ANA JP Express or Air Japan??

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Quote: i have atp with cl65 rating.. and im a f.o. in a regional airline with 2500sic time. and about 146pic.
when i got my type on cl65, they put a restriction on my licence saying "holder does not meet duty of pic of ICAO" something like that.. so.. my question is ANA wants 250pic and of those hrs.. 70hrs can be PICUS or you can use all 500 PICUS instead of 250hr pic.
so does it going to matter if i still have that restriction on my FAA licence? i need to removed it befote i apply?
That could simply be that you did not qualify for 100% simulator training under appendix H due to not having any previous Group II ratings. If so, once you have logged 25 hours in a Group II aircraft you should be able to go the the FSDO or CMO and have it removed.

Quote: So an airplane (simulator I might add) you've never flown before, somewhat rough, understandably, and you are deemed unsuitable? What a clown show if I'm being honest.
Japanese culture is like "everything needs to be perfect" even though I have never flown a 767sim before. I have a friend who passed the interview even though he made mistakes. It's really depend on the check pilots.....I guess
Quote: Japanese culture is like "everything needs to be perfect" even though I have never flown a 767sim before. I have a friend who passed the interview even though he made mistakes. It's really depend on the check pilots.....I guess
Sorry you didn't make the cut...., It is a rather hard interview to pass.

They are looking for several things during the interview, perfect manipulation of the SIM is not one of them....! Communication skills, interpersonal skills and how much effort you place into learning their SOP's on the interview package, all play a part..., not saying that this were areas that you may have missed though.
Quote: Sorry you didn't make the cut...., It is a rather hard interview to pass.

They are looking for several things during the interview, perfect manipulation of the SIM is not one of them....! Communication skills, interpersonal skills and how much effort you place into learning their SOP's on the interview package, all play a part..., not saying that this were areas that you may have missed though.
Thanks for sharing your thought, I took note after my interview and should look into areas I can improve my communication skill. I might focus too much on the plane and forget to communicate with my PM...
Any idea if there is any reapply opportunity for this position?
Quote: Thanks for sharing your thought, I took note after my interview and should look into areas I can improve my communication skill. I might focus too much on the plane and forget to communicate with my PM...
Any idea if there is any reapply opportunity for this position?
Yes there is. Recently flew with an f/o who was invited back after a period of time. I believe he said 6 months but not sure. He was obviously successful the second time around.
Sorry to hear also that you were not successful. But from what I was told when I interviewed a few years back, ANA really likes to see a candidate reapply. That in itself shows many positive attributes.

It doesn't sound like you are very discouraged nor should you be. But keep in touch with CReW and reapply in another six months if nothing else pans out.

Best of luck.
Quote: Sorry to hear also that you were not successful. But from what I was told when I interviewed a few years back, ANA really likes to see a candidate reapply. That in itself shows many positive attributes.

It doesn't sound like you are very discouraged nor should you be. But keep in touch with CReW and reapply in another six months if nothing else pans out.

Best of luck.
Thanks for all you guys input!
I know this has been discussed before but how is the QOL for you guys? 2 weeks on then off seems pretty decent. Do any of you fly the route to honolulu and live in honolulu as well? Do you pay for your own apartment in tokyo when your on duty? If so how much is a typical apartment? And the big question, do any of the pilots live year round in japan, or do they need to keep a full time residency stateside for tax reasons? Obvious reason for asking that is because it would be cool to take the family with, but its not always realistic.
Its not 2 weeks on then 2 off...its 20 days on 10 days off.
It's actually 10 off and 2 commuting days, so in all technicality, it's 12 off in a row. Plus a 24 vacation bank that you can tap into at anytime and take as many days as you want up to 24 per annum. So many guys (if not the majority) convert their days off to 14 by pulling 2 every month from the vacation days. So it more like 16 on 14 off.
To take a vacation many bid a back-to-back, like 33 on followed by 28 off. Some guys actually only do back-to-backs a whole year long.

Additionally, when you are on your days on in NRT, you still get a few days off (blank days or more like "legality" days off, like 1 in 7 or during pairing conflicts etc.). I've noticed in a stretch of 17, on average you'll get additionally 2-3 off in NRT between your duties.

BTW, all of the above assumes you are a standard N. American, Australian or European commuter. We have many guys that live locally in the Asian region and bid like a week on week off. (more like 9 on / 7 off )
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