Low Time Regionals

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Quote: Damper is the noun. It is called a Yaw Damper.

Dampen is a verb describing the effect of the Damper.
One of the many things I benifit from by perticipating in these forums is that I always learn something.

Quote: One of the many things I benifit from by perticipating in these forums is that I always learn something.

Two things: benefit
Quote: One of the many things I benifit from by perticipating in these forums is that I always learn something.

Learning is something nobody can ever take away from you. I'll help you out with "benefit" and "participating" too...even though I get the sense you did that on perpus.
I'm enjoying PSA so far. It's a rough QOL to start but it sure beats instructing. Get in ASAP no matter what anyone tells you. You will learn a ton regardless of having 2000 hours TT or 300 hours TT.
I learned far more from ga flying and charter and flight instructing than I have from the airlines.
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