Masks mandatory at all times?

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Quote: Why do I have to wear a mask if I have antibodies? I rarely wear a mask anywhere around home. I don't at the gym (nor does 90% of the patronage). I went in Walmart the other day and didn't wear one. Why should I?

Follow the money, Chief. Pfizer wanted Trump gone because he was lowering drug prices and fate handed them the solution.

Remember the phrase 'never let a crisis go to waste?' It was also the largest political hit job in history.
My doctor told me two things:
-since I have the antibodies I shouldn’t wear the mask because even after the antibodies are gone the immune system is still activated against Covid as long as there is exposure(studies show at least a year and some studies show for life).
-and moderna had their vaccine ready Jan20, figure that one out.
Quote: My doctor told me two things:
-since I have the antibodies I shouldn’t wear the mask because even after the antibodies are gone the immune system is still activated against Covid as long as there is exposure(studies show at least a year and some studies show for life).
-and moderna had their vaccine ready Jan20, figure that one out.
Antibodies normally diminish after the specific pathogen is cleared. There's no point in your body continuing to waste resources on something that is no longer a threat. However, during the immune response, your body created "memory B Cells" which contain the template for the effective anitbodies. They are responsible for the rapid immune response that confers immunity. They can last for decades. Note that these are different than memory T cells, which work along a different , but intertwined, pathway.
Quote: Why do I have to wear a mask if I have antibodies? I rarely wear a mask anywhere around home. I don't at the gym (nor does 90% of the patronage). I went in Walmart the other day and didn't wear one. Why should I?

Follow the money, Chief. Pfizer wanted Trump gone because he was lowering drug prices and fate handed them the solution.

Remember the phrase 'never let a crisis go to waste?' It was also the largest political hit job in history.
Again, those Pfizer execs sure are pretty gosh darn impressive, imagine aligning the entire world just to get an unpopular president to lose the popular vote again...

Also, I’m sorry the mask hurts you so badly. I’ll try to be more sensitive about your condition. The ear straps really can rub pretty hard.
Quote: Why do I have to wear a mask if I have antibodies? I rarely wear a mask anywhere around home. I don't at the gym (nor does 90% of the patronage). I went in Walmart the other day and didn't wear one. Why should I?

Follow the money, Chief. Pfizer wanted Trump gone because he was lowering drug prices and fate handed them the solution.

Remember the phrase 'never let a crisis go to waste?' It was also the largest political hit job in history.
It is mind boggling how intelligent and highly educated professionals like pilots can fall victim to conspiracy theories. No wonder crooks like Bernie Madoff and Jordan Belfort were able to fleece people

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Quote: intelligent and highly educated professionals like pilots
Bruh. We’re heavy equipment operators in ties. Stop pretending.
Quote: Bruh. We’re heavy equipment operators in ties. Stop pretending.
This. I’m not sure why anyone thinks we’re anything else. We might get paid more than other heavy equipment operators, but it doesn’t change the blue-collar work that we do.
Quote: Bruh. We’re heavy equipment operators in ties. Stop pretending.
Quote: This. I’m not sure why anyone thinks we’re anything else. We might get paid more than other heavy equipment operators, but it doesn’t change the blue-collar work that we do.
​​​​​​LOL, I used to be a heavy equipment's not even close.
Quote: This. I’m not sure why anyone thinks we’re anything else. We might get paid more than other heavy equipment operators, but it doesn’t change the blue-collar work that we do.
Have you seen what river boat or harbor pilots make?
Quote: It is mind boggling how intelligent and highly educated professionals like pilots can fall victim to conspiracy theories.

You’re right.

“Trump-Russia collusion”? How about our “Climate emergency”?

Who would buy into that kind of cr@p?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Quote: Have you seen what river boat or harbor pilots make?
They make good money for sure. Unfortunately, in many locations, there is LOTS of nepotism that keeps those jobs locked down from one generation to the next.
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