UPS will furlough

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Did the over age 60 crowd think winning the right to die in a freighter was a win for the entire seniority list? Really?
It's not the pilots fault - they didn't change the law, they simply benefited from it. I blame the lawmakers who hastily enacted a rule change without looking at all of its affects. The airlines staffing needs are based on fleet size, growth and retirements. When the rule changed, those requirements immediately changed. Throw in the retirement of 3 fleets (all 3 were 3 seat airplanes), and the economy and you have a perfect recipe for furlough. I don't blame UPS for considering this furlough, however, together with the IPA the MOU has succeeded in providing over 100 million in savings over a 2.5 year period. If the company doesn't accept that savings then shame on them!
Quote: Sorry, but the facts are if UPS decides their will be blood, the blood will be on the hands of the over age 60 crowd in addition to management. Thats just the facts, I call them like I see em'
Once again we have someone trying to pin the blame on the pilots at the IPA when UPS controls any and all layoffs. Thats just the facts , I call them like I see em. Millers comments on this indicate clearly that UPS determines if a layoff is going to occur.
Quote: Sorry, but the facts are if UPS decides their will be blood, the blood will be on the hands of the over age 60 crowd in addition to management.
a little dramatic, no?
The facts are that the age 60 crowd has done nothing wrong
Quote: a little dramatic, no?
The facts are that the age 60 crowd has done nothing wrong
They haven't done anything wrong. They have benefited greatly and frankly in their shoes I would enjoy it as well. Since our EB however took this path it would be nice to see some more unity within this group for the whole group. I hear a lot of this being "retribution" etc. that we have already discussed on a previous thread. On that other thread you said...

"I'm not pointing fingers, just telling you what some of those guys are thinking.

I don't think i said it was all the junior guys fault, but there are some that feel that way."

...going forward some now will point at this being the "senior" guys fault, (even though after the furlough they will be retired). MOU round one, the fact is, the over 60 crowd didn't contribute much.
Quote: It's not the pilots fault - they didn't change the law, they simply benefited from it.

They may not have changed the law, but they sure as hell lobbied like hell to get it changed!
I don't wanna see any Pilots laid off, anywhere, it's just that much more competition If I get laid off.

Blaming the over 60 crowd for layoffs seems like an entitlement attitude to me, and flame bait at best.

good luck
I'm so sick of going around and around about this that I don't even have anything to say if y'all can believe that.
Quote: Once again we have someone trying to pin the blame on the pilots at the IPA when UPS controls any and all layoffs. Thats just the facts , I call them like I see em. Millers comments on this indicate clearly that UPS determines if a layoff is going to occur.
It takes a-lot of ingredients to bake a cake. I don't blame Bob Miller or the IPA "Which is really all of us here on this board and the other" as long as we continue to represent the entire senority list. Lobbying hard for age 65 rule change though was everyone's union dollars spent on the top 1/3rd while sacrificeing the bottom 2/3rds career, retirement, pay, "That my friends was the real MOU 1."
Quote: It takes a-lot of ingredients to bake a cake. I don't blame Bob Miller or the IPA "Which is really all of us here on this board and the other" as long as we continue to represent the entire senority list. Lobbying hard for age 65 rule change though was everyone's union dollars spent on the top 1/3rd while sacrificeing the bottom 2/3rds career, retirement, pay, "That my friends was the real MOU 1."
The IPA took a neutral position on the age sixty rule change. The above statement on money being spent by the IPA is incorrect and essentially flamebait.
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