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Thedude 06-21-2006 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by Eric Stratton
If an airline thinks you are good enough to work with them this month why don't they think you would be good enough to work for them next month. It's just someone having a power trip if they wouldn't reschedule an interview or class date.

I am guessing you havent been in the airline biz long or at all. If you turn 'em down once that might be the only chance you have. And remember its all about the three S's anyway. Senority, Sex, and Salary.

Brav989 06-21-2006 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by Thedude
I am guessing you havent been in the airline biz long or at all. If you turn 'em down once that might be the only chance you have. And remember its all about the three S's anyway. Senority, Sex, and Salary.

So what is it about all this sex I hear? Are there regular orgies involving the flight crew or something??? :eek: :p

Freightpuppy 06-22-2006 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by Tie Pilot
Wow. Did you and your fiancee reschedule it or was that the last you heard of her?

Uh, you mean him????

I told him if he really wanted to get married, I would put off the class date.

His prompt response was "******* that! You need to get off probation and first year pay asap" Smart man.

Freightpuppy 06-22-2006 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Eric Stratton
If an airline thinks you are good enough to work with them this month why don't they think you would be good enough to work for them next month. It's just someone having a power trip if they wouldn't reschedule an interview or class date.

That's not the point......seniority is everything.

Slice 06-22-2006 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by Tie Pilot
Wow. Did you and your fiancee reschedule it or was that the last you heard of her?

She is the he in this case...I believe Freightpuppy is a lady. Explains a lot! A man would feel the wrath all the way to his grave for a stunt like that!

rocketman99 06-22-2006 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by Eric Stratton
If an airline thinks you are good enough to work with them this month why don't they think you would be good enough to work for them next month. It's just someone having a power trip if they wouldn't reschedule an interview or class date.

Cause chances are they are looking for pilots for a class starting shortly. Next month there wont be a class so there wont be a need for you.

Oh and seniority really is everything.

buffalopilot 06-23-2006 04:22 AM

There wont be a class where, Colgan? or was that a rhetorical statement

Short Bus Drive 06-23-2006 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by buffalopilot
There wont be a class where, Colgan? or was that a rhetorical statement

I think that was a rhetorical question (if that's the proper phrase).

I think the point was, try to get hired ASAP at a company. Don't put off the class. You get off probation earlier, you have more seniority, etc.

I did it at my company. When they called to offer me a class, I turned down TWO!!! One was to give my previous employer two weeks. The other was to go on vacation in HNL which was planned for a while with my then girlfriend (now wife). Why not ? They were hiring like crazy, and upgrades were fast because all thge majors (legecies, whatever) where hiring!
Came back and nipped my butt. Seven months after class start 9-11. Everyone that was hired in 2001 was furloughed (me). If I took one of the previous classes I would have snuck by. Back now, but in right seat, and those who were in the classes ahead, are LEFT seat!
So get in when you can!
Also, give two weeks when you can. Once I was furloughed, my previous company (Colgan) found out, and offered me my job back if I wanted because I didn't "screw" them like some others who left. I was only furloughed for a bit, so declined politely.

rickair7777 06-23-2006 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by Freightpuppy
Uh, you mean him????

I told him if he really wanted to get married, I would put off the class date.

His prompt response was "******* that! You need to get off probation and first year pay asap" Smart man.

See, most guys are pretty rational about matrimonial stuff...

But I wouldn't have wanted to have had to confront my wife with that sort of dilema... :eek:

Freightpuppy 06-23-2006 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Slice
She is the he in this case...I believe Freightpuppy is a lady. Explains a lot! A man would feel the wrath all the way to his grave for a stunt like that!

Not my man! I agree many women are a little ridiculous when it comes to weddings.

I would be rational too but I understand the industry and how it works. Heck, even my mom agreed because she knows what it's like. Unfortunately it's sometimes hard for a person outside to understand how truly seniority is everything and can impact your entire life.

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