WSJ attacks 1500 hour rule causing pilot shor

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Quote: An extra year+ of your life wasted time building and slaving away the extra 1000, at crappy wages. Yeah, that's called working hard.
Out of curiosity, what are the wages of CFIs now?
Quote: An extra year+ of your life wasted time building and slaving away the extra 1000, at crappy wages. Yeah, that's called working hard.

Wow… the entitlement generation indeed.
Quote: So hypothetically let's say they lower the minimums down to 500 hours. What's going to happen to all us guys who worked hard to get to 1500?will we get paid more by the airline? Don't think it's fair for all the people who busted thier as* for the extra hours
If you think working towards 1500hours was hard, you haven’t seen anything yet. This whole industry isn’t fair. Suck it up buttercup. You have looong way to go until you set the parking brake for the last time.

When I first started to learn to fly as a wee lad who barely had a drivers license, 3000tt and 500 multi MIGHT have gotten someone to look at your resume to fly right seat in a 19 seat turboprop. I busted my hump getting those numbers because that’s what was required during those times. When I finally graduated college and got my first airline gig, the times had seemingly changed overnight and I was sitting next to people in class with 250 hour total and a wet commercial certificate. Oh well. It was what it was.
Quote: This shoots holes in the people’s logic that says there will never be a shortage of pilots wanting to fly 121. Look at all these people that are licensed private pilots. If they were offered a job, they all would fly 121. Not true.

The majority of pilots want to fly on Saturday morning as a hobby. Or fly family or friends someplace every few weeks. They enjoy it. But have no desire to be a professional pilot, no matter how much of a carrot is dangled out there. And that is okay.
Right. But we can probably assume the number of people taking up flying as a hobby is relatively constant. If we need 10,000 more ATPs yesterday, 100,000 new hobby pilots aren't going to come running out of the woodwork. That was my whole point about the current system being 'right sized' for the Lost Decade. Just because there's suddenly tons of new CPLs doesn't mean a commensurate number of pipeline or banner towing companies are going to open up. The current industry produces enough pilots to cover attrition in about 2015, not 2022.
Here is how to solve the problem since y’all don’t want to drop the 1500 hr min. Besides raising the retirement age to 70 or 75 the airlines will next lobby the FAA to go after the 1000 Actual Flt Time Rule and 100hrs/30 days. Your monthly schedules will be built with a minimum of 150 hrs per month. Minimum contactual days off for line holders of 10 days. Enjoy the extra flying.
Quote: Here is how to solve the problem since y’all don’t want to drop the 1500 hr min. Besides raising the retirement age to 70 or 75 the airlines will next lobby the FAA to go after the 1000 Actual Flt Time Rule and 100hrs/30 days. Your monthly schedules will be built with a minimum of 150 hrs per month. Minimum contactual days off for line holders of 10 days. Enjoy the extra flying.
Sure, somebody will just wiggle their pinky and it will happen. It might suck for anyone whose workrules are straight FAR 117, but the rest of us will just keep on keepin' on per our CBA's

I won't be surprised to see age 67 though, that's low-hanging fruit and relatively cheap for airlines and FAA.
Quote: Here is how to solve the problem since y’all don’t want to drop the 1500 hr min. Besides raising the retirement age to 70 or 75 the airlines will next lobby the FAA to go after the 1000 Actual Flt Time Rule and 100hrs/30 days. Your monthly schedules will be built with a minimum of 150 hrs per month. Minimum contactual days off for line holders of 10 days. Enjoy the extra flying.
Gave you the benefit of the doubt earlier, but now it's obvious you're trolling. Nice try, kid.
Quote: Gave you the benefit of the doubt earlier, but now it's obvious you're trolling. Nice try, kid.
yeah, it's been obvious he's been a troll for days now. Even trying to do it on the Regional forums.
Quote: 2.) The last fatal accident in the US was the one that caused the 1500 hour rule to be implemented in the first place. An argument can be made that the rule change played a part in increasing the safety we experience today.
Just for the record Penn Air 3296 ran off the runway after landing with a more than 20 knot tailwind at Dutch Harbor in 2019 and a passenger died. And no one counts cargo flights like the Atlas 767 in Houston, also in 2019 or UPS in Birmingham in 2013.
Quote: Here is how to solve the problem since y’all don’t want to drop the 1500 hr min. Besides raising the retirement age to 70 or 75 the airlines will next lobby the FAA to go after the 1000 Actual Flt Time Rule and 100hrs/30 days. Your monthly schedules will be built with a minimum of 150 hrs per month. Minimum contactual days off for line holders of 10 days. Enjoy the extra flying.

Will a mod please ban this obvious troll.
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