ASA Getting screwed by Skyest

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Quote: Unlike Comair, ASA pilots haven't had to take a pay cut..........Yet. It could be worse?
Oh, and another thought. COMAIR pilots did not HAVE to take a pay cut. FAs chose not to.
Yea but....but....jets are shineyer!!

(wheres the sarcasam button on this forum?)

In all seriousness, not only does the paycheck matter, but stability also. I'd rather make 25K for 7 years, than 45K for one year and be forloughed!! That's why I don't think I'd mind American Eagle...
Can you be more specific? All ASA 700's are going back to ATL? Or repaint and go to SkyWest?

The 24 900's were announced a while ago. What is new...the ATR's going away???

Found the info. Thanks anyway. SkyWest says they want to keep the economies of scale within the hubs so SLC to stay SkyWest and ATL to stay ASA with aircraft flowing thru each hub but no mixed domiciles.

900's going tho ATL thru march of '07. "some" of ASA's current 700's in SLC to be flown by SkyWest is the word I've heard.

It's really too bad for the folks who moved to SLC and now may need to commute. On a positive note the company says they are working on a policy to allow for movement betweeen the two companies that is "fair and adhears to senority".
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