Who Here is Actively looking to get out?

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I just want everyone who reads this threat to understand that only you can lead your life and only you can make your decisions. Whatever you decide I hope it works out for the best but whatever happens only you can take responsibility for it. Educate others so they can make a more informed decision but don't persuade because what's not right for you might be right for them and 2 paths are never the same.

Good day all.

My sentimates exactly. Well Put!!
Quote: The wisdom of those who have been there. Thanx Tom, I truly mean that.

I’m on 5th year EMB-120 (only 30 seats) CA pay and last year I average 14 days off/month as a composite line-holder, currently I’m a guaranteed line-holder. I don’t pick up open time and I drop as much as I can to make my commute easier, although I do help out other CA’s and pick their posted flying up whenever it complements my schedule. Because of that I averaged 93.2 hours/month and in 09 I grossed $66,921, all with EVERY holiday I wanted off (4th, X-mas, Thanksgiving, anniversaries, B-Days and 2 long vacations), not bad for a junior 30 seat Turbo-Prop Captain (note: $67K is only descent for a 30 seat JR TP CA).

I also have a horrible commute, yes several pilots I’ve flown with have it worse but commuting from ATL to FAT (2 legs/transcon) with a beautiful wife, 4 year old daughter and a 2 month only daughter sure does wear you down. In all fairness I haven’t touched an airplane in 8 weeks (FMLA 2 month old girl/errrrrr vacation from the commute) but I head back to work on Friday the 16th. I DO NOT regret taking the upgrade and I truly believe it will pay off for me sooner rather than later. I live in ATL and my app is in at AirTran and I have several recs at DAL. I’m not delusional about pay and I understand the industry very well seeing that I’m a second generation airline pilot. I also have an opportunity to leave the airlines and join the corporate world flying international although that position won’t open up until the early part of 2011. In my mind whatever comes first.

In other words, I have NO desire to leave this industry. I posses a BS and have 5 years of high sales experience with countless awards that I gained before joining SKW. I would gladly take my life now over my 70+ hour weeks with high stress and no time off. Even if I had time off I found myself always thinking about tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, my employees, my boss and my customers with anxiety. I now love my time off and that I can walk away without ever looking back. I also love the random schedules; to put it clearly, this life is for me. But if my airline career comes to an end I’m very glad I have a solid foundation to fall back on.

I just want everyone who reads this threat to understand that only you can lead your life and only you can make your decisions. Whatever you decide I hope it works out for the best but whatever happens only you can take responsibility for it. Educate others so they can make a more informed decision but don't persuade because what's not right for you might be right for them and 2 paths are never the same.

Good day all.
Good post.

Question though: How long did you sit in the right seat before upgrade? Chances are, if you had a relatively quick upgrade your experience and outlook toward the industry is much different from a guy looking at years and years to the left seat.
I'm also wondering of those who are actively seeking to get out, how many have work experience in another field?
When I used to bartend years ago we had a crazy guy always hanging out there. He once told me "Dont ever let your job pimp you". I'm not sure why but that's always stuck with me. Now when I deal with idiot gate agents, ghetto FAs, moronic crew schedulers and overall dumb people I always think of that saying. After all, they won't etch my flight time or type ratings on my tombstone. Hopefully they'll say "Loving father, husband and friend", not "He was able to hold weekends off".
This quote made sense to me, I felt so undervalued and like a cheap hooker wh***ring myself out to scheduling as they modded my schedule at their whim and took away time that should have been mine, often for very little to no extra credit on my line. So eventually I changed the caller ID for them to my pimp, because thats exactly what they were.
Quote: I'm also wondering of those who are actively seeking to get out, how many have work experience in another field?
Why does it matter? The point is they're sick of this one.

The only thing keeping people flying is the actual love for it, if you take that away, there's no job satisfaction, no benefits, low pay and all the rest of it. That's why people are leaving. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Quote: Why does it matter? The point is they're sick of this one.

The only thing keeping people flying is the actual love for it, if you take that away, there's no job satisfaction, no benefits, low pay and all the rest of it. That's why people are leaving. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I love flying, Im pretty satisfied with my job, I have decent health insurance, have been able to travel around the globe and had a blast , the pay at my regional airline is decent past 1st year, and I have no intention of leaving even though I face 3+ years til upgrade. The airline biz does have its problems but it sure as heck beats running the rat race in the corporate world working for someone else. The juice is worth the squeeze for me, but it may not be for many others.

But like someone put it earlier, only you can know what you want to do with your life and what makes you happy. Some people are very comfortable and happy flying airplanes in the current environment, some aren't. The best advice is to purse a choice that will make you happy and improve your QOL. But be careful, the grass may not be as green on the other side as it appears
Actively looking to get out of this country's airline industry. Still want to fly, just not here. It's obvious my career would be better elsewhere.

Also actively trying to improve my home based small business. It boarders on irresponsibility to solely rely on an aviation career these days.

My advice to any prospective career pilot. Do not get an aviation degree. Or at least minor in aviation and major in something more portable.
Quote: This hyperbolic rant, more than any of your other posts, reflects a grossly unmet expectation.

How would your perspective be different if you had upgraded and were currently a reserve CA in EWR? What about if you were a lineholdier CA? How about if you had stayed at Colgan and now were a EWR Q400 CA?

Would you still be miserable in any of those circumstances?
If you think being a Q400 Captain and an airline like Colgan would make me happier, your out of your mind...........
Quote: Good post.

Question though: How long did you sit in the right seat before upgrade? Chances are, if you had a relatively quick upgrade your experience and outlook toward the industry is much different from a guy looking at years and years to the left seat.
I think JetJock and I are probably around the same seniority, so I will add a response as well. I sat 3 years in the right seat, 2 in the EMB, and 1 in the CRJ. This was by choice. I got comforatable with my QOL in the right seat by moving up the seniority list so quickly as upgrades at the time were 1 year in EMB, and about 1.5 years in the CRJ. I took the upgrade late, and sure enough they stopped the upgrades 1 class after I did. God only knows how much longer before we have any more upgrades here at SKYW, we are going on 2 years now since the last class. My guess is probably 2011 sometime. And you are correct, the outlook for someone looking at years in the right seat and commuting is going to be vastly different than from the left. It's really all luck of the draw for the most part. I'm sure someday my luck will run out, but that's just part of the experience in this industry, right!?
Quote: Joey Meatballs
Have you looked into something else? Friends?Family?Business Brokers? local chamber of commerce meeting? Opportunities exist you just have to find them. It is possible to stumble onto something (motivated seller due to death, divorce or retirement. Some business owners just want to throttle back) Good luck and good due diligence. The best deal is a sh1tty one you didnt make...
Fortunately for me, my family is very supportive, and my wife not only hates the industry but makes more money than I could ever at XJT, so its not like I am the one who puts food on the table. (I would actually like to be the one who pays the majority of the mortgage) I have been speaking with a good friend of mind who's family just had their year anniversary of opening up a carwash, so he is looking to get out from underneath that and go out on his own, we do have a few things we have always talked about, and the best part is, I can seriously pull down my flying here (ADV day trips) to pursue it, so in one respect this job is good for that.

Also whoever said take a look at salary.com, I don't care what you read, everyone around me (except for those I work with) makes close to, if not well over 100k/year, and IT, or middle management is not in their job description.

Some of you guys are calling me preachy, or me being guilty of "hyperbolic rants", it is what it is, I am just sharing how I feel and looking for input from those who have obviously felt the same
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