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rsmithadx 03-06-2008 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by Lighteningspeed (Post 334865)
with the likes of Hillary who says had she known then what she knows now, she would not have voted yes to the war.

And I am still waiting for her to apologize for her decession...I WON'T HOLD MY BREATH....

WhizWheel 03-06-2008 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by rsmithadx (Post 335109)
And I am still waiting for her to apologize for her decession...I WON'T HOLD MY BREATH....

A Clinton......apologize? Ahahahahahahahahaha. That would be like Bonds apologizing for lying about using 'roids. Aint gonna happen.

Nightsky 03-06-2008 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Crucero (Post 335100)
meeko031 wrote:
can anyone tell me again how they're entitled?

People getting a rebate this summer are people who filed 2007 income taxes.

So legal or not if you paid/filed you taxes, you get a rebate check.

How would an illegal file a tax return though? Don't you need a legitimate SSN for that?

Outlaw2097 03-06-2008 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by Nightsky (Post 335159)
How would an illegal file a tax return though? Don't you need a legitimate SSN for that?

Why would they file a tax return? Arent their wages going back 'home' anyways?

NAFTA was established to create free trade and jobs in Mexico...not jobs in America for Mexicans...

meeko031 03-06-2008 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by Nightsky (Post 335159)
Don't you need a legitimate SSN for that?

That's what im sayin!!!! but let's not get off track here!

jungle 03-06-2008 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by Lighteningspeed (Post 334989)
I agree with you there. You should read this guy with a user name "JetPiedmont" over at the Major section under the Oil $100 a Barrel thread. He is clearly not an airline pilot and eveything he writes reads like a propaganda material from the oil companies. He thinks the oil industry profit is completely reasaonable and that they are only making 10% net profit and that we should stop bashing the oil companies to take out our frustrations. He must think we are all idiots. Any corporation can write off as much as they can possibly get away with. CNN reported not too long ago, Exxon Mobile's profit going up over 300% in the first quarter of 2007.

I know it is far easier to slander another board member than to come up with facts, but you are so far off I thought I might help you out.

Exxon paid about 27 billion in taxes on roughly 40 billion in profit, Federal, State and Local Taxes average about 46 cents a gallon:

If you were to take all of Exxons gasoline profits and spread them out across every gallon of gas sold, you might see a 20 cent reduction, but then again nobody runs a business for charity.

Government consistently takes two to three times what oil companies make on a gallon of gas.

Your speculation on who is or is not a pilot is not really meaningful to this conversation.

Dog Breath 03-06-2008 05:41 PM

Moderator Input
Hey guys, can we get back on track and discuss the effects of rising oil prices have on the industry? And please, no politics. Thanks!

Topics Not for Discussion

There are currently NO forums that provide a venue for discussing politics or religion. While DreamLaunch Media Ltd. and Airline Pilot Central embrace the diversity the world has to offer, these subjects often are very emotional and there are many different views. In our experience the wide range of views and emotions rarely contribute to a harmonious online community or beneficial contributions to the piloting profession.

fosters 03-06-2008 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by Lighteningspeed (Post 334989)
He thinks the oil industry profit is completely reasaonable and that they are only making 10% net profit and that we should stop bashing the oil companies to take out our frustrations. He must think we are all idiots. Any corporation can write off as much as they can possibly get away with. CNN reported not too long ago, Exxon Mobile's profit going up over 300% in the first quarter of 2007.

Here's something to wrap your head around.

Over the past 5 years, 2002-2007, XOM's Cost of Goods vs. Gross Sales has gone from 80% to 75%. In other words, on the average cost of $3.00/gal for gas these days, they are making a $0.15 spread more per gallon (5% more) than they were 5 years ago, while gas has gone from about $1.20 to $3.00 in that time. This is before any write offs.

Here's another thought. If they lowered prices 20% and made NO PROFIT (their gross profit [profit before taxes] has hovered around 20% of sales) gas at the pump would be at $2.40 right now.

Now, to you, would it be worth XOM to run with ZERO PROFIT to lower gas prices? I don't think so. If they're not making any money they might as well stop operations or sell it to China for a profit, leaving a gas shortage here. Not a good idea for any of us here in the US.

*If I am wrong in the above someone with more knowledge please correct as needed*

chuckyt1 03-06-2008 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by jungle (Post 335183)
Exxon paid about 27 billion in taxes on roughly 40 billion in profit, Federal, State and Local Taxes average about 46 cents a gallon:

Government consistently takes two to three times what oil companies make on a gallon of gas.

That doesn't even include the 16 2/3's percent, ( I think that's the number ), of the product that is tapped right off the valve at the well...

Bascuela 03-06-2008 09:28 PM

As scientist offer ideas of alternative sources of power, I think we as pilots have the responsibility of listening and at the very least offering our support to these ideas. Biodiesel, Hydrogen, etc… laugh at it and point out how expensive it would be to produce, but for the love of God get behind something. How do you think this is all going to play out in the next 20 years? My bet; and I think you know this as well, it’s not going to be good for us pilots. $105 a barrel… I get the feeling we haven’t even seen the beginning. Something needs to power my CF 34-3B1’s, and Jet A is not going to be around too much longer. I’m not endorsing Hydrogen etc, but I’m endorsing someone who is working on the problem no matter how crazy the answer sounds.

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