Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: As far as gates, couldn't they extend out the A gates like they did at T4 at JFK? That would give extra gate space and maybe all of our customers wouldn't have to take the train. I love going out of the B gates there.
As far as I know, a customs facility is supposed to be built beneath the A gates and we are going to get quite a few a gates. I think the 5 year plan includes what you are talking about with regards to expanding A concourse. Also include is either a tunnel or a bridge connecting A and S.

Quote: Anyone else having problems with DLNET? I can't get to the log in screen on my IPad.
Both dlnet and icrew are working fine from AMS.

Quote: Great... just when I've sold my house and have the move set up to take us to the OC in may!

As long as I don't end up doing a "John Cusack in 2012", it's all good!
LTD, no worries, come on out! You get used to them after awhile. We love it here! Its expensive, but its worth it. If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to PM me. We're not in the OC, we're up in Ventura County. Any base questions, parking, etc, just shoot me a note.

Buzz Calif dudes is nuts. As my daddy used to say, "Phoenix grows an acre an hour any time there's a natural disaster anywhere in Southern California". I'll watch for houses in the neighborhood
Quote: Firefox + AdBlockPlus add-on = no ads, ever.
Thanks works great!
Quote: Calif dudes is nuts. As my daddy used to say, "Phoenix grows an acre an hour any time there's a natural disaster anywhere in Southern California". I'll watch for houses in the neighborhood
The only real natural disasters we have in Cali are Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein and Waxman.....and Moonbeam Brown. Earthquakes pale in comparison.
[QUOTE=flyallnite;1612354]5.1 magnitude earthquake in LA... USGS shows aftershocks continuing... hope everyone is alright

I've lived in So Cal my entire life! That one got my attention it seemed roll more with a few jolts. Anything over a 5 makes gets my attention. My dog was not happy about the earth moving!!

But we have perfect weather here!
Pay raise
RA also thanked ----- people for participating in the annual employee survey that closed over the weekend with more than 55 percent of employee input, and noted the upcoming investing in you rollout that includes a pay increase for nearly all employees and the addition of a 5th week vacation effective April 1.

"You’re doing a great job operating the airline,” he said. “And when you do a great job operating the airline and you treat each other with dignity and respect and you take good care of our customers, we win in the marketplace. When we win in the marketplace, we can invest those wins back in you.”

So are we getting a pay raise and an extra week of vacation?
Quote: Calif dudes is nuts. As my daddy used to say, "Phoenix grows an acre an hour any time there's a natural disaster anywhere in Southern California". I'll watch for houses in the neighborhood
The threat of earthquakes helps keep the riff raff out. And by riff raff I mean anyone east of Palm Springs and north of Eureka.
Quote: That is a good question. I didn't mean to get a SLI argument going, but maybe an Alaska guy could give us a drive by answer and prevent a lot of speculation.

They have quite a few very young 737 CA over there...just had a 1 yr ALK FO in the j/s last week (he would love to fly the wide body out of SEA for DL/ALK)...most ALK guys are preparing for something like a SEA fence, and full relative 737 and smaller. Our FO's can count on WAY more stagnation. Hope it never happens!
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