal and an employer should be free to hire the most qualified candidate, regardless of gender or ethnic background.

The problem with society is that the NAACP and other such liberal organizations have made an existence out of championing minorities by lobbying politicians and filing lawsuits on behalf of every minority who is turned down for a job, to the point that every employer is afraid to hire who they want, and every politician is afraid of not supporting those organizations out of fear of losing a huge percentage of the voting public. So, we continue to do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

I don't have any answers, by the way...just opinions...

You know what they say about opinions...:rolleyes:

CRJ YZ Pilot 02-17-2008 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sniper (Post 314811)
Flamebait guys.

He's got 3 jet types from an airline with only 2 jets. Other airlines are racist, and he's defending the one that everyone in the regional forum seems to dump on for fun.

Just let this thread die, ok?

You got me, Mach.:rolleyes:

Your facts are not correct. Mesa actually had 3 jet types on it's operating certificates the Fokker F70, CRJs and ERJs. Not all at the same time but they did have 3.

The first regional jet to be operated by Mesa was the Fokker F70, later to be replaced by the CRJs then the addition of the ERJ.

Sniper 02-18-2008 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by CRJ YZ Pilot (Post 321971)
Mesa actually had 3 jet types on it's operating certificates the Fokker F70, CRJs and ERJs.

Was Desert Sun on the YV certificate? If so, I'm wrong. But I thought it was on a different certificate. And, if mach946 was @ Desert Sun, he has WAY more than the 8000 TT and 5000 TPIC that I had speculated that he had as a minimum - I'm wrong all over the place, then.

If so that helps explains why he's still @ Mesa too. Most of the Desert Sun guys also went to the CRJ-900 for Freedom A. If I recall correctly, Desert Sun was not exactly something that all the pilots of Mesa Air Group agreed with, no?

So I'm looking for a VERY senior African American pilot who was @ Desert Sun as a Captain, and has also been a CA on the ERJ and CRJ. I promise to be back on this thread after I confer with my contacts @ Mesa to see if there is such a pilot. I won't post names, only confirmation that this pilot exists.

Bond 02-18-2008 05:12 PM

Back on the original subject, just thought I lighten up the mood a little, since the thread has turned all pc:

Enjoy it. :D

8Lpearlchannel 02-18-2008 07:52 PM

KGMB news in Hawaii is running a special report tonight on the 10:00 news. Apparently two go! pilots were "caught sleeping on the job" on a flight from Honolulu to Hilo. They didn't really say much other than to catch your interest to tune in later.

Don't exactly know what "caught sleeping on the job" really was. Its the media, so it could have been on the ground or in the air... we'll have to wait and see what the story is.

DsrtAV8R 02-25-2008 07:20 AM

Originally Posted by Flyboy8784 (Post 307859)
Mesa has got a ton of 900's parked at CLT....all lined up...and clean as could be...i think i can still see stickers on the tires when i taxi by...theyve got Airways and the new delta paint on them...just a matter of time before more and more get parked...or JO leaves the company un anounced...takes all his money and flees to china...shuts down operations completely..who knows at this point

Those aircraft you see parked on the hardstand are actually there for mx. CLT is one of the larger mx bases at the company.

DsrtAV8R 02-25-2008 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by freezingflyboy (Post 308652)
That must be why Mesa is loosing business from Delta and United...

Mesa, at first, negotiated a reduction of their awarded flying in order to account for staffing shortages. This flying was picked up by other UAX partners. Now, they are pulling CR2's out of the system to help shrink the operation; however, some of the CR2's are being replaced with brand new CR7's. By the end of 2008, Mesa will have 16 fewer CR2's in the UAX system and only will have replenished them with 3 of the more profitable CR7's for a net loss of 13 aircraft (just at UAX).

Believe it or not, Mesa is the first UAX partner to begin agressive cutback of the unprofitable 50 seater. Not that it's for good reason, but they are the first. Others will soon follow.

rahc 02-25-2008 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Scoop (Post 314761)
You are correct - major airlines certainly do not care how management treats employees, but they do care about how they treat their passengers. The big buzzward we have been hearing at DAL is how we want to establish a desireable "brand." Accordingly, management has been saying for months that we will reduce the number of connection carriers who fly our code, so as to have better quality control. They are not saying less connection flying (that is pretty much driven by fuel costs) just fewer carriers to divide up the flights.
Now what management says and what they do are not always the same thing. I don't think we would ever go back to only 2 or 3 connection carriers, it makes the connection carriers too valuable, and hence gives them more clout. During the Comair strike in 2000 DAL lost a ton of CVG feed and management does not want that to happen again.
I agree that cost is the most important factor but it is by no means the only factor.

Good thing that Delta got rid of the F8 Dash8 program out of JFK if they wanted a desireable program!

rahc 02-25-2008 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by Tuckster (Post 315316)
Why is it that alot of the Delta Connection guys (Freedom) are somewhat happy....I mean very few at a regional are truly happy but with all the Mesa bashing, I can't understand why the Freedom guys seem to be at least content. Are they treated differently from United Express or USAirways Express ??

Freedom and Mesa are basically ran as two separate companies with just one pilot seniority list. I have had the opportunity (or doom) to work on both sides. I honestly felt that the freedom operation is ran much better. Alot of Mesa's problems are due to disorganization. The freedom side is much smaller and this is why I feel it runs much more smoothly. Freedom has its own crew trackers, dispatchers, etc. When I was at JFK we had our regional chief pilot, and regional manager at the airport at most times. On the mesa side, I don't even know who they people are. I felt that F8 trackers could do much more as far modifying schedules. I can't get any changes on my Mesa schedule unless I talk to a supervisior who is always on another line and doesn't have the time to talk.

On a side note maybe its because they get an extra 4 hours of drinking at F8 over YV. 12 hours for Mesa and 8 for Freedom!:rolleyes:

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